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RE: Bill Blain: Bitcoin Futures Could Be "A Clusterf*ck Of Monumental Proportions"

in #bitcoin7 years ago
If its central banks you object to, let's have a private cryptocurrency based on gold, or oil, or something else tangible… but based on some computer babble? Not for me.

Based on computer babble? How do you think the U.S. Dollar works? All money is digital today, Bitcoin is simply a more secure version that has no central authority who can utterly abuse the printing and distribution of it.

The value of Bitcoin is not only that of a store of value (which is already a compelling fact)... but its a value of technology. "the computer babble" is the same babble the also secures the entire internet. Cryptography has existed for decades, while Bitcoin may not last forever (though I don't see a reason for it not to), the "babble" will always be evolving and interleaving itself into our everyday lives.


So he is openly admitting he has no understanding about what the blockchain is and what computers do on it?

I am surprised this article was picked up by They usually have higher standards over there.

Can we expect Martha Stewart to be interviewed about EOS?

Bill Blaine or John McAfee? Who do you believe?

Not saying Bitcoin is the end all. It does have its challenges. That said, this guy makes it like it is nothing. Probably is paid by a banker.

he is just an oldbug...

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