Monday... Let's Get Some Fuckin' Work Done!

in #steemdev5 years ago


Couldn't sleep last night.. which is pretty normal for the insomnia riddled psychotic code monkey known in certain social circles as none other than @KLYE...

Oh well, with that being said I'm not letting lack of sleep piss me off and ratehr using this lack of sleeping to focus on my Steem-Roller project. Plan is to strip out the SteemConnect stuff I'd put in last week because frankly it's a pain in the ass to implement with my current codebase and also going through my bug list to see if I can kill some more bugs. Also adding a ping and frames per a second readout in the bottom right corner for your nerdy viewing pleasure as well as debugging info.

The Bug List

So far the bug list is likely incomplete but seemingly has a fair amount of bugs that have been solved on it as well as a bunch of glitches / bugs yet to be patched:


Still a fair amount of bugs left to squash but all and all on the home stretch me thinks in regards to Steem-Roller development. I'm sure more bugs will appear and be defeated as development nears the end of its course. Pretty excited to launch this project soon and hope it will bring new usage and interest into the STEEM network.

What's Left to Implement?

Although tons of features are yet to be added to the site in future versions the decision has been made to curb adding even more features to the launch version of Steem-Roller in order to expedite the launch of the service.

This is what is left to code and implement on the site:

  • Various chat / trollbox commands and functions
  • Various administrator / moderator functions
  • Various small GUI tweaks
  • Site maintenance mode with user notification
  • Add bet lookup functionality
  • Fix mobile / tablet site display

Some of these things are unnecessary but will bring far better user experience to folks wanting to use the site for chatting, gambling or investing. The phone/mobile/tablet display has been worked on a fair bit but is still a fucking mess and the trollbox commands are about half done.

As for admin / moderator stuff that is about half done as well but moderator flags on accounts have yet to be implemented. Site maintenance mode will be a bit of a pain in the ass but is necessary just in case betting has to be halted briefly for whatever reason. All in all still a fair amount of shit left to be done but the site is operational.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and the Support!


Every Single Vote Helps, Thanks for the Support!

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Keep me updated, I'm interested in this project and hold millions of steem related gaming tokens.

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