Blue-eyed Demon (Ogbanje) | 20% to Teamg-nigeria

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

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"She's an Ogbanje."

I stopped walking to stare at the man who had uttered that statement after spitting on the floor. He was glaring at me with fire in his eyes. Such hatred.

"Blue–eyed demon," a woman shouted.

I swung my gaze to the woman and she cowered in fear, tightly holding the wrapper tied around her chest. Probably afraid I would use my demonic abilities on her.

Ogbanje? Blue–eyed demon?
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My mother had given birth to my twin sister seven minutes before I was born. Immediately I was born, my twin sister had died. Add the fact that I entered the world with mysterious blue eyes and everyone, everyone concluded I was a witch. An Ogbanje who was to bring misfortune to her family.

They were right. I was evil. I was a plague. I was a curse.

A stroke of a cane on my back brought me out of my thoughts.

"Move," the guard at my back shouted.

I couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. My hands were tied behind my back, and my legs were shackled to each other. A guard at my front and another at my back, making sure I couldn't run. I was like a dog being led to the slaughter house.

As instructed, I moved.

My father fell from a palm wine tree when I was two. And died.

My elder sister died next, from an unknown illness nobody could explain.

My mother died three years ago from an incurable infection.

The last to die was Ikenna. The love of my life who had died just this morning. I hadn't been allowed to grief before the villagers took me.

They said my sins were enough.

"We have gathered here to witness the end of Adaora, the Ogbanje." The King boomed.

"Kill her."

"She's a witch."

"A murderer."

As the butcher raised his sword to cut off my neck, I couldn't help but wonder what I had done wrong.

My only crime was being born.

Special thanks

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