Hi Steemit :) My Introduction Post

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

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Hello! You can watch the video version of my Steemit introduction here

Why Steemit? Why Now?

I found out about Steemit last year while living in Bali. I subsequently moved to my current home in Thailand. It took me some time to get settled, but I knew I wanted to join this platform. I've been in love with social media since the early days of Twitter. I remember the year YouTube started. Technology has always been a huge part of my life and something that comes to me naturally. Last year I started my cryptocurrency journey. Creating content on Steemit is my way to stay connected to the cryptocurrency community and hopefully help others along the way. My vision is to remain accountable for my own goals and hopefully give you some inspiration and choose to remain accountable for yours too. So how about we start with my cryptocurrency story? How did I fall down the Bitcoin rabbit hole?

My Cryptocurrency Story

I was introduced to crypto by a friend of my sister. She told us about USI-Tech because she was doing quite well on the platform. I've been looking for a way to repay $100,000 of debt and this seemed like a great way to do it. My sister was also a believer. She loaned me $8,000 to invest. I invested in Bit Petite, USI Tech, and Chain Group, of all which proved to be scams. It goes without saying I no longer believe in HYIPS. If you’re investing in cryptocurrency, make sure you have complete control over your investments. Don’t trust others to invest for you. Fortunately and unfortunately, because my life has been filled with so many ups and downs, I took this blow for what it is and I'm continuing to figure out how to repay all the student loans and personal debt I’ve accumulated since college. Am I scared? There is some fear there, but there's more so the unwavering drive to discover my own personal key to success in the form of a business or other income channel. I still believe in cryptocurrency and I'm currently focusing on creating content on Steemit to stay involved and be an active participant in this community. Debt is one of my personal challenges, let’s talk about some of my other major challenges and how I’m overcoming them.

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My Personal Growth Story
I'm cringing a little bit because I am using the word “I” a lot. Please forgive me and understand that this is an introduction and my story. It starts off rough and still is a little rough, but there is a lot of beautiful wisdom and growth that has been a part of this journey as well.

+Born Sick
My story begins being born a premature fraternal twin. My brother didn't make it. We were both born under distress. I was born with a partially diseased bowel. Life started out challenging. Each challenge has prepared me for the life I am destined to live. it made me a hell of a lot stronger too!

+Being Bullied
One virtually lifelong challenge has been being bullied and harassed. This started in grade school and continued until I left New York City at the age of 30 years old. People talk about being bullied when you're a child. In some ways adult bullying is worse and perhaps can be a lot more dangerous. You would hope that people would become more compassionate over time, because we’ve all gone through a thing or two, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m no longer being bullied, but casual cruelty (negative comments people think I don’t hear) still happens fairly regularly. This pattern is one of the things that caused me to start experimenting with different personal growth and development techniques and affecting my subconscious mind. The worst thing that happened to me physically was having one of my apartments in New York City ransacked. My taunters stalked and watched me. They waited until me and my roommates were out of the house and stole all the cash they could find including the rent money that was about to be paid that month). It's unfortunate to say that NYPD has better things to do or perhaps more pressing issues than this but they do. As far as I know, the people who did it were never caught. I've been fortunate enough to have never been physically assaulted because of this bullying I'm speaking of. I know, for some of you this is a horrible perspective to have on this, but please understand I’ve been dealing with this A LOOOONG time. As bad as things have been, I’m fully aware they could be worse.

+Childhood Molestation
The next topic is something that I know many people have experienced, but doesn’t garner enough discussion. I used to think that no one would ever love me. In some ways, this thought pattern was being reinforced by the constant bullying. Even when you are loved and know your worth, it's pretty easy to succumb to constant environmental intrusions. I allowed myself to be taken advantage of because I didn't know my worth. I’m still seeing the effects of this as well in relationships and am unwiring deeply subconscious patterns around this that are currently emerging in my life. If childhood sexual trauma is something you are overcoming, know that you are stronger than your wounds. Focus on being the person you want to be and creating the life you want to have. For me, this focus has led to me healing a lot of wounds. I didn't expect to do so much healing work in my life, but I guess I had to be torn down to be rebuilt. It may not feel like it, but our challenges are blessings because of the wisdom we gain through those experiences and the lessons we learn from them. Know that you deserve better and keep striving until you get the better you deserve.

+Overcoming Low Self Esteem
Writing this post is quite therapeutic! Now, let's talk about another consciousness monster that stems from being bullied. Low self-esteem. This was the first thought-form I began healing. I was about 14 when I started looking myself in the mirror and telling myself I was beautiful (even though I didn't believe it). I didn't know I was creating affirmations, but that is in fact what I was doing. Sometimes people still call me crazy, ugly and weird (I told you I’m still experiencing casual cruelty). I can distinctly remember two years of my life where I was literally called ugly every single day (Christmas included). I have been the object of incredible cruelty and yet I'm still here and still choosing to love. One thing I started doing this year that really opened me up and has ultimately allowed me to receive and experience definite acts of love and kindness is love meditation. They say love heals everything and I agree. The book that really transformed this aspect of my life this year was Tara Brach’s “Radical Acceptance.” It's a fantastic book and the love meditation she prescribes is effective for healing emotional trauma and deep subconscious wounds. Try it for yourself.

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+Moving from Oakland to NYC to Chiang Mai
I was born in Oakland, California. I had a lifelong dream of moving to New York City and made that dream a reality in 2011. New York became my Master's Degree in Hard Knocks. It was like the movies. I was homeless twice (as in living in shelters). I told you about the break-in of my apartment…. let's talk about some good things I'm not going to s*** on my city! I am stronger wiser and more importantly more grounded because of all the challenges I experienced in New York City. When people ask me where I'm from I say New York because I earned it. I didn't leave when I could have. I stayed. I am super grateful for my time spent there, because when the opportunity to move to Bali presented itself I was able to recognize it as the blessing it was. New York helped me get up close and personal with hardship. It gave me perspective and strengthened my faith and ability to persevere and problem-solve. These are life skills I will always carry with me. I am currently living and loving my life in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is the best and most loving life experience I have ever had. The juxtaposition of my life in New York City and my life now in Thailand is amazingly humbling and proof of karma and God's grace and love. I told you I was bullied and tormented for most of my life…. I let God deal with those people. My life here is my karma for decades of emotional trauma and suffering. Things can, do, and will get better. Focus on productivity and doing all you can to change your circumstances. And most importantly, never give up. When an opportunity to change your life presents itself, recognize it. There’s still tons of improvement to be made, but each day I look at the mountain from my balcony and recognize how blessed I truly I am.

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My Story: Becoming a Psychic Healer
I'm just going to tell you a little bit about my spiritual practices. This isn't everything but it is most of what I do and it is also a part of my personal growth and development regimen:

EFT stands for emotional Freedom technique. I began using EFT in 2008. It has dramatically changed my life for the better. Until this year it was one of the only things that really affected my subconscious mind and helped me manifest in a very concrete and efficient way. EFT is simply tapping on your chakras and affirming what it is you wish. I'm currently using EFT to release old patterns related to money and relationships. It's been great to see the progress and also enlightening to see the patterns and challenges that still exist. EFT has not worked overnight for me, but my current life in Thailand is proof enough that it is definitely working . I am a strong advocate and practitioner of this healing modality.

My angel Journey began with the Archangel Michael. He has orchestrated and organized events that seemed impossible on the outside. I still continue to seek his aide in addition to a few other angels I am working with. Michael has been wonderful for overcoming the obstacles and effects of subconscious patterns that are presently healing. The Archangel Raphael is also wonderful and has been helping me to heal on all levels. I'm grateful to all of the angels and my guides because they are helping me to stay positive and persistent even when things don't present themselves as desirable.

+Chakra Work
I began consciously doing chakra work with a course I found from Mindvalley. That course helped open me up to truly having fun for the first time as an adult. It is interesting because I'd say within about 6 months of doing Chaka work I found out I was moving to Bali. There have been instances where I've used EFT on my sacral chakra and have literally manifested money I needed overnight. Connecting to my chakras has also helped me to discover who I am as a psychic healer and have a better understanding of my empathic abilities.

I began meditating in 2008. I remember buying the Holosync system. It's been a 10 year journey. I am currently doing sleep meditation. This has affected my dreams and allowed me to understand the subconscious patterns I have been battling without even realizing it. Bringing all these things to the surface is helping me to create a better day to day reality. Mediation has been a slow, steady, and transformative process. I've healed physical illnesses overnight. Angels now come to me in my dreams. And this is just the beginning! My six month plan is currently being actualized because of meditation and consistent action. Sleep meditation helps me get clarity around my destiny so that I can make my next evolution as graceful and divine as possible. Most people wonder how to start with meditation. Just start with 5 minutes a day. You can listen to meditation music online. Love is an easy thing to focus on. Take five minutes a day to focus on the people that you love or what you love doing. See this in your mind's eye and feel how it/they make you feel. Easy enough right?

+Tarot Cards
I have been drawn to Tarot since I was a child. I picked up my first deck in 2008. Tarot cards were a kind of graduation gift to myself. I never thought I would be doing readings for other people. For years I read for personal growth and development and casually for loved ones. Now I get paid to do readings. I love helping people in this way and I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of my tarot journey unfolds. People often have questions about these types of things. Please comment with your questions below if you want to know more about anything I've mentioned so far in my Steemit introduction.

My Plans for my Steemit Account

Expect meditation videos and blog posts in the future.

Affirmations are something that have always come naturally to me. I’m starting my Steemit journey with affirmations. I look forward to sharing affirmations with you and hope that they help!

EFT has been such an important part in my healing Journey I have to share information with you about this as well so look forward to that content.

+Personal Growth Topics
I'll be discussing various personal growth and development topics on my Steemit blog. This includes both the practical and more metaphysical practices I incorporate in my daily life.

+Supporting Other Content Creators on Steemit and across the Web
As an internet marketing dabbler for 10 years I totally understand the importance of supporting other content creators. My plan is to feature content from other people that I think is dope, amazing, helpful, or insightful.

+Journaling Prompts
Writing was something I began doing as a child. Journaling has evolved over the years but it remains the oldest healing modality I incorporate in my daily routine. We must take the time to ask ourselves questions. How will you know where you are going if you do not stop and read your internal map? Journaling gives you the opportunity to be honest with yourself and check-in about where you are and where you're headed.

+Becoming Financially Free-Life Update
I became interested in crypto because of financial freedom. This is a part of my journey, but so is my lifestyle. Cutting expenses by moving overseas has been amazing to actualize and experience. Since moving I realize there's so much more I have to do in addition to this and I hope to share that with you.

Questions for you:

-What are your personal growth and development practices?
-Do you have any patterns or barriers you would like to share?
-Why are you on the Steemit platform, and how do you contribute to the community?

That’s all folks. This is my story and introduction. Life continues to unfold, there will be more chapters to add to this story later. Thank you to @JerryBanfield @Joeparys for your Steemit lessons. Please take a moment to comment below. Let’s keep it positive, uplifting, and engaging. See you soon!

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Hi kimbess

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Welcome to steemit!
Wish u best of luck!
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Thats the best advice!

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Good luck!

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