Out of the Camper & Into Some Warmth!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Excited to let the STEEM community know that I'm no longer out in the boonies at buddies parents farmyards living in a camper. Ole @KLYE has officially found a couch to stay on in a warm little apartment of another friends house. From here on out it's a mad dash to get back to my former glory by starting to work on my projects again. While still very much a struggle (life that is) since the summer things are starting to look up a bit.. The very fact I can sit here and type this post without my fingers feeling like they are going to fall off is a hell of a win in comparison to the epic suck that was trying to work from the camper previously resided in. Onward and upwards again, finally. After what feels like months of stagnancy.

A More Conducive Spot to Refocus Talents

Over the months past while staying out at buddies farm in a camper I learned a hell of a lot of new skills, mainly focused on farming en-devours however. While a new found respect for the farmers of the world has been given at the end of the day simply put that just ain't me!

My natural habitat is in front of a computer, tinkering with code and creating new things to help people and our network.. Over the months prior I wasn't able to do that given the situation and locale I was in with any level of efficiency, But that's all changing now that I've found a warmer place to stay. Thanks to my buddy Travis for opening up his doors to his one bedroom apartment to prevent me from freezing and ultimately sucking at life through my inability to be productive out in the camper I was previously in. Feeling blessed!

"You Don't Know What You Got Till it's Gone"

The saying above hits me like a 12 gauge shotgun slug to the chest.

As much as I'd like to say I've not been to "rock bottom" lately it could certainly be said I skimmed off the damn thing. As with everything in this life of mine it seems to be cycles to the extreme. A gift and a curse really, my highs are higher and my lows are lower than most peoples.. but in a sense that is precisely what makes me @KLYE, and for that I'm blessed... (and probably also heavily cursed, judging by how life seems to ebb and flow).

I've tasted love, acceptance and wealth but through bad circumstance and stupid decision now crave the elements listed at the start of this sentence. It's going to be a LOT of hard work, long hours and dedication to get back to my former glory both on the STEEM network and in my life.. But one cannot expect to be handed this easily, it must be worked towards.


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I think this calls for some celebratory dong art!

Indeed it does sir. Indeed it does!

It's good you got outta there before the -30 temperatures. I got to experience a few cold nights in a camper a few years ago. This was one of those mini mansions on wheels, but still crazy cold. One should never see their breath indoors.

yeah man.. Near the end there I had to have a heater blowing under my blankets to even stay remotely warm.. Was not good. Glad to not be freezing in the camper anymore for sure.

Glad to hear your in a warm apartment again buddy!
I appreciate that you found respect for farmers. In this "modern" world a lot more people should feel that way. Farmers basically give us life force by food. So gratitude towards them is a must.

A bright future is ahead! For you and a lot of other people. I wish you the best.

Keep it up man, stayin' alive. Here's a video to cheer you up.

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