JFC... My Main OS SSD was FULL Because of Microsoft Fuckery!

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Went to go do some development work on the upcoming v0.7.3 of Steem-Roller.com this evening and was met with the inability to save anything to disk in order to upload to the server it resides on.. So me, being a "tech savvy" degenerate goes and checks the space left on the 128GB SSD which my Windblows10 installation resides on. Wish I would have thought to save a screencap of the whole disk being completely filled up, however I forgot to do so.. So instead you get this lifelike artist rendition:


Never in my 20+ years of computer usage had I ever seen the OS storage drive be completely filled up like this. My first thought was that I must have some type of horrible virus or something eating up my drive space. Turns out the truth was stranger than a virus and that the Microsoft store had decided to download updates of a game called "Sea of Thieves" which I'd try to play on a 14 day trial but was never able to access, to the tune of about 54 GB of content. All of this was done in the background without me even realizing that I still had the game installed or that the Microsoft store was running downloads for updates on the game. The game didn't even show up in my control panel remove programs feature, which led me to go in and try to delete the game files manually. Which of course gave me an error about not having permissions to modify the files or anything of the sort.. A massive piss-off to say the least. Not even being able to delete files and folders on your own PC because the system won't allow it. WTF.


By this time I'm fuming at this horseshit that Microsoft Windblows10 is pulling, not even allowing me to delete the bullshit on my own computer.. Dafak is this? Turns out you have to go in to the Microsoft store application, find the application in your download list, pin it to your start menu, THEN you might be able to uninstall it.. All in all took about 15 minutes of intense googling in order to figure out how the fuck to get rid of the game I didn't even have knowledge of on my storage device, which unless uninstalled through the Microsoft store basically acted like some irremovable virus or some shit.. Still kind of pissed off..!

TLDR; Fuck Microsoft and its Store


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Microsloth is da ebil.

Use Linux; Love Linux

I use Ubuntu a fair bit but its only command line stuff on servers..

Sadly game support and drivers for linux as a desktop aren't exactly "there" yet. :/

Yes, sadly. <em crai>

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