@caffetto brawl and new photography from Minneapolis!

Late night in the Metropolis, Steemit! I’m writing you just before 1:00a.m. Midwest time. So much has happened in 48 hours. I took a night off from posting because I was in a @caffetto brawl. No joke. I was commenting on @anomadsoul’s broken nose and nearly received my third. A customer with a young daughter was out of his mind at the register, screaming at my friend Erin, the barista. When I made my way to see what the commotion was about, he was violently shaking the little girl by the shoulder screaming that they weren’t leaving “…until this was made right!”.

From 2003 - 2007 I worked at a mental health technician in a psychiatric hospital. This guy was out control, but it looked exactly like the countless codes I’d been called on over seven years. I moved between him and the girl […a few coffee goers brought her away from the situation]. For a bit, it seemed like the situation was deescalating […by now, Erin had called the cops], and the he flipped, ran behind the bar, grabbed a coffee cup [..which he proclaimed he was going to smash] and tried to run out. I tackled him and held him on the floor for a few minutes until the cops showed up and took over. Low key, I was entertained knowing that I did this while wearing a Star Trek shirt. @tarotbyfergus said it best.

I learned today that he was arrested and charged, apparently for punching a cop. Through friends of @caffetto, it sounds like he’s typically a calm, quiet guy that lives within a few blocks of the coffee shop. This particular night, I can’t say what he was going through. He was screaming things like “….this isn’t the kind of practical joke like when a quarter has two heads!”. Maybe off his meds, maybe drugs? The little girl was okay when I left and I did hear that she was able to go back home with her mom. I narrowly missed having my face smashed by a ceramic mug, but I’m glad to know I can still hold my own in my advanced age :P

Today was great. All night,  I’ve been attempting to catch up on a few clients that I set as a goal to finish by Monday […hence why I’m burning the midnight oil]. I’ve posted a few photos of a Midwest model named Kristy. You can check those out in my previous post, “Dark pinup w/ Kristy in my hometown of Minneapolis!”. Ugh! Thinking back, this shoot happened just days before me, @vermillionfox and @guthrie left for a month on the road. It felt great to finish this set of images tonight as she’s been very patient, as have most of my clients.

Looking through these photos, I’m grateful for a friend like @mada. He’s bailed me out of so many shoots over the years, letting me use his beautiful home in the face of other locations falling through or clients not being able to find a worthwhile space. The lighting throughout his house is a perfect compliment to my style of dark pinup photography. Kristy was wonderful to work with that day. She came hair and make-up ready with an assortment of wardrobe options. It was a relaxing afternoon before a whirlwind trip. I rarely book shoots in Minnesota, so it was a real treat.

Thanks for reading. I have more coming from this shoot with Kristy. This entire week, @vermillionfox and I are committing to getting on a regular schedule of early, productive work. I want to take a minute to thank all of you for the love on my comic pages. The fact that those drawings are getting more votes than most of my photography means more to me than you’ll ever know. I’m extremely insecure about my illustration but the support I’ve been shown makes me believe that the hope of doing comics for a living is going to be a reality. I love you guys!


Damn dude... you’re the kinda guy I’m glad is out there, and that’s the kind of situation that reminds me why I stay home so much! 😐

Great quote by @tarotbyfergus. It made me think of this too...


Although you were the finisher, not the starter!

Absolutely gorgeous images, the wood in the interior really adds a beautiful warmth too (your friend has a lovely home).

Also, just imagine the impact you would have if you switched from wearing the T-shirt to a full on Star Trek uniform.

nice work photography <3

Aaahh it's pretty brave of you to tackle that unhinged guy head on. Risking your own safety to protect your friend is a very noble thing, I hope she knows that she's lucky to count you as her friend :).
Don't be insecure about your art and show us page 3 :D.

hi dear Kommienezuspadt,, these are great photos with an exciting 24 hours!

Oh, my God, a day full of events! you're a brave man!
and wonderful photos. I love the use of light and the composition. I always admire you! congrats dear!

Courageous and brave. Cool you relied on previous skill. You never know what's going on with someone in that state....

Firstly, the cafe incident...what?! That's crazy. Of course maybe he is from the future and was left here by a certain female starship captain abandoning him on earth of the 21st century, but in so doing was able to get a remote hologrpahic device for her holodoctor to wear about, just saying, that could be it ;)

Now, photos: lovely per usual. I love the warm wood tones with the cool blonde hair. Also, that ashtray looks very like one we have here at Toad Hall. It gets used on the daily. Sometimes people will see our old things and say, "Oh just think when people used, that ashtray, that old typewriter" and we laugh to ourselves, as we still do. Even my coffee pot is almost 60 years old. If it aint broke...

Lastly, Comics...YES! I hope and prayer for your full time application to this endeavour. It'd be lovely wouldn't it. Sometimes I dream of earning enough from just being able to illustrate and draw and paint only on steemit style platforms and not bother with other things like products and shows and the like. Who can say what tomorrow may bring? And you know I'm a fan and also extra excited about the WWI aspect.

And apropos of WWI here are some good ole' songs of the time. I used to listen to some of these as I had an ancient Grandfather who would let me play his old 78's on his old wind up gramophone. We used to listen to old Caruso albums and drink hot tea on the terrace on warm summer days...

Hey a fight? Oh @kommienezuspadt has passed me several things in this publication, that is not the kind of situation that a girl has to live, you have done a great job in protecting everyone of that type and that the situation does not get worse, you are very brave and with the Star Trek shirt, the captain to attack! it's good that he is in jail and does not cause problems! but above all thank God you did not have the nose of @anomadsoul , what? nose of @anomadsoul ? I did not know he had his nose like that! Well, every day I learn something new.😉

Really @mada is a great friend, it is very nice that she always help you in whatever she can!💪👏.
They are great photos! I remember the floor and how to forget beautiful curtains of @mada !.

Everyone likes your pictures but, if I also realized that they like it much more the drawings you make, people support your art a lot! and we want to see much more! 😍😍😍

Another thing that made me laugh is the comment from @bryan-imhoff, he is a great person but he likes to stay at home hehehe!🤣🤣😁😎

I got an update from a few people at the coffee shop and apparently, he wasn't on drugs. It was a psychotic episode and he was off medication, apparently. In some ways that makes me feel better, and others it makes me feel worse. I'm just glad neither of us were really hurt. I've really been encouraged by the comic love I've been getting lately, @yanes94. Thanks for the comment. Trail by Comics will be announced tomorrow. I just finished the artwork for the new theme.

a spcotic episode? hmmmm ok.
I'm glad that there were no injuries, if I think it was a great publication with a little bit of everything,
I have seen the drawing! @kommienezuspadt you know that I always enjoy your great art

Man people are out of their friggen minds! Reminds me of my time in Belfast Ireland which I just wrote a travel report on to be posted in a few weeks. The Irish love to drink and fight, they don't call them the fighting Irish for nothing. In just a short time there I saw a drunken street brawl and it was like something out of movie. Was just nuts. I also recall simply asking a guy for directions, and when he turned and looked at me, his nose was all smashed in and off to the side, like he was sporting a look. After that experience, it's pretty obvious what you are saying, drugs and alcohol can make people freaking nutz!

Another incredible set of photos by the way, the model looks Ukrainian! uggh, I think I've been here too long. Have tickets now to Thailand, where I'll be for the winter, direct from Krakow the day after steemfest. Got a good deal only 275 dollars from there to Bangkok, then another 25 dollar flight up to Chiang Mai. Which is actually where I wrote my first travel report on for my new project I just launched today.

I hope you don't mind if I explain.......

I'm trying really hard to get a community writing project off the ground. It's basically going to be a travel pro report library for steemit and hopefully the online world at large with any success; a resource of information for destinations around the world. I'm collaborating with other travelers (travel pros) on steemit encouraging them to write reports with a specific format to keep the quality and style in sync. The reports/library can be found at @travel-report.

I just wrote the first one to get things kicked off, again it's on Chiang Mai Thailand, one of my favorite destinations in the world for many reasons.

Any support you can lend is greatly appreciated and it will encourage others to write reports too really giving some lift to this project.

Thank you for all your help, past, present, and future!

From Odessa Ukraine -Dan

Yeah, I've been to Ireland @world-travel-pro. I've seen a few bars and dives in the southern part of the country. No fights, but everyone there looks pretty rough. Like the bar the Hobbits first met Aragorn in in LOTR's. Please send my love at Steemfest, especially to @eveuncovered and @anomadsoul. It's not 100% that I won't be making it, but the window in narrowing and with the market down, I have to book work in LA to pay some of the bills. I'll keep your @travel-report on my radar. Thanks, man. Safe travels.

I really really wish you could make it to Steemfest!

Yes indeed. "the fighting Irish!" haha

That is very cool you've been there too.

I'll certainly make a point to find @eveuncovered and @anomadsoul and say hello for us a both.

Thank you so much for supporting my new community writing project.

Have you ever been to Thailand? Chiang Mai where the first report is about.

It has to be one if not my very favorite countries in the world.

Have a great day!


Dude why in the hell aren't you coming? :(((

Rhetorical question, I read the reasons haha

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