Week#1 Curation Report (June Session)| Finance & Technology | Quality Control Team| @steemcurator05

in Steem POD Team2 years ago


Hi steemians,

Thursday, June 09, 2022 was the closing day of the first week of the June session of the curation mission, which is secured by the Quality Control team, who had one of his members withdraw for personal reasons, but work continued as usual and without disruption, and he was replaced next week by member @ozenozge, who we hope success among us and we are sure of its brilliance due to the high quality of its publications.

In short, this week has seen an increase in the number of articles that fall under our main tag #fintech, as we upvoted around 131 articles against the jump of 96 other pieces of content, bringing the total to 227 articles, an increase of 10 % compared to last week, and although the accepted articles exceed their counterparts, but we want to reduce them as much as possible, which is easy for the user, he only has to follow our notes and instructions, but during one week.

Only one plagiarism was also discovered, and despite their rarity, we do not favor their presence at all in the areas on which we upvote. And now we move on for more details in the statistics and observations provided by each member.


Number of curated, plagiarized and skipped articles per day:


Number of posts per Domain


Number of posts per Club Status


Number of posts per Language



The observations of our curators :

@irawandedy 1st-day

In the curation period 03 June 2022 I have checked 30 posts, but 11 posts I left because they are not relevant to the Theme to be curated, 2 posts have been curated 3x over a 7 day period and 2 posts are not joined in the club. In general, I found a lot of content that used #fintech tagging, but contrary to the discussion required for curation support, so I ignored it, especially since they used upvote bot services, then there were several accounts that had a suspicious history of ownership.

There are 15 Upvotes received by users today, if grouped by language use, 12 content is in English and 3 content is in Indonesian. Meanwhile, when viewed from club status, users who are members of club5050 get support for 8 posts, 3 content with club75 and for club100 4 posts.

No Club : For curation, I prioritize accounts that are members of clubs, and a curation scheme by giving a higher percentage of votes if the club status is in club100 or club75, but the quality of content remains an important point. I hope the curation method that I apply will trigger them to continuously improve their club status from time to time.


We received a large volume of articles under our tag for today, much more than in the previous weeks. Obviously, there were many articles received but not all were detailed articles or let's say, not outstanding. A few articles are very short barely above 300 words, yet lack in-depth analysis.

For today, finance-related articles curated were much more than their counterpart technology-related articles, after the number of curated articles in the former doubled the number of curated articles in the latter.

Though the quality for today was very low despite the large volume, I have given upvotes to all articles that meet the basic criteria for checking under our tag. We hope the volume would stay up with increased quality in the coming weeks.

@kouba01 3rd-day

The first week of this session witnessed an average participation, as 17 articles were voted on in varying proportions, according to the status of the club to which the user belongs, in addition to the level of writing available in the article, and we go into detailing this number.

Most of the articles were distributed in three languages distributed as follows: 88% in English, 6% in Spanish, and 6% in Turkish. We also noted the imbalance between the two areas (70% for finance and 18% for technology), as I mentioned earlier that most articles written in technology participated under another tag. On the other hand, this week witnessed an improvement in articles belonging to club100 club by 35% compared to 47% for club5050 and 18% club75, which is encouraging to users' desire to get a higher vote rate.

In addition, 16 articles were rejected for a variety of reasons, the most important being the low level of writing or the lack of club membership. We also noticed many articles that are part of the challenge contest, which were voted by SC02, so two votes cannot be tapped at the same time, and more than one tag cannot be combined in the same article.

@shemul21 4th-day

Despite the fact that I haven't received many posts today, I have received a good amount of them. And the authors are gradually improving their club status. I had to skip some irrelevant or low-quality posts. I've left comments on their posts from people who don't care about the club event. This week, I didn't receive any plagiarized posts.

@kouba01 5th-day

As the first week of the June season, I voted for 16 articles, a number in the overall average, with varying percentages being voted according to several criteria, the most important of which are the status of the club to which the user belongs, as well as the value and quality of the content.

Most of the articles were written in three languages distributed as follows: 81% in English, 12% in Spanish, and 7% in Indonesian. We also noted the imbalance between the two areas (75% for finance and 25% for technology), as most articles written in technology participated under the Learnwithsteem tag. On the other hand, there is a gap in the percentage of users belonging to Club5050, 19%, Club75, 68%, and Club100, 13%, and as usual we invite most users to join Club75 and Club100 to get higher voting value.

On the other hand, 20 articles were rejected for several reasons, the most important of which is the low level of writing or the absence of club membership. We also noticed many articles that are part of the challenge contest, which were voted by SC02, so two votes cannot be tapped at the same time, nor can more than one tag be combined in the same article.

One article was also seized for plagiarism, and its writer has been alerted and the supervisors have been notified.

@pelon53 6th-day

The summary of my curation day was as follows: This week I found few high quality posts, I think there are users who are not posting, because they make little profit, due to the current value of Steem. However, I did find 15 posts that met the criteria for a positive vote.

I ignored 10 posts because their content was of low quality and didn't even reach 300 words. For several of them, I left a comment for them to take note and improve their research.

I also ignored 5 posts because they did not belong to a club. Some were encouraged to join at least the Club5050.

@chiabertrand 7th-day

During my Curation this week, there was a great improvement in terms of content quality. As usual, I had to skip a few articles because of several reasons as I will be explaining below

A few articles where content not related to my area of interest which was #Fintech, other articles were the ones which users are miss using the #club tag or don't belong to any #club, or don't support their fellow users by up-voting on their articles

Other skipped articles were articles for which the authors had already received support from SC05 account 3X in the past 7-days

I had to reward the MODs/Admins that reviewed articles in their Communities. Please I call on all MODs and Admins to always endeavor to check and review articles published In their Communities, this will always help ease work for the curators

There was still a great increase in the number of articles belonging to #Finance as compared to #Technology. There is a drastic decrease in the number of published articles under #Technology this past weeks.

The 7 best articles selected

The article : Link
The author:@maulidar
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@irawandedy


In the curation period Friday, June 03, 2022, I chose a post with the theme "Steem-Business Promo | Sate Apaleh Geurugok Culinary Business Review [SAG Food Business]" as the Best Post, The selection of this content as a Top Post is based on the quality of informative content, the author tries to review the Satee Business well, reviews well about the object being reviewed, for example convenience and service, the taste of satee is described well through the processing process.

The article : Link
The author:@badmus-official
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@fredquantum


The author of this article has discussed some medicinal plants that could be of use for an individual to take of certain health issues or maintain a healthy body system. The user article highlighted 5 locally available medicinal plants and their great importance.

The article brought the audience closer to those home remedies they might have ignored before and shows how important they are to our health, some of the medicinal plants considered are Amla, Valerian, ginger, and so on. After considering a few factors, this article takes the top spot of the day.

The article : Link
The author:@gidsbrown
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@kouba01


The writer presented a good article in which he touched on the transportation problem that worries most of the owners of projects in his area, including himself, since he still has not obtained a store, so his trade remains under threat of theft or damage, which forces him to move it from one place to another every time. Which has become difficult with the high prices of fuel, so it has become an additional burden for them due to the obligation to rent motorcycles. What I applaud our writer for is his continuation to work despite the difficulties that compelled his colleagues to withdraw, and I would like to tell him that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Good luck to you.


The article : Link
The author:@yuliadi
Club status: #club75
Chosen by: @Shemul21


I have selected this post as the featured post for this week. The author shared his own business that is a medicine shop business in his local area. It is a well-known business for people from all over the world. It's a real business.

The article : Link
The author:@solexybaba
Club status: #club5050
Chosen by:@kouba01


The author of the article studied the issue of market making and its impact on providing liquidity in the cryptocurrency market, explaining this concept in an understandable and simplified manner by explaining its idea and how to carry out this process by what they call market makers, concluding the article by presenting its most important benefits and drawbacks.

The article : Link
The author:@lili17
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@pelon53


In this post, the author informs us about the possibility of the company BitBase implementing Bitcoin ATMs in Venezuela.

Due to the economic situation that Venezuela is going through, this option would be a good possibility, because many Venezuelans are looking for other alternatives, such as cryptocurrencies, to be able to solve their economy.

The article : Link
The author:@mato445
Club status: #club100
Chosen by:@chiabertrand


During curation this week, I came across this user's article in which he carried out an explicit review on "Binance NFT marketplace". In his review, he showed us how we can sign up to Binance, How we can list NFTs for sale on the Binance marketplace, all its transaction fees, and the categories of NFTs available on Binance, he successfully listed his MOBOX Avatar NFT for sale on Binance NFT Marketplace. At the end, he concluded by telling us the pros and cons of this marketplace and gave us good reasons why we should choose this marketplace


Best Regards,
Our Curation Team

@kouba01 - #club100
@Shemul21 - #club100
@pelon53 - #club100
@fredquantum - #club75
@irawandedy - #club100
@chiabertrand- #club75





It's an honor to join this team😊 Thank you for including me in your wonderful team🙏🏻🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

You are highly welcome in to Quality Control Team dear

Thanks for your warm welcome🤗

Congratulations my friend, I am sure you will have great contributions :)

Teşekkür ederim❤️❤️

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your report.

Note that one of your selected posts is using images from a non copyright free source - iStock...

Yes , i got the message, and i have successfully remove the non-copyright images and replace them with the free ones, i was on a month free trail reason why i thought i could use that.

Thanks You!!

 2 years ago 

Congratulations to the selected articles. Good job on this detail report sir @kouba01. Success success ahead team "Quality Control".

thank you for including my article with them in the list, hopefully useful. and also congratulations to other friends who have done so well by curating us... ...stay healthy everyone and keep developing more beautiful articles.

 2 years ago 

Keep spirit and continue to be part of the Fintech theme

Terima kasih banyak

Wow, I am short of words. I never knew a low reputation fellow like me can actually stand the chance to be picked as one of the week best article writers. thank you so much @kouba01 for noticing me. I am grateful. this is a huge encouragement to me, and I will continue in this manner. and congratulations to all selected articles. Greetings to you all!

Gracias que honor en verdad y por ese apoyo que he tenido de verdad mil bendiciones

It is with great joy that I say a big Thank you to you my professor @kouba01 for selecting my publication as one of the best articles. thank you sir for your unrelenting support to us all, I so much appreciate. and also congratulations to my fellow winners. I bid you all a warm evening from my country.

Congrats to all the winners👋👋👍

Going through this post I can see effort and quality thank you.

And fintech is really trying and carrying everyone along

 2 years ago 

Firstly, I will like to appreciate the effort of the team leader of the Quality Control Team for the great effort put in to collate data from different curation days to come up with this awesome report, more grease to your elbow, @kouba01. To all team members that made this a success, I appreciate you all.

Congratulations to all the authors that made it to the top spots for the week, keep doing great and I wish you more breakthroughs ahead. #Steem-on.

Congratulations to all the authors that have been nominated, thank you @chiabertrand for nominating my post.

Great report from @kouba01, Steem on 🚀

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