Habits Of People Who Get What They Want!

in #life5 years ago


We often look up to those who always get what they want. We admire and wish we could be like them. The reality is, We all have control over that. And we can make it happen if we are truly determined in doing what is necessary.

Be Consistent

There are things in life, where it's easier to do nothing at all. Or sometimes, we fall into the trap of doing a lot one day. And then doing nothing the next day. We think it makes a difference but it really doesn't. Tiny consistent efforts actually make a more significant difference in the long run. Imagine if you wrote 500 words a day every day that may not seem like much. Whereas maybe one day, you'll write 4000 words instead of 500. If you wrote that 4000 only three times the whole year. You still won't benefit as much if you wrote 500 words every single day. That's over 180,000 words in a year. This is how everything works. Many of us give up before we even get results. It can be hard to maintain something that we want to change. We often go back to old habits. But when we make small changes that are longer duration we are more likely to get what we want.

Always Learn

Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with the things that I have to do, and it seems like there tasks that can't be simplified. They take a long time, and they don't provide much benefit. They still know that they need to be done. Keeping your eyes open to other opportunities and learning new ways of doing things. Can dramatically change your life. There were things that I didn't think you could do much adjusting to but once I found new ways of doing the same things. I quickly realized that these things don't have to take up my whole day that I can get them done very quickly. Now I do more in a day than I ever imagined was possible. Learning can be as simple as just reading a book. Or even reading a blog post. Related to something that's important to you. You never know what knowledge will come in handy later on in life.

Be self-aware

Most of us seek to understand other people. Instead of ourselves a lot of things that happen to us every day or because of what our actions. How we react to things, we don't realize that many of the things that we are in life are because of how we responded to a specific situation in a given moment. Being self-aware of all of your actions can help you make life-changing decisions. Things that can change your life forever in and get you closer to your primary goals. I found this to be true when I started keeping track of what I was consuming. When I started switching to a more zero/low waste lifestyle. I quickly realized that many of the things I was purchasing were a waste of money anyways. Such as bottled sugary drinks, and snacks. So not only are my changes better for the environment, but they are also better for my health and my wallet. I never would've noticed these things if I wasn't aware.


Improve your listening

We all enjoy talking, we love telling our stories about fun things that we've done in our life's all of our experiences, but these days many people cannot handle listening for long periods of time. They are too busy thinking about their reply. People's listening skills are going down the drain, and as a result more and more people are starved to have full-length conversations. Listening allows you to build a connection with another person. Showing that you care. You also can learn more from them. Knowing how to listen can change your life.
Habits are what gets you closer to what you want. That's why it's important to be mindful of what kind habits you have whether they are good or bad these habits should help you closer to what you want with practice.

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Excellent points, totally agree!

One of my life lesson I have learned is to make little steps in everything I do. Constantly, every day, hour and minute. This, I think is the best and easiest way to achieve goals.

Little steps and consistency are the best way to go for sure ;)

Being self aware, so important and also the most difficult of the list. ;-)

Right? It's hard because you never fully know what you are doing from others perspective.

A good article. If a person always gets what they want it doesn't allow them to grow. When it's harder to get what you want you appreciate it more

Thanks for the life tips. Cheers @kaylinart! Hope you have a nice evening :)

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Very good post! Congratulations!!

Very informative post. Listening power is really going down these days.

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