in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)


It’s a Monday morning. I’m late for lectures. I need to take the next available taxi since I live quite a mile from the campus. Luckily for me, I see a bus going in my direction. It’s a bit too occupied but I don’t have the time to wait on a taxi. I throw myself in. I’m hoping to make it in time to lectures. Actually, I have a test. In 15 minutes to be precise. I’m trying to go over what I read last night in this clogged tight seat where I rest by buttocks.

I notice this foul smell. Had a rat died in this bus ? No, it was a fart. I could barely breathe. I felt like alighting from the bus but I couldn’t afford to be late for my test. I had to hold my breath. I had no other option. I began to wonder why humans even had to fart and why farts smelled so bad. I did a little research. I thought it nice to share it with my readers.

Have you ever wondered how farts are produced. Do you have an idea why they smell so bad ? Do you know what foods predispose you more to farting ?. Let me blow your mind by letting you know that there are scientists who actually study farts and farting, they are called flatologists. The study of farts and farting is termed Flatology

The medical term for farting is “Flatulence”. A medical definition of Flatulence is the expelling of air through the anus. The medical term for the air that is expelled through the anus is flatus

Flatulence is perfectly normal but could be indicative of certain conditions like lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome. Everyone passes air through the anus and contrary to popular belief, Females are just as flatulent as males, they just tend to be more discrete about it.


The whole body is innervated and the anal cavity is no exception. Gases produced in the colon (the large intestine) by certain bacteria puts pressure on the anal sphincter and rectum and this pressure build-up is detected by certain sensory nerve endings around the anal sphincter and rectum and information is passed to the brain which causes the muscles at this area to relax. Relaxation of these muscles leads to the passage of air through the anal sphincter. This is termed Flatulence. The sound produced during Flatulence is as a result of the vibration of the anal sphincter as well as the closed buttocks.


People somehow think that flatulence occurs due to the foods we eat only but that is false. Flatulence can come from two major sources;
Exogenous sources:
The main cause of flatulence in this category is swallowing of air which can occur during eating, breathing and drinking.
Endogenous sources:
The main causes of flatulence in this category are inside the gut. Flatulence may arise due to improper digestion or as a product of the digestion of certain kind of foods.


Before I go into why farts smell, I’ll like to properly highlight the composition of farts. Breakdown of undigested foods in the colon by bacteria produce gases. These gases include; Hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It is important to note that carbon dioxide is produced in the small intestine as a product of digestion by pancreatic enzymes.

The reason why farts smell on consumption of certain foods like eggs is due to the presence of sulphur and sulphur containing compounds in these foods. The aforementioned gases do not contribute at all to the smell of farts and they make up very large percentages of farts. Nitrogen makes up 20 to 70 %, oxygen makes up 10 %, methane makes up around 10 % while hydrogen makes up 10 to 50 % of the total gases that make up farts. Sulphur and sulphur containing compounds, on the other hand, make up just 1 % but it contributes solely to the awful smell of farts. Let us imagine it made up 90% like nitrogen, we’ll pretty much pass out whenever anyone farts around us. I personally find this hilarious.

So these sulphur containing compounds responsible for the smell of farts are dimethyl sulphide, hydrogen sulphide and methanethiol. They are collectively known as Volatile sulphur compounds. Hydrogen sulphide is solely responsible for the rotten egg smell of farts. Methanethiol contributes the leftover veggies smell of farts. These sulphur containing compounds that smell so bad are the sole reason why farts smell. Indole and skatole were initially thought to be responsible for the smell of farts but thanks to recent findings, that is no longer the assumption.

Have you seen characters light up their farts in cartoons and thought it was just a cartoon thingy? Well, it isn’t just a cartoon thingy as farts are, in fact, flammable. This flammable property is due to the presence of hydrogen and methane which are flammable gases.


Foods which cause gases are actually high in carbohydrates known as polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates made up of more than 10 units of monosaccharides (simple sugars like glucose and galactose). These complex carbohydrates are practically indigestible but there are however some which can be digested by colonic bacteria (bacteria present in the colon) and thus, can lead to flatulence. Examples of foods which contain complex carbohydrates are cereals, vegetables like broccoli, onions and beans, dairy products and bread.
The foods which do not cause flatulence contain digestible carbohydrates. These foods are easily digested in the mouth and small intestine and thus do not reach the colon. Examples of this group of foods include; bananas, rice, citrus fruits, and yoghurt.


Flatulence is perfectly normal. A normal person passes gas 10 times a day on average and 20 to 25 times is still considered normal. So brethren you can fart as much as is considered normal but farting over 25 times might definitely be a cause for concern as that might indicate digestive problems like food intolerances and intestinal bacteria overgrowth. See a doctor in this case.


The gases present in farts have hidden health benefits. For a start, farting is indicative of the fact that you are eating healthily as your gut bacteria are put into action when you consume high fibre food. High fiber foods are known to feed bacteria which play protective roles in your body as these bacteria can ferment them and utilize the by-products of fermentation.
Hydrogen sulphide is a gas also produced naturally by certain processes in the body and plays a role in cellular functions. In minute doses, it helps in protecting the mitochondria of cells by stopping cellular damage at a certain level.


i) Eliminate diets rich in complex carbohydrates and sulphur containing compounds as they both cause flatulence and the awful smell of flatus respectively.
ii) Use digestive aids like digestive enzyme supplements which would help in digesting certain carbohydrates that cannot be properly digested by the body.
iii) Drink a lot of water and exercise as both can help in circulating nutrients and waste around the body as well as out of the body.


Farting might seem embarrassing but it is perfectly normal in most cases. Everyone farts so it is not strange to anybody. We should however choose to pass gas far from people to avoid embarrassments of any form. What are your thoughts on farting in public ? What has been your most embarrassing farting experience? Let us have a good laugh in my comment section.



All images are free images from pixabay, flickr and twenty20 licensed under creative commons and eligible for commercial use.

I'm a proud member of the steemstem community which promotes quality posts in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields on the steem blockchain mainly through interaction and engagement. Feel free to join us on discord here


I cannot prevent myself from tagging @trumpman, @kryzsec, @justtryme90 and @lamouthe... The steemstem farts consist of a very old story :D

Lol i would really love to hear that story 😂

I farted once and killed a very dear person to me :(

Lmao wow 😂😂😂
So sorry about that.
I hope you never got to kill more people ?

Oops grrrrrrrrrr seriously?

hahahahahaha..., then you farted again and the ghost died

Lol. u can't be serious

It was around 3 months ago when I got involved with it 😂

By the way @lemouth, I still want to see your response to the situation, succumb to the peer pressure, post your response to the video.

Lol you got involved with it how ?

I got involved after trumpman made a post where he shared a video where a cat jumped behind a guy that was lighting his fart on fire and I attempted (using chemistry and enthalpy) to debunk and state that the cat would not catch fire if it were to happen in real life.

Wow. So how did that turn out ?

I debunked his debunkment by actually doing the experiment instead of theoretical mumbo jumbo math. My cat got on fire and by the time I put the fire off it had died :(

Whaaaatttttt ??? You literally killed someone dear to you. For a moment, I thought you were trolling. Maybe you should have just stuck with @kryzsec debunkment 🤦🏾‍♂️

Sorry on your loss really. One of those unforseen outcomes I guess

Now now @trumpman, stop confusing him. He may not know that you have a sarcasm level of over 9000

He was the fart!

I don't know what you are talking about! :D

Lucky that we are unable to see IR(infra-red) stuff. Its only smell. Maybe people dont find out who did this. Think if we were able to see it. Like in airport IR cameras :P

Lmao damn. Man is a chimney. Such fumes 😂😂

Just farted now :P

lol no IRs so no one should find out 😁


Weird to read that flatulence is perfectly normal. Well, here is a normal I would like to do without :)

Lol I think we’ll all like to do without this normal but don’t we all feel weird when we don’t fart in a long time ? 😂

I don't know about you, but I do feel entirely normal without farting.

Lol well I guess it’s just a personal thing then

Thank you for writing such an informative article. Indeed farting is healthy, but it is not an acceptable social behaviour. I mean, you can burp ten times in a row, and people will still bless you but when it comes to fart, once would be enough to make an entire classroom curse you.

Lol true. Farting is normal but not acceptable. Maybe if farts didn’t smell, people wouldn’t really mind. Thank you for reading through.

I will show this post to everyone I possibly can, and to eventually find out that there is a field of study into flatulence, you've just made my day. I have lots of people who won't let me be just because I fart.
I've never been embarrassed my while life for farting, before reading this post, I always tell people that it's a gift from God, but now all I have to do is show this post to anyone who has a problem with my farts.
However, the most ridiculous thing I've heard about farts my whole life was from my former roommate who said my farts gave him malaria. Thanks for the great job.

Lol man you just had me in stitches. Thank you for stopping by and feel free to show this post to anyone 😁

Females are just as flatulent as males, they just tend to be more discrete about it.emales are just as flatulent as males, they just tend to be more discrete about it.

Nice article. I found myself laughing several times.

Lol thank you. But am I not being truthful ?

Actually this post is a mind blowing one.Alot of us reading this have either fart before reading this post or fart while reading or will definitely fart after.I can remember the number of times that I fart today,I only pity those who enter my office at the time.Meeeen it doesn't smell good.This do happen anytime I didn't do water therapy early in the morning. 👍 @kingabesh

Lol you are a proud “farter” but you can keep it out of the office environment 🙂 would be beneficial for those innocent colleagues of yours 😂

Nice piece of work. I have a little question though:

Is there any relationship between farting and belching?

Yes yes. Both are just gases being expelled from the body. The body has to expel excessive gas by any means possible. gases produced in the stomach tend to be expelled both ways. Through the mouth and the anus. Both are basically just ways the body use to expel gas (the relationship they share)

I fart yes i really fart.. Sometimes it smells now i understand the reason why it does so. I have always wanted to research it but it goes off my mind... But one has to be careful when you are about to fart. Take excuse and do not soil the fresh air one is enjoying. Thanks for the education.

Sure man. You’re welcome

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