SEC-S20W2 | My Business Ideas |Capital Management

in #dtt-sc20w2last month

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Edited by Canva

Hello steemians,

I have always been passionate about education and technology. Since I started teaching, I noticed how essential digital skills have become to succeed in professional life, regardless of the industry. However, in many regions, including my own, access to these skills remains limited, especially for young people. This reality gave me the idea to launch a company that combines my expertise in education and my passion for technology: an online platform dedicated to learning digital skills. I propose to name the platform DigiLearnHub. This name reflects the focus on digital learning "DigiLearn" while evoking a centralized and accessible space for everyone "Hub" to acquire essential skills in the digital domain.

Please tell us about your initial investment value in terms of Steem as well as in US$, and how you manage it

My business idea requires an initial investment of 14,230 STEEM, or approximately 2,500 USD, based on current conversion rates. This investment is split between several key aspects of launching the business, including platform development, content creation, and marketing and promotion activities. Below is a detailed description of each investment category, along with the expected amounts.


CategoryDescriptionEstimated Amount (STEEM)Estimated Amount (USD)
Platform DevelopmentBuilding technical infrastructure, purchasing servers, software, developing interactive features7,1141,250
Content CreationDeveloping quality digital courses (tutorial videos, interactive documents, hands-on projects)4,268750
Marketing and promotionPromotion via social networks, specialized forums, and purchase of online advertising to attract users2,846500

Details by category:

The Platform development category represents the largest share of the initial investment, with (1,250 USD) allocated. This includes the purchase of servers to host the platform, the acquisition of necessary software for managing online courses and interactive features, and the development of tools allowing users to learn through hands-on exercises and real-time projects on the platform.

For Content Creation, (750 USD) will be invested to ensure high-quality learning material. This includes producing professional tutorial videos, creating interactive documents and downloadable resources for students, and setting up practical projects that allow users to apply what they’ve learned in a simulated environment, enhancing their experience.

Marketing and Promotion is allocated (500 USD) to implement an effective strategy for attracting users. This will involve social media promotion through targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, online advertising on specialized education sites, and forming partnerships with digital learning forums. Every expense is carefully reviewed to optimize the investment’s impact, ensuring strategic use of funds across platform development, content creation, and marketing efforts.

A profit and loss statement is commonly known as a statement that shows details of your business's revenue and expenses over a period that we calculate on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. How do you determine whether your business made a profit or loss during a stipulated period?

To determine whether my business is making a profit or a loss over a given period, I rely on a monthly income statement. This essential document provides an overview of the revenue generated and expenses incurred over the month. This allows me to closely monitor the financial health of my business and take corrective measures as needed. Here is the process in detail:

Calculating Revenue

My business’s revenue comes mainly from three sources. The first is paid subscriptions, where users can access some content for free, but more specialized courses or certifications require a paid subscription. The second source is partnerships with companies, which could involve technology companies or local businesses sponsoring courses or offering internships to learners, with financial contributions or advertising agreements on the platform. Lastly, online ads will be integrated once the platform has a significant audience, generating additional revenue through banners, video ads, or promotions from companies aligned with digital education. Each month, I record the revenue from these sources to get a clear picture of the incoming funds.

Calculating Expenses

The company’s monthly expenses are spread across several essential areas. Website development includes continuous platform improvement, technical maintenance, server updates, and user experience optimization. Salaries and compensation are paid to content creators, developers, and other staff, as regular updates and new course additions are key to maintaining the platform’s quality. Marketing and promotion expenses cover social media ads, influencer partnerships, and online advertising. Finally, management costs include administrative expenses like bank fees, software licenses, and operational costs. Each expense is recorded in the income statement, and I distinguish between fixed costs (salaries, hosting) and variable costs (advertising, promotions).

Financial Results Analysis

At the end of each month, I calculate whether the company has made a profit or a loss. If revenue exceeds expenses, the surplus is either reinvested into improving the platform or saved for future investments. If expenses exceed revenue, a loss is recorded, and I quickly identify potential causes, such as overspending on marketing or unforeseen development costs, to make necessary adjustments.

Did you take any loans or working capital for your business from any financial institute?

To date, I have not taken out a loan or working capital from a financial institution to finance my business. I chose to start this initiative with my own funds, mainly using STEEM. This approach has allowed me to remain independent and not be subject to repayment obligations or interest that could weigh on the company’s finances, especially in the early stages of the project. Self-financing also allows me to maintain complete flexibility in managing the company.

By adopting a prudent approach, I ensure that the company operates with strictly controlled expenses. My goal is to dedicate resources to key aspects of development, such as creating the platform and educational content, while investing in marketing campaigns to attract users. This responsible management of resources allows me to launch the project on solid foundations, without depending on external debt.

However, I remain open to the possibility of obtaining external financing in the future if the company reaches a phase of expansion that would require more capital. If necessary, I could consider taking out a loan or using other forms of financing to support growth. But for now, I prefer self-financing to maintain full control and reduce the financial risks associated with borrowing.

Do you have any plans to seek a loan from a financial institute against your property?

Currently, I do not intend to apply for a mortgage on personal property to finance my business. My strategy is to grow the project gradually using my own financial resources and to reinvest the profits generated in its expansion. This approach allows to minimize personal financial risks while ensuring sound and autonomous management of the development of the business.

If the business experiences strong growth and a need for additional capital arises, I could consider other financing options. This would include professional loans adapted to the expansion of the business, but without putting my personal assets at risk. This choice would allow me to maintain a certain financial flexibility while avoiding the excessive risks associated with a mortgage.

Furthermore, I would also be open to strategic partnerships or to finding external investors interested in digital education. These options would offer financial support while promoting sustainable growth of the business, without compromising my personal property.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @lil.albab, @miftahulrizky, @heriadi to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,


I can't wait to learn on the DigiLearnHub platform.

But what needs to be an important note is how the certification given to participants is legally recognized in the region.

💯⚜2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.

@tipu curate

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