Back From Steemfest | Thoughts and Funnies

in #steemfest6 years ago


I'm finally getting some pics of Steemfest out! YAY!

This is a #backfromsteemfest post. @anomadsoul helped stoke the excitement leading up to Steemfest with #roadtosteemfest posts, and he's back with another challenge, which is good 'cause I didn't know where to start.

So we'll start with @yidneth and her Fufunchis, as pictured above, because the Fraggle Queen was one of my all-time favourite things about Steemfest. 'Course, I could say the same about quite a few people I met there.

I had the pleasure of chatting with @anomadsoul for hours one evening, huddled with a few others in the cold outside the bar while karaoke madness went down inside. My phone was dead, so I have no selfie of us, but it was a fantastic night.

@anomadsoul had these ideas for this post:

  • The funniest photo you took.
  • The most embarrasing situation you were involved in.
  • The coolest/most interesting story/anecdote you have about SF.
  • The photo you have with the most Steemians in it.
  • Your new favorite Steemian (can be three, I know we met so many new people).
  • Your overall experience about the whole event.
  • The most random photography you took with your phone and you don´t even know why it is there.

Alrighty then. Let’s begin.


Funny photos? Sure.


It was an absolute treat to spend time with @yidneth, and I am sooooo glad @hedac was there as well. She had her fufunchis out everywhere, taking photos and making me giggle.

wizard hats

Pris also brought these fun hats, which made their rounds, including a pic with the wizard himself, @gandalf the grey, who just needs a cloak and staff to complete his attire. There's @rhondak in the background. I just want to hug them all again.


Here's me, @hedac and @yidneth with the fufunchis and this weird green dragon sculpture on the street. I laughed a lot while in Kraków, but probably laughed the most with Pris. So, so grateful you could come, song sister.


Embarrassing? Well…

So on bowling night, there were these two guys with Chicago accents. They both tried to pick me up. One even sang me the blues. They were smooth and cool, but not quite my type. Had to give them the slip. As I went to slide away, I tripped a little and my shirt caught on one of their hands. I think they saw what they wanted to see. I skedaddled to the dance floor. ;)

blues brothers


The coolest story… how to choose one?

Okay, one of the most heart-burstingly-awesome moments for me was meeting @koreanoprah, because I got to share why I love Steem with someone who didn't know much about it at first.

She was sitting by herself. Being exuberantly friendly by nature, I said hello, and next thing I knew I was giving @koreanoprah a rundown on Steem 101. One of the things that sets Steem apart from other blockchains is the social side, and she and I were soon talking about the deeper benefits Steem offers, including community, fulfillment, friendship, and a way to make the world a more connected human family.

She's an investor. She goes to crypto conferences, but she said she'd never been to one like this. She might have been the only person who did not know anyone from the beginning of Steemfest, and I'm so glad I was able to make her feel welcome.

I introduced my new friend to @steemcafe and @instructor2121, and left her in good hands. I saw her a few more times over the weekend, and every time I did, my heart glowed, and our friendship grew. I couldn’t be more grateful for the chance to be an ambassador to this blockchain and the global tribe it fosters.

chickencaam and koreanoprah

I totally stole this photo ^^ from @chickencaam (hope you don't mind me featuring you here), who posted it via @appics, but I didn't know where else to find a pic of @koreanoprah and I really want it here so I can look back and remember her. Actually, you both made me light up every time I saw you, and this pic makes me smile again. Also, she is totally a crypto-babe. Big shout out to @chickencaam for the photo. Go show him some love. ;)

I’m sorry I didn’t get a selfie with @koreanoprah, nor with @chickencaam or @illucifer or @flauwy, and so many others. But I’m SO glad everyone took photos, and that we can find them on the blockchain.


The photo I have with the most Steemians in it has got to be this one from the banquet the final evening.


It was epic. The word of the week was EPIC, and the final night was like being in a Tolkien book, or Harry Potter.


Here’s the set up before we flooded the tables. That’s a lot of seats! We had a fine-dining last dinner something like 350 feet underground inside a salt mine. Blew my mind.

I’ll share more pictures of the mine in another post. Let’s move on.


My new favourite Steemians include:

  • @koreanoprah (I hope someone hooks her up with Gina and she starts posting. @steemcafe, you on that?)

  • @anomadsoul (So glad I got to spend time with you and get to know you in person.)

  • @edprivat (YOU!!!!! Thank you for bringing your guitar and sharing the stage with me. So much love!)

  • @lukestokes and his family (Your family feels like my family. Heart full of love.)

  • @mrlightning (I knew I’d love @techslut, but had no idea she’d bring such a charming, fun, big-hearted companion.)

  • @artbunny (You have such a sweet energy, my friend!)

  • @reggaemuffin (Your smile makes my smile even brighter.)

myself, @reggaemuffin, @yidneth

Wait… I was supposed to stop at three, wasn’t I?

I could keep going.

So many people make my heart light up when I think of them, and I’m so grateful we had the chance to connect. This is what life is about, these kinds of experiences, these kinds of bonds.

^^ THIS.

This is my overarching experience of the event: how much I love the people. It was epic, the projects and collaborations and presentations gave me renewed excitement for the future of the blockchain, and @roelandp did a fan-freaking-tabulous job organizing an experience that gave us a feel for a new city and myriad ways to connect.

But the most important thing for me was spending time with people who felt like family. Seriously. Heart full of love.


The most random photography you took with your phone and you don´t even know why it is there.

Well, I meant to take the photo, which is blurry, like so many of my photos, but I really have no idea why the Blues Brothers were lounging, lifesize, at the entrance to the bowling alley in Kraków, Poland.

Here we have Jake and Elwood with @enginewitty and @ura-soul.

jake and elwood


I think that’s it for this #backfromsteemfest post.

I’m just going to drop this here:

THANK YOU Steemit for sending me to STEEMFEST!!!!!

Thank you to @steemitblog, and to everyone who helped me get there. Thank you to everyone who showed up to share it with me.


Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
Photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steem.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

alliance banner


Amazing stuff!
Those of us who couldn't attend steemfest very much appreciate everyone's effort in showing how it looked like and sharing some great atmosphere with us.
Thanks! And when is your not-so-live-anymore performance coming in a form of post? :) Everyone says you really nailed it!

Yeah seconding this, really fun to read, and very cool you helped someone new that nevertheless came to the conference. And yes to videos of the performances :) :)

Roelandp filmed guess will be up eventually, @camuel has shared some snippets

Yes, I'm waiting for the live performance videos also!

I bought three plushies of rats, made a post about them, and they were on stage so hoping someone filmed their moment.

So glad you enjoyed the post. It's been fun seeing everyone sharing, for sure. And thank you! I'm so glad people enjoyed my performance. I don't have any footage of it myself, so I've been relying on others and resteeming what I find. :)

Love the pics and the stories! And how exciting to meet Jake and Elwood, even if they stole a peek under your shirt! 😂

How wonderful that you helped @koreanoprah feel welcome! It must have been difficult for her going to that conference for the crypto info and not knowing anyone!

You mentioned @anomadsoul, but did you also get a chance to meet @nomadicsoul ? She was there, too, which makes confusion in my brain upon reading these SteemFest stories... 😆

YES! I got to meet @nomadicsoul as well. She's good people. So many amazing friendships made and deepened. Glad you liked my Jake and Elwood story. lol! ;)

Really sorry I lost that event, it look it has been quite amazing

It was, truly. Aim for Steemfest4, or any other meetup you can get to. It's all about connecting with the people.

Glad you had fun - it was great to connect with so many creative thinkers! :)

Indeed! :) So good to connect with you.

What an experience you had at Steemfest... warm regards to the Steemfest family.
Looking forward to attending one in the future. Cheers!

I hope you can! Steemfest is epic, and fully worth planning for next year. Smaller meetups are super fun too! :)

Ah, I kept running into the green dragon thing a lot too and it was weird, 'cause I wasn't really sure about my way around Krakow and I kept thinking I was mad and just imagining the dragon :))
Also, I loved those statue-guys from the bowling place. Almost fell over them, but still. it was awesome meeting you, by the way <3

That dragon! lol! It was soooo fabulous to meet you. Thank you for your beautiful smile and kind heart. ((hugs))

Owww ❤️you're so sweet and positive - I love that!

thanks for sharing these photos, sounds like you really had a blast and I think you made a good choice in ditching those shady two guys xxx

lol! You caught me. ;) I didn't know what embarrassing moment to put so I made up the story about the Blues Brothers statues. They were such a trip! It was a blast, for real. Hope to make it to a meetup with you at some point, my friend. Take care of you!

This post is filled with so much heart! It’s emanating from the screen! Thanks for taking us with you 😘🌹🙌🏼 I love her little puppets!!


So much heart. So glad you can feel it. The more you love, the more love you have to give. True story. And the puppets were so much fun! ;)

No Kidding!!! This is the post i have been waiting for ---- (long comfortable pause).
What a wonderful time! Dinner in a salt cave WOW. I didn't know that was the grand finale! Holy! Does it ever look like an unforgettable experience. 🍃🍂🙏🎶🧡

WOW is right! One whole week of wow, in so many ways. I'm glad to be able to share it with you. :) Hope to make it to a meetup with you one of these days. Much love!!!

A meet-up would be wonderful! I am considering a new campaign doing posts to earn votes to get to Steem Fest 4! How did you and the boys do being apart that much time?

Looks like a great time. Dunno about that salt mine fallout shelter though... may have been a bit claustrophobic!

You know, I can get claustrophobic, and I wasn't sure about how I'd feel underground, but we kept moving on the tour, and the experience was enough to keep me from thinking about how much earth was over my head. The banquet hall and the cathedral were super spacious. Really an awesome experience, all around. :)

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