in #charity6 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear steemians...


Kopivosian/Apa kabar/Ni Hao/How are you? A few weeks back my dear friend @verasj write up about "The Mighty Lihing Fruit Cake" and how it become the superstars of Fruitcake last year. Allow me to continue the beautiful story. 😂😂😁*

"The story began when two beautiful ladies, Ms Kila and Ms Jen combined their ideas to do good for the unfortunate children in Kampung Tinanduk, Pensiangan, Sabah Borneo. They pledged to fundraise tables, chairs and stationeries for these unfortunate children." - verasj

The link where it all started.
thank you @verasj for sharing this....



Jen and me..

I used to be a Montessori Kindergarten teacher in my younger days. I love children. I want to have children if God's willing somewhere in the near future (Wish me Good Luck ..LOL).

It all started in April 2017, when my Director, Banie, set out on a trip to Pensiangan, Borneo to help a Nun, Sr Dorothy to visit Kg Tinanduk, Pensiangan Sabah Borneo. When he came back to Penampang, he posted few photos about building a Community Learning Center (CLC) which is also a used as a Kindergarten, to help the community in the village. I may look like a fierce lioness physically, but deep down, my main weakness is that I really do have soft spot for children. I am a strong believer that children are our future and I wanted to do something or contribute something for them.








So as the building of CLC progressed, Banie's wife @golit, who is also my bff, told me that the kindergarten is in need of a few learning material for the school (eg White boards, white board markers, A4 papers, teaching aids, stationeries etc etc). I was so excited to help but I don't have the resources nor extra cash to give (I am not working in corporate world anymore. Working with a non-profit organisation what I received is only a peanuts.. you know what I mean). Too bad..😩😩

However, this doesn’t discourage me in wanting to help to donate to the CLC. I am a strongly believe of the saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” and Justin Bieber say “Never Say Never”.. LOL.

Then, BAAMM an idea came to me out of nowhere, I do have a strong Will that is my skill in baking. And I do have a Way, I remembered that Ms. Jen, my ever lovely cousin, talk so passionately about helping children (previously she was attached with UNICEF). So, I contacted her and thanked God, she is as passionate as I am in helping those unfortunate children. So, we name our mission #MisimencariSikarap means to look for extras money.

I love baking and I know my LIHING Fruit Cakes is something I can sell. Knowing this, my cousin Jen Lasimbang and I, pledged to fundraise to get supplies for Kg Tinanduk Kindergarten, by baking LIHING Fruit Cakes.

In December 2017, with lotsa sweats and muscles pulled, we managed to bake more than 100 KGs of fruit cakes. It surpassed our expectation to fundraise only RM500.00. We managed to collect RM 4,200.00 (YAYYYY). Ok..ok enough said.. You see, I'll tends get excited easily just telling the achievement that we had. Sorry my bad… 😂😂😂

Today, I want to show you the wonderful results of our sweat and muscles and tears too. Banie went to Kg Tinanduk, Pensiangan yesterday to deliver the tables, chairs and stationeries supplies that the school needed. It was supposed to be delivered sometimes in December last year. However, due to the unpredictable weather in Borneo, it was not delivered as scheduled. It has been raining heavily for weeks and then BAD NEWS kicking in; the road to the jetty is cut off due to heavy rain... sigh... It is so fortunate yesterday that they (Banie and his team) able to drive in such condition using our 4WD tarahat (worn out) and managed to get and hired a boat to Tinanduk.



This is one of the many challenges to reach to Kg Tinanduk. The engine of the hired Boat broke in the middle of nowhere. Luckily these boatman are very experienced, managed to fix it and continued their journey as if nothing happened.





Six kindy tables and Twenty Five chairs to be carried out to the kindergarten. Just look at that strong physic men helping out to do the task.







Lastly, group photo with the teacher and kids with the few stationeries and learning materials that we managed to get for them.

All these photos is taken by Banie. Thanks to him the supplies were safely delivered to Kg Tinanduk Kindergarten. Here, I sincerely would like to express my gratitude to those who supported us. A BIG thank you and God Bless.


**P.s - I am still looking for fund from any generous contributor.
This fund is to upgrade the ceiling of this Kindergarten. We managed to fundraise to buy plywood and other materials to fix the ceiling for the school last year. Two months ago, Banie and his team delivered the materials and pending for them to form a group of people/volunteers to commence work. However, due to the bad weather and road condition not being accessible, the materials have been left there for the last two months. Previously, during Banie and his team’s visit, the teacher in the CLC informed that some irresponsible culprit stole the materials.

This is so sad, the materials were supposed to be installed yesterday by the team. Now, what’s left is the kids have to stand the heat in the afternoon, without the ceiling been installed. This create a very uncomfortable environment for them to study with all the heat that sometime could reach up to 30 Celcius. It’s like been put in an oven for God Sake!

Maybe you all can share how to fundraise using steemit? I don't know and I'm open to any suggestions.

That's all for now.

Doing good holds the power to transform us on the inside, and then ripple out in ever-expanding circles that positively impact the world at large. ~ Shari Arison


Photo Source : Google Image



You and Jen have done such a great job will all the hardwork and time spent to help the community. People like you guys make a world a better place. Thumb up!

demi sesuap sikarap

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um... please don't mind me, I am just testing this out. I am not spamming, really. I'll be on my way now. oh yes... I just upvoted you by the way. Stephard Tester, superoo7/superoo7-dev

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