Travel with Kris to the United States #2 -Los Angeles Part 2 美國落杉磯旅記 Part2

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemit Friends, hope you are doing good today! Today I am going to share my second part of travel experience in lalaland. As you may remember, I explored downtown LA in my last post. However, I forgot to mention Grand Central Market that worth sharing in this area. So, I decide to start today's adventure with this place.

Steemit的朋友大家好,在加州洛杉磯Part1跟大家分享了幾個洛杉磯市中心的景點和Urban light ,謝謝大家的支持。今天想分享Part2的洛杉磯遊記,先由另一個在洛杉磯市中心的市場,Grand Central Market開始吧。

1.Grand Central Market

Grand Central Market is the oldest and largest public market which has opened since 1917. According to the market's website, it has more than 90 vendors selling grocery, baked goods, flowers, coffee, etc. This market has been continuously reflected the evolution of LA's food culture. The market has continued his mission," Our commitment is to preserve the legacy of a historic downtown landmark, to gather the city’s many communities around a shared table, and to nurture the next generation of local businesses". It has different country cuisine to choose from but today we are going to have breakfast in Eggslut. I highly recommend this place to people who love eggs.

Grand Central Market是洛杉磯最老的傳統市場,在1917年正式啟用,對外開放。根據Grand Central Market的網站,這個市場有超過90家不同的商舖,由賣蔬果,乾貨到咖啡,鮮花。這不只是一個市場更是美國歷史悠久的地標景點。它反映著美國食物文化的發展,更重要的是𥚃面藏了不少美食餐廳:P 身為食貨的我怎麼能夠錯過這個市場呢!今天跟大家分享市場內最火的餐廳,EggSlut。

You can find different grocery in this market.



Located across from Grand Central Market, here is the world’s shortest railway, Angels Flightoriginally opened in 1901. Another iconic attraction in LA.

Grand Central在South Hill St這一邊的入口,對面是最世界最短的繩索鐵路,Angels Flight Railway。

2.Egg Slut

According to their web, they started this restaurant to offer a product that they think missed from this market and they truly passionate about, egg. Their menu is simple and short, focusing on different kind of egg sandwiches and egg breakfasts. The queue for their eggy sandwiches was very long that wrapped around their booth. After 45 minutes wait, finally it's my turn to order. I ordered a Cheese Burger for breakfast. After ordering, I realised that Slut, cage-free coddled egg on top of a smooth potato purée, poached in a glass jar is their signature dish. What a pity I didn't order this. But the cheese burger is as good as everyone claim and definitely worth the wait.

Egg Slut在進駐Grand Central Market前,是一間超人氣的蛋料理餐車,被不少美食雜誌評選為最好吃的美式料理。Eggslut的菜單只有不到10樣,最大特色是自制的手工麵包和使用有機蛋制作的蛋料理。位於GCM S Broadway這一側入口的門口位置,我們早上10:30到達GCM,門口已經大排長龍,我們都愣了一下,只好跟著排隊。排了45分鐘,終於到我們了,我點了個安格斯牛肉芝士漢堡。之後發現,原來Slut才是他們的招牌菜,Slut是透明玻璃罐裝著水波蛋,底層鋪了厚厚的薯溶,搭配全麥的酥脆麵包。還好我的安格斯牛肉漢堡也好好食,麵包鬆軟,牛肉鮮嫩多汁再配上蛋汁和焦糖洋蔥,一口咬下去,真的超級滿足。

There are some bar table seats in front of the open kitchen


Cheese Burger, ground angus beef, cage-free over medium egg, caramelized onions, bread and butter pickles, cheddar cheese, and dijonnaise in a warm brioche bun*


This is the Signature dish, Slut-cage-free coddled egg on top of a smooth potato purée, poached in a glass jar, topped with gray salt and chives, served with slices of baguette


There is always a queue for Egg Slut even on weekdays


The Cheese Burger is as good as everyone claim. The brioche bun is warm and fluffy that goes with the beef,egg and cheese inside. It was incredibly delicious.



Driving 30 miles to the West from DTLA, we get to the Sport Fishing Pier in Malibu. Malibu has the most beautiful stretches coastline along the Pacific and Highway One. Numerous hiking trails and almost three dozen of beaches can be found here. Surfrider Beach is a popular surfing spot in Malibu for world-class or experienced surfers as it has the most surf breaks on the Pacific Coast. The cave-like rocks and cliffs of El Matador State Beach is another popular beach in Malibu. It's like a heaven for surfers, nature lovers and hikers. Other than sunbathing, you can rent water equipments like paddle boards, kayaks and surfboard to explore Malibu. Today, we just walk along a gorgeous sport fishing pier and lean over the rails of the pier watching people playing paddle boards and fishing.

說起加州,我想很多人都會想起陽光與海灘,所以我的加州遊記,怎麼可以少了Malibu這個美麗的地方。Malibu擁有27英里長的太平洋海岸線美景,沿著一号公路駕駛,有30幾個大大小小不同風情的海灘和不同的遠足徑。當中的Surfrider Beach以衝浪著名,而El Matador State Beach側以獨特的岩岸著名。沒有帶游泳衣的我只好在附近的Malibu Pier走走。今天的天氣很好,天空沒有一朵白雲,走在橋上, 曬著暖暖的陽光,吹著徐徐的海風,欣賞著美麗的太平洋海岸線.

Here's the entry of the sport fishing pier

這是Malibu Pier的入口

After enter, we see a pier cafe called Malibu Farm. My friend said they have very good cauliflower pizza and chocolate cake. Seatings at the walkway enjoy a meal with companion of pacific ocean and the sun sounds like a great idea.


A scenic viewpoint of the pier


People are fishing and playing paddle boards

碼頭的盡頭有不少人在釣魚,往下看,很多人在玩Paddle Board(立漿衝浪)。

It's a bright and sunny day with gentle wind blew against my face


I think I will end this post here. Hope you enjoy this post today!


Thanks for your time. Wish you all have a wonderful day.

Please Upvote and Follow Me and Be friend

Much Love! Kris xx


請關注我,我會繼續分享更多好文給大家,謝謝大家 :)


I really liked the colors. Composition of your picture is simply perfect.

Thank you:)

Wonderful post!

Lovely photos @krischy . Following you. keep going

Amazing article @krischy. I personally want to visit the U.S for quite some time now. Lively to see you having the opportunity to do so :)
I would like to wish you all the best of adventures in Life and best of luck here on the platform .
Goldie ♡

P.S you look adorable ^^☜(゚ヮ゚☜) tehehehehhe

Thank you for your kind word and blessing ,Goldie. >V< US is definitely worth traveling to.

Beautiful photos! Always neat to see parts of the world I've not had the opportunity to visit. Thank you for sharing!

Great post! Usa is my dream. Only god knows if it will happen! Anyways good on you, u making it happen for you! Keep it coming! And also you would love this recent post, i thought, u be interested!

Thank you! :P I love your post that I resteem it. Western Ghats is very beautiful ><

美女!! 下次要帶我去玩paddle board ~

Yeah!好啊,我都想玩paddle board:P

Such an interesting post, I have been to the market but somehow I missed the cable car/train thing, that Speciality egg dish looks so good if I ever make it back there for sure I will have to try it

Thank you for your comment. If you want to try that egg dish, be prepared to wait for at least half an hour. It's SOOO popular that there is always a queue. But it definitely worth waiting for :)

Thanks good info to know so wont go there if I am starving and cant wait :)

nice pictures and pretty girl ! thanks your post !

Thank you!

I like all, but Malibu is my favor. Nice post :)

Thank you, I like Malibu too. Beaches and sunshine are the best :P

I hope you will take me there sometimes :P

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