The blocktrades contest: We have very nice birdshouses in the park not far from my house. It is in our hands to save somebody`s life so let`s do it!

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear friends!
I was very happy to know about the contest by @anomadsoul and thank you @blocktrades for your sponsorship. It is really very noble to support people who do not give up blogging even in difficult periods. I do not think that I am the best author on Steemit. Besides, I am from Ukraine and English is not my native language. That is why I often have problems with translation. But I really love this platform. I joined Steemit in 2016 and it is the first platform where I started blogging. I never gave up and was blogging at its best and worst times. I made posts on Steemit when Steem price was just a few cents and continued doing this when its price was 8 dollars. Steemit became a part of my life. When something interesting happens in my life, I hurry to this platform to share the news and thoughts with my Steemit friends. They are like my second family here. I have known these people for a long time and my life is not indifferent for them. My Steemit friends read my life stories and together with me, rejoice in my success or sympathize with me if I have problems. I am not a scientist or famous businesswoman. I am just a usual girl and that is why most of my posts are dedicated to my life and family and I am happy that there are so many people on Steemit who like reading them. There was one case - I and my sister went to the country-house and we had problems with internet there so we could not blog for 5 days. When I came back home, there were a plenty of messages on my Discord from people all over the world. Our Steemit friends were worried that we disappeared and were not blogging. It was so pleasant, I should say! That is why I can not stop making posts even if the Steem price is just 0,38 or even less.

Steemit is a wonderful platform that united people all over the world and I am very proud to be a member of this large and friendly family. Let`s make our platform the strongest, Steem on dear friends!

And this is a link to the post I made a few days ago


Мне понравилось!
И я тоже приняла участие)
Только пишется - не больше 20 строк
"Make a new post and in no more than 20 lines"
Я очень долго обрезала свой большой пост, чтоб уложиться в эти самые 20 строк! :-)

Ну у меня на компе где-то 25 вышло, видела посты и побольше, а вообще, я не надеюсь выиграть. Как назло, за последнюю неделю не написала ни одного поста, который бы мне понравился)


Очень искреннее обращение к друзьям, @kristinaljfom Кристиночка! Пусть всё в вашей жизни будет отлично! А фотография просто супер!

Спасибо большое, Вы тоже можете принять участие в конкурсе)

Крістінко, мила, дякую за добре твоє серце!
З'явилась ти, мов Зіронька, у мене на путі.
Неначе соловейко вже Весні співає скерцо -
Так радісно і затишно мені тепер в житті!

Бажаю щиро, дівчинко, тобі всього найкращого!
Кохай і будь коханою, лети на крилах мрій!
Хай шлях твій м'яко стелеться, неначе маслом змащений!
І хай усе збувається, що хочеться самій!

Спасибо огромное, мне очень-очень приятно, от души Вас обнимаю и желаю хорошего дня)

Your English is good and better than me. I am also not good at writing and speaking. Haha. Let's move together.

Yes dear, I hope we will be successful on Steemit one day)

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