High School - Chapter 2 - Party Crasher

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


With his words, Mary turns to Ronald with a smile on her face as she went closer and give Ronald a tight hug. She leans her head on his shoulder and Ronald hugs her back and whisper.

You want to go to the party? Let's crash 'em... Ronald said

Teaser: Brian's hosting a pool and just about everyone's invited. Will Ronald make a lasting impression? or will it be a swimming disaster?


Meanwhile at Ronald's home...

Dad: How' my little tiger? Just be careful not to bite anyone at school.
Ronald: Daaaaad! Just because you're my dad, doesn't mean you have to tell dad jokes.
Dad: Uh, yes it does. It's in my contract.
Ronald: I'm not even sure if that was a joke or not.
Dad: So... What's on tap for tonight? Pizza and TV...or TV pizza?
Ronald: Actually... I'm headed to a party!!
Dad: On a school night? I'm impressed! you're making new friends already.
Ronald: You're not going to give me the usual speech about underage drinking and unplanned pregnancy?
Dad: Nah... You're a good kid. I trust you. Just don't stay out too late, okay?
Ronald: Thanks, Dad. Now let me figure out what to wear.
Dad: Sounds like my cue to go work on my model trains. If you need me, I'll be in the garage trying not to electrocute myself.

Ronald gives his dad a tight hug. As his dad leaves, he glances at a new text on his phone. He saw that Mary already arrived and he quickly went to change.

Ronald looks at his closet and checks a lot of option. He is thinking that everyone will be there so it's time to bring his A-game and impress everyone especially Mary. He came up with a nice shirt and walking shorts that can be the key for him to be the hottest guy at the pool party.

Ronald: This looks fine. I don't want to keep Mary waiting.

Ronald head outside and find Mary parked outside his house

Mary: Hey, Ronald! Did you bring your swimsuit?
Ronald: Yeah, I'm wearing it underneath actually.
Mary: Me too!
Ronald: Ready to go?
Mary: Yeah... I think... I'm a little nervous. That's all.
Ronald: How come?
Mary: Everyone's probably gonna be there... Not to mention we're crashing this party.
Ronald: Trust me! You've got nothing to worry about. I'll be by your side if you need some back-up.
Mary: In that case... Let's do this before I chicken out.
Ronald: Sounds like a plan.

Soon, at Brian's house


Ronald: I guess this is the place.
Mary: I always wondered why Brian was so popular. This house kind of explains it.

About 200 of Brian's closest friends pack the mansion around Ronald, Dancing, Drinking, and hanging out by the backyard pool.

Brian: Welcome to my _ _ _ wait a second... I know you weren't invited.

Ronald's eye dart towards the room desperately seeking for help. He then makes eye contact with Frank.

Frank: Uh, Hey! Everything okay over there?
Brian: Just trying to keep the rabble out.
Frank: I think you're mistaken, friend. These two are with me. Unless you want something happen to the sound system.

Frank nods to the stereo and large speakers nearby

Brian: Whoa, whoa, whoa... No need to do anything crazy! My apologies... I didn't realize you all were... Friends... Come on in

Ronald and Mary brush past Brian and turn towards Frank

Ronald: Thanks... I owe you one.
Frank: Whatever... I just like to keep out exalted quarterback on his toes.
Ronald: OK. or maybe you just hate to admit that you care about other people.
Frank: Don't make me regret getting you in. Now get out of my hair and go mingle.

Ronald check out the party and notice Julie hustling around the room, jotting down note in a small notepad.

Julie: People seem to be reacting positively to the decorations here. Hmmmm... How to include that into homecoming ... Ronald, Mary, I need your first impressions of this party!
Mary: Why?
Julie: For the good of homecoming, of course!
Ronald: So far, I'd say this party is the best party ever.
Julie: And why would you say that?
Ronald: It's got everything. Cool people, food, there's even a pool outside! Plus, Brian did a great job decorating.
Julie: Mhhhmmmm..... I see... Thanks for your input! You've help shape homecoming for the better.

Julie writes Ronald's feedback on her notepad before rushing off to the next group of people. Ronald look around the party. Taking in the scene... The musicians are dancing nearby, the football players are playing cards, and the cheerleaders are hanging out by the snack table. From all these events around them, Mary turns to Ronald and ask.

Mary: So... Where do we go next?

Ronald turns and uttered to play cards with the football team. They join Roy and the football players at the poker table, Allan noticed the two and greeted them.


Allan: Heellooo, New Kid!! Haven't seen your face before.
Ronald: The name's Ronald.
Allan: Allan the tank. AKA Best defensive end Longbeach's ever seen.
Roy: Better keep it up against Staton in a few weeks.
Allan: You got it bro.
Ronald: What's the game?
Roy: Texas hold'em. My brother, Ezra and I played this a lot growing up.

Ronald glance to the cards at the table

Roy: Brian and I are the only ones left in this round.
Brian: Not for much longer.
Roy: Damn straight, cause I'm gonna win.
Zoe: Whatever makes this go faster.
Allan: Brian, you're first to bet.
Brian: I bet 20 chips.
Ronald: Whoa... He must have a good hand.
Julian: Or he is bluffing.
Roy: What do you think, Ronald?

Ronald look at the cards on the table... The flop is two, queen, and seven, all hearts. The turn is the six of spades, and the river is an eight of diamonds. Roy lets Ronald peak at his hand... The ace of hearts and queen of diamonds. "Roy has a strong pair, which isn't bad, but the board looks dangerous... Brian could have a flush, a straight, or anything better than Roy's hand." He said to him self... Brian sits back smiling mischievously.

Zoe: Careful, Roy! Brian might beat you.
Ronald: Call... (He whispered to Roy)
Roy: You got it!
Brian: Come on! How much longer you gonna keep e waiting?
Roy: I'm call!!
Brian: Too scared to bet more?
Ronald: He doesn't need to raise to win.
Allan: Alright my comrades. Flip your cards!
Brian: read'em and weep. I've got five heart cards, AKA FLUSH!!

Brian smirks at Ronald as he throws down his cards... The king and ace of hearts

Ronald: That's impossible!!

Roy reveals his hand

Mary: There are two ace of hearts!!
Julian: And there's another one in the muck pile.
Ronald: So this isn't a normal deck of cards.
Julian: Brian must've stacked the deck before we started playing.
Allan: That's not cool Brian. Sorry, man, but Roy wins this round.
Brian: Come on! Really? Roy could've cheated, not me.
Allan: It's your deck Brian.

Brian frowns at Roy, looking expectantly...

Roy: No' Allan... Brain won this one fair and square! He had the better hand.
Brian: See, everything's fine!

Ronald and Mary then join Mia and the other cheerleaders at the snack table. Ronald look at the vast arrangements of Hors d' oeuvres.

Ronald: Whoa... Brian really went all out.
Sydney: I know, right? These lobster bites are to die for!
Mia: They're not nearly as good as than the ones I've had at my parties.
Sydney: Hey, check this out!

Sydney waits for everyone to turn around and watch her. She tosses a cracker high into the air and performs a pirouette before catching it in her mouth.

Ronald: Whoa... That was awesome.
Mia: It was okay at best.
Ronald: Let me give it a shot.

Ronald pick up five stuffed mushrooms and start juggling them.

Mary: Whoa... Watch Ronald go!!

Sydney: Who knew you were so talented?

Ronald catch four of the appetizers in his hands then he send the last one flying up into the air... And into his mouth

Ronald: TA - DA! Fun and tasty!!

After partying inside the mansion, Ronald and Mary walked outside where they bump into Zoe and Roy.

Zoe: Are we done yet? The hearst party at Kara's house is going to make this one look like a third grader's birthday.
Roy: I'm having fun... And we agreed that we'd stay for two hours right?
Zoe: I made that deal assuming this party would be fun. Tell you what? Why don't you hangout poolside with your loser friends. You can find me and beg for my forgiveness later.

As Zoe storms off, Roy sigh, Then notices Ronald nearby

Ronald: Uhm... Roy... You must really like her.
Roy: I... I do. I know Zoe can be demanding... Impulsive... Hot-headed. But, She's also the first girl I've ever loved. And that means something to me. I know it makes me look stupid, weak, but... I guess I just don't care. I love her.
Ronald: I don't get why sometimes.
Roy: That's because you don't see the Zoe who calls me up after a long day just to talk. Or the Zoe who pushes me to try out for the football team. Or my Zoe who falls asleep against my shoulder during our walking dead marathon.
Ronald: Does that mean you're going to go run after her?
Roy: Nah... I maybe in love, but I'm not crazy. She needs some time to cool off.
Ronald: Good to see that you've got some survival instincts.
Roy: So... You, uh, liking the party? Honestly, I'm not great with big groups. I'm happiest when I got a chance to grab some one-on-one time with someone at these things.
Ronald: I know what you mean... (Ronald look around the party)

After the conversation, Ronald decided to spend extra time with Mary. He walk up to Mary while she stands by the pool, watching the lights retract off the water

Ronald: Hey there, Gorgeous.
Mary: I can't believe we're actually here! It's so incredible... And exciting... And, and... A little overwhelming to be honest.
Ronald: Yeah, There's a lot of people around.
Mary: And so much noise! I need to recharge my social battery.
Ronald: Maybe we could find somewhere quiet to sneak off for a bit.
Mary: Oh, yeah! I saw this perfect spot on the edge of the estate where we could stargaze... You up for that?
Ronald: Stargaze with you? Yeah, let's go find that spot.
Mary: Follow me.

Mary takes Ronald's hand and leads him to a secluded spot at the edge of the estate. They lie on their back and look up at the stars.

Ronald: There are so many!
Mary: Yeah, It's beautiful.

The two of them sit in silence for a few moments, watching the twinkling stars overhead.

Mary: I wish I remembered what constellation that is. My astronomy knowledge is failing me.
Ronald: Good thing mines not.
Mary: Oh, Yeah?
Ronald: If you look closely, you can see the "Ronald Cluster".
Mary: In your dreams! (Laughing)
Ronald: How do you know that those stars aren't named after me? I'll have you know, I'm a very popular person.
Mary: Okay, The Ronald Cluster... I could get on board with that.
Ronald: Catchy, right?
Mary: Ooh, look!! A shooting star!!


Mary's hand traces the path of the small meteor as it dances across the night sky...

Ronald: Quick, make a wish!

Mary shuts her eyes, whispering her wish to herself. After a brief moment, she opens them again and smile

Ronald: What did you wish for?
Mary: You first...
Ronald: I wish for love.
Mary: How romantic!
Ronald: I'm looking for that one person who will love me for me. Yeah, we're still so young, but i'll find that special person one day, I know it.
Mary: That's what I wished for...
Ronald: Really?
Mary: Yeah, I don't know who that was, but my soulmate's out there for me somewhere... Waiting...
Ronald: I hope your wish comes true.

Ronald's hand accidentally brushes against Mary's, but she doesn't shirk away. Ronald reaches out and take her hand. Mary squeezes his and looks over at him, smiling...


Mary: I'm glad you came to Longbeach, Ronald... I haven't felt at ease in a long time.
Ronald: I promise I'm not going anywhere.
Mary: Good, cause I don't think I could afford to lose you.

Mary shifts closer to Ronald, her gaze till lifted towards the sky.

Mary: I need my personal space heater.
Ronald: Is that all I'm m good for?
Mary: Hey, It's windy out, and I'm a little cold. You're the hero of this story.
Ronald: I'll take it.

After stargazing a little longer, Ronald and Mary returned to the rest of the party. Just then Payton approaches them. She clutches her camera as she looks eagerly around the backyard.

Payton: OMG! Look at this place! Julie put me on year book duty. We need a picture of someone in the pool.
Mary: Well... I guess we can help you.

Ronald and Mary shrug out of their clothes, revealing their swimsuits underneath.

Ronald: Whoa... You look hot!!
Mary: Thanks, you don't look bad yourself. (She looks down, her cheeks turning pink)

They slid into the pool. Just as Payton is about to take the picture, Brian rips off his shirt and runs towards the pool. The photo came out to have Brian as photo bomber.

Payton: This picture looks adorbs!!
Brian: Obviously! Everything I do is picture perfect!

Brian climbs out of the pool and struts off...

Mary: The water feels nice... No need to hurry off, right?

Ronald looks up at the sky, where the stars are twinkling overhead... The warm water surrounds him as he floats next to Mary, Their finger tips just inches apart. Ronald then squeeze Mary's hand and glance over...

Ronald: I could do this all day.
Mary: Me too, Ronald. Me too.

As the party winds down, Ronald head back inside looking for a towel. He open the ajar door to the bathroom and spot two figures kissing against the counter...

Zoe: Ooh, Brian...
Brian: Hmmm, we should really do this more often.

Before he's caught, he take a step backward into the hallway and bump into Roy.

Roy: Ronald? Is everything okay? What's going on?
Ronald: Roy! Oh... uumm... "This is gonna be hard to explain" he said to himself...

What will happen next? Will Roy finds out that Zoe and Brian is cheating on him? How would Ronald responds in this situation?

All of that will be answered in the next chapter, I hope you like it

Have a great day everyone

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I think I should start at the front of the story to become a little more familiar with the characters, but as far as I can read, it is a nice written story.

Thank you so much.. @hetty-rowan regarding that you can check out chapter one just right before this on my bloglist hope you enjoyed it thank

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