Randomness Teaches You To Be A Better Person

in #life7 years ago

We judge ourselves by our best intentions. Deviating from this behavior is often attributed to an external factor beyond our control. Being on the defense serves our moral compass and sense of fairness. This brings a rather disturbing realization. We are all victims of our environment. Our relationships are just a chain reaction to each other's defensive stance.

Many do not fancy the idea of randomness for it removes responsibility. Some simple facts in our society though should convince even the toughest of skeptics. The vast majority of inmates come from poor and broken homes. Many inmates have attempted suicide, have harmed themselves or have been subject to abuse. Nothing is set in stone but a child that is brought up into such an environment has greater propensity to be rejected. Being born in a family is not a choice.

The West has pretty much being imperialistic for the longest part of recent history. We have devastated and enriched many of the countries that we see around us. We claim to be civilized but we produce the means of war more than any other countries that we call "uncivilized".

When we see so many people fleeing in our countries either as refugees or as economic immigrants we shouldn't be surprised. They have been working their asses off for pennies on the dollar for their entire lives. Seeing from TV how comfy we are certainly has made them more opportunist. After all they have been randomly born in a shitty country. They want what we have. We would be feeling much the same way in their position

A series of unfortunate events can turns ones life into shit in the same way a series of fortunate events does. When we drive our car to work in the morning we don't control the traffic or the drunk drivers. When we make applications for a job we don't control the whims and tastes of the Human Resources personnel. When we walk into a bar with friends and sit on a random table that has a specific view to a particular individual that we later marry, we also don't control any of those events.

We do chose to be careful in traffic and be as good as possible in writing that job application or approaching the girl of our dreams. Nonetheless, the stage and the players upon which everything is played out remains beyond our reach.


Randomness shows us that we are all pawns in a board game that we do not know neither our position or the rules. Much like Plato's cave, our event horizon is rather short. We can make out shades moving in a distance but never the actual thing. This realization alone should make us all more understanding towards each other. We are all trying to make it in a game that is innately unfair and unpredictable


Randomness, in a way, brings novelty.

Many of us get bored with life because we lack novelty. We, as humans, need change. We thrive on it, it is part of our very nature.

Without some degree of change, of randomness, our lives become dull and uninteresting, and become worse people for it.

Are you on steemit chat or discord? Would love to talk more in depth with you : )

nicely put. yes I am not steemit chat under the same name

Awesome! Looking forward to chatting with you

Many people harbour this shocking illusion that they are somehow in control, not only is this unwise from the perspective of wasting energy planning for things that may never happen, but also leads to a lot of emotional dis-appointment.
For example, the man or woman who longs after marriage, but cant find someone right for them. You cant force it, you have to respect the chaos; you can make a person marry you but you cant make a bad marriage last, at least not in happiness. So maybe you have to wait til you are 60 years old for that person to come into your life, its worth the wait, and you want to be available, surely.

We are all making it up as we go along, its one of the great levellers in life, some people get lucky and others flock to them desparate to know how they did it. The worse it is for these 'successful' people when they fail, as they became convinced they had the secret, yet they never did, just some luck.

The best we can do is recognise when the chaos gives us a chance to excercise our minute control, and to take that chance with 100% comittment, and hope the sand does not shift beneath our plans. Flexibility is the best technique we have, for staying alive until we die :)

Nice put. I think we need to hold onto the belief that we are in control because anything else really is scary.

Absolutely, when humans were hunter-gatherers, we didn't know when our next meal was coming or what it would be, then farming made food a bit more reliable and allowed permanent dwelling, but knowing when to plant and when to harvest was important; Astronomy lead to advancements and bore organized religions. You may notice religion is heavily centred around certainty and always knowing what to do. Pretty much everything since then has been an attempt to control the chaos, but even as we are now, at any moment an asteroid could hit the earth or a nearby supernova could almost instantly erase us out of existence.

Control is an illusion we cannot live without, we don't want to be hunter-gatherers anymore.

I sometimes think that we all live in a simulation, where our roles are distributed in advance, and we are to functioning on plan, which are not invented by us.

Sometimes a single "lucky" could move with level A to level B. But there they often feel "black sheep".
Because they of his circle have fallen out, and another circle to fit not can.

Remember the drama of Jack London "Martin Eden" or a novel Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"?

Yeap, great parallelism. I think humans need to be in control. this is why we have created government and gods to fill that void.

the moment we try to see the world from other persons narrative and act accordingly life will become easier for all of us

Randomness is a way of life for. Not really by choice but by ADHD. lol
Every single day is different for me.
I stay at home and take care of the 2 little girls and you would think everyday would be the same..
The duties are the same but I do things differently just about every time I do them.. lOl Just a part of the ADHD or a combo of Never wanting to be BORED..

Boredom is the enemy for me. As long as I can keep it fresh I can do the same duties over and over again.

Thank you for sharing and helping others to realize there could be more to experience and learn.

thank you for sharing your story

My pleasure!

Living in a world where People are judged by wealth & education produces a society where people are always trying to fit in based on other people's realities. Pawns? Yes! Rules? Get in where you fit in and don't define yourself through someone else's eyes. Be yourself.

Not only Randomness teaches us to be a better person but its role in probability, quantum mechanics, mathematics, games etc cannot be undermined.

we still need research on that realm

it touches my heart.......great post :) this should be remembered by each and every mankind on this earth

"You know the universe is chaos, but chaos plays favorites."

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