On Demons and The Spiritual - Part 4 - My Journey as a Speaker

Since this year, God has revealed to me to become a public speaker. Here is my Journey up until now of how far I have come. After that night of prayer I asked God what he wanted me to do with my life. Previously I had no ambition, no passion, nothing driving me forward in life. When I asked God what He wanted me to do, I was immediately given a vision of me speaking on a stage. Right there I knew He wanted me to become a speaker.

Starting Out

Directly after this, I was somewhat skeptical. I believed... but I wanted confirmation from God. I told God, if you really want me to do this, then when I bring up this issue to my roommate, let him accept my side of the argument. (We had a dispute about rent and he had gone back on his word about an issue). When I came up to Him I gave him my argument and why I thought he was in the wrong. Was he happy about it? No. He accepted my argument immediately but not too happy or mature about it. But that's all I needed.

Then I thought to myself, "I know God wants me to do this, so I will just wait for Him to show me when he wants to do it" (I was still new to hearing things from God at this time). 1 week later I lost my job at the Colorado Springs airport. Right there I knew that God was telling me I needed to get off my butt and start working on this public speaking stuff. So I did right away! I started doing some researching and found a conference called the SCORRE Conference which will be held in Pennsylvania this year. I felt God calling me to go to this conference. So I started making plans.

Raising Money

Doing the research I figured out that it would take about $2800 just for me to go to this conference! At this point I had really started to learn to trust in God. So I decided to start raising money. I had 4 months to raise $2800 and on top of that take care of myself. I started a GoFundMe (that if you want to see you can go to http://www.gofundme.com/scorre-conference) Over the past few months I have been raising money, and as of a couple of days ago I have officially raised enough money for me to go to the conference. Below are some stories about how God has worked in me and through me since then.

My First Speech

My very first speech was to the youth group of my local church that I was going to at the time. I had a very humble audience of 6 or 7 kids. The speech went over really well and I was able to reach them. Exactly what God is calling me to do!

The Fundraising

Fundraising was somewhat of a challenge. I contacted a lot of people and for the most part was doing a lot of campaigning. Talking to people, telling them my story, and asking for financial support.

There was one instance that God really worked in me, further confirming and cementing in my mind the fact that he wanted me to do all of this. One day I was talking with a friend about spiritual matters. Afterwards she was driving home and gets in a car accident. I felt sympathy for her but didn't think too much of it. Then the next day it hit me that I didn't pray for protection over her. And I started feeling guilty, just really beating myself up because I felt it was my fault that she got in that car accident.

Then all of the sudden I remembered. The Bible says that Satan himself has the role of the Accuser. I started realizing what was behind all of these feelings of and I started praying to God and rebuking Satan. For hours on end until 3 in the morning. Just after 3 in the morning those thoughts left me. The next day I had two other things that tested me. The last one being that I defended my faith in front of about 15 other people at my workplace. Which was a really hard conversation for me. Towards the end I started really feeling down about myself. No regret, but more of just feeling exhausted, and somewhat negative about the whole situation.

Literally an hour and a half later a friend of mine donated $500 to the campaign. Absolutely amazing! Not only did he do this, But he donated large amounts 3 other times!

My Second Speech

The second speech that I gave was to my college group that I attend. This audience was a pretty decent amount more than the last one. With 30-40 kids I had their attention so well you could have heard a pin drop. And I spoke to them about God's plan for their life, and a way to find it. So many of them were touched and to this day I'm still hearing about how God has worked in these kids lives from this speech. Its absolutely humbling and amazing to hear about all of what God is doing.

I will admit. This is a little bit of a different format for my writing but I felt the need to recount some of the stuff that God has been doing in my life. I never knew how amazing this year would be, but from the beginning I knew that it would be a very good year.

Thank you for your support. If you haven't already please read my previous articles "On Demons and the Spiritual".
My Story
On Demons and the Spiritual - Part 1 - Introduction
On Demons and the Spiritual - Part 2 - A Divine Appointment
On Demons and the Spiritual - Part 3 - Unseen Ties

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It's always good to remember and recount all the things that God has done. :)

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