Philosophical Metaphysics and the Categories of Being (Foundations of the Trivium Method)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

We use words to describe and categorize what we see and understand about reality. Word symbols and language are at the core of philosophical metaphysics as first demonstrated by Aristotle. Aristotle described a model or framework to structure and classify the various aspects of reality. These are known as Categories of Being.

Philosophical metaphysics and language are crucial foundational blocks in progressing with the Trivium Methodology.


Word symbols are important. They are used to represent, reference and correspond to something. We can invent words to reference something real that actually exists in objective existence, but also something imagined that only "exists" in our subjective consciousness. Just because something can be imagined in the "light" of our mind's eye, does not necessarily mean it exists in the light of reality. Perception is not de facto reality. Perception in consciousness does not dictate an automatic reference for existence in reality.

The real things we can reference with word symbols and language are objective in reality. The basics of this are as follows. Things 1) exist in themselves, either as particular primary substances (iron, KrNel) and universal secondary substances that are said of primary substances (metal, human); or 2) they exist in something else, as being conditionally accidental, that are dependent on the substances and may or may not be present in some primary substances or another (green, red, blue; tall, short; wide, narrow).

I will skip the technical specifics of understanding this for now, as it involves complex terminology that would take long to explain clearly and divert from the purpose of this introductory material. This flow chart will give you an idea of how it works though. Please go read more about the categories of being and philosophical metaphysics if you are interested to understand more. If you want me to do more work/posts on it, let me know as well.


Some aspects of reality can easily show themselves, such as a physical object (primary substance, particular), it's grouping-order categorization (secondary substance, universal), or colors, size, shapes, etc. (contingent accidents that are dependent on substances). Accidents are non-substances, not existing in themselves, but exist and seen through the primary or secondary substances.

If something is in reality, we can objectively, demonstrably and ostensibly point to it, either as a being in itself, a being said of a being in itself, or a being present in one of the former two.

The conceptual things we can reference with word symbols and language, that don't exist purely in themselves or in another, can also be real, but they can be unreal. Words describe aspects of reality that are there, or we imagine they are there. This is where it gets trickier. It's easy to see a color or size present in something else, but some of these accidental qualities can be measured, some of them can't but we can see them expressed in reality in some form.

Some things are purely fictional from our imagination in attempts to invent answers to questions about reality, about our origins, about the universe's beginning, about our purpose, etc. We can easily fool ourselves with trying to invent answers to questions that create a gap, void, abyss and darkness in our attempt to understand reality. When we invent a question with no answer, it creates a gap, and makes us uncomfortable, uneasy, insecure and fearful of that unknown aspect of reality. Then we scramble in imagination to invent an answer to fill that gap of comprehension created by the question.

For example, actions exist in reality, but they aren't a color, they don't have shape or size, they are dependent and contingent upon something to create them into existence. A causal agent, a particular primary substance, is required to create, manifest and generate an action into existence. Prior to that creative act, the action did not exist. Actions are not permanent accidental properties and qualities, like the color green is for a plant. A color is created and can remain to persist in time and space for recognition and identification. Actions are created but do not persist in time and space for them be recognized and identified, just as events appear then fade. Regardless, actions are objective, demonstrable and ostensive.

With that basic understanding, we can better understand the importance of language to further grasp and make sense of reality and higher order constructs, models and frameworks to reference the variability, diversity and multiplicity of the complexity within reality. Truth, existence, reality and the universe is complex, despite some truths being simply explained, they are not so simple when looked at more closely, depth and higher definition detail.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Another way to look at this concepts and call it "Praxis", the spiraling in the cycles of human interaction and creation of ideas in reality.
From ancient Greek to Marxist and existentialist philosophies it has been embedded in the concept of Being and the Construction of the Self .
"Definition from wikipedia:"
Praxis (Ancient Greek: πρᾶξις) is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realized. "Praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practising ideas.
praxis (πρᾶξις) referred to activity engaged in by free people. The philosopher Aristotle held that there were three basic activities of humans: theoria (thinking), poiesis (making), and praxis (doing)

Indeed, philosophy is the love of wisdom, which is to love the wisdom of right-actions. Thinking leads to doing. Bring in the moral truth and embody it.

From ancient Greek to Marxist and existentialist philosophies it has been embedded in the concept of Being and the Construction of the Self .

question: did it help prevent the unprecedented crisis humanity is faced with?

I basically think that philosophy has been on its death bed for almost 2000 years. Nothing really major has been discovered since then... here comes the revolution of the Mind!

Imagine a world without word symbols or language. It'll probably be frustrating but you can't describe it as frustrating because the description wouldn't even exist. Sorry, weird random thought at 2:30 am. Moving on, I was initially confused when you said

Actions are created but do not persist in time and space for them be recognized and identified, just as events appear then fade.

Because we have history books recording actions with all the cause and effect. Until I realized you meant actions as not fixed in existence the way green being green or humans being humans are. Because after we recognize that oh the plant is green, it will still be there physically as a plant and something green for the next people to see it as a green plant. Whereas in actions, if I move my hand from left to right, after that it's just done with. Or did I misunderstand it? Speaking of actions being created, I should get to catching up on steemit readings.

Because after we recognize that oh the plant is green, it will still be there physically as a plant and something green for the next people to see it as a green plant. Whereas in actions, if I move my hand from left to right, after that it's just done with.

Indeed, that's why I often elaborate on things which takes up more text and makes things longer, but it's often needed as short sayings can be ambiguous to a reader hehe.

Your blogs are full of valuable informations. Happy to read you! 100% upvote!enter image description here

Sweet! Thanks for reading, enjoying and supporting Peter :)

Your posts are very valuable and useful Sir @krnel, is full of learning, happy to be always read your postings, because little by little science I will grow. very interesting. Upvote and Resteem.

Thanks for taking the time to read and learn, and for the support :)

I learned better from you then I did in my classes . Words actually help to categorize things into meaning without meaning , what does anything actually mean ? Objects wouldn't be able to be put into words either @krnel great context you provided us

Thanks :)

Good article.

"Some things are purely fictional from our imagination in attempts to invent answers to questions about reality, about our origins, about the universe's beginning, about our purpose, etc. "

I enjoy the way you right. The topic is something that we still do not completely understand. I also believe we are still in our infancy stage of understanding our true power. The universe is definitely complex and we are slowly opening our eyes to the truth!

Indeed we are, truth takes time.

Just amazing. Have upvoted resteemed and followed.

Actions are created but do not persist in time and space for them be recognized and identified, just as events appear then fade.

That is not true, all actions have aftermaths in the long, medium and short term. It is very common to see that a consequence of a choice can affect us yearssssssss later. This is because the relation of 'cause and effect' continually evolves in the Universe where time is the eternal present. Hence any action can affect us back at any moment. In many instances, well always, our choice affect others, even people we dont know directly, because of the ripple effect of our actions. The most obvious example is war, people think we can go bomb other nations without any impunity, even if their nation is the victor.

If people could think of their actions and thoughts a little bit more, they would not only think twice/thrice but we'd have achieved world peace by now

I consider myself as a metathinker :)

Yes, you see the effect, but not necessarily the cause if it's not done in front of you. A cause can be deduced, even years later indeed. But that cause isn't present. Events fade in time. Actions occur in time, they are not constant. People can't verify the action later, was the point, yet they are still objective because they have an effect in reality (for the most part).

in my premise, cause and effect intertwin. I see what you mean though, but I would argue that it is the level of awareness that will help link action and cause. Although I do not see what people do, yet I can see how they affect my life because I know. It is like the federal reserve's printing press destroying the purchasing power of the dollar daily more and more, and causing inflation (prices increase). There are many examples like this. Your statement is not absolute :)

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