Little Sprout has settled in and loving her new home🦜 & My trip to the dentist didn't go as planned. 😡

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I couldn't wait for my dentist appointment this morning, I was booked in for 10.30. I hate the dentists but the toothache i have is killing me. All the left side of my mouth throbs with pain shoot up past my ear to my temple. That along with my bad leg hurting, back hurting and splitting headache plus other twinges i am in a sorry state.

I was up earlier than expected as didn't sleep very well with the pain and with getting my tattoo my arm was a bit sensitive plus the wrapping kept sliding down my arm. I had to get up and wash my arm, add more cream to keep the tattoo soft then wrap it again with cling film to keep it clean whilst we were out.


9.30 i get a phone call from the dentists to say they have had to change my appointment as the room i need (downstairs room) is already taken, My appointment was moved back until 3pm today. I could have cried. Hubby still had his appointment. I lay in bed feeling miserable and sorry for myself. :( Hubby got home an hour later to say he had to go back for a filling at 3.30pm.

Half 2 arrived, time to leave. We got there in plenty of time, hubby went upstairs as he can use the stairs i waited for the nurse to come out for me. Don't know what i was expecting to happen, i had hoped they would do the work there and then but unfortunately when i went in the Dentist took an Xray of my teeth to find i have a hole in my root and an infection. No work done today sent home with 7 days of strong antibiotics. So i am sitting here typing this with my tooth throbbing and still feeling very sorry for myself.


Nichola's new feathered friend SPROUT has settled in, she is singing, eating and been out for a couple of minutes flying around the bedroom. She has been looking around her new cage, its a lot bigger than she is so at the minute she is lost in there.

Sprout in her cage.jpg

We all have to make sure she gets used to all of us and get to know our voices so every morning we go in and speak to her then a few times through the day and just before bedtime. She has already sat on Nichola's finger, she is a bit nervous is you move but as time goes on she will get used to that and stay there.

We are going to buy a few perches that we can attach to the bedroom walls giving her lots of places to perch on whilst she is out, she is only a small bird, she will probably tire very quickly until she gets used to flying. She is only 4 weeks old.

Sprout 5.jpg

Nichola is introducing Fresh Vegetables & Fruit to her diet, she will start to love these in time. She is such a cute little thing, very calm and friendly. Her new name fits her as she does look like a Sprout, only prettier.

Its now time for me to go take lots and lots of painkillers for bed as i feel rough.

Thank you @son-of-satire


hang in there, the end is in sight,
hoik the bugger out and it can't hurt any more.

I want to safe as many teeth as i can. Not ready for falsies lol

The buggers don't hurt then though

Its the gums i don't like

surprise the slave. shut your mouth. then nobody can see the gums

Ohh No I know what that is Like I have been through it, last time the antibiotics kicked in fairly quickly and the pain eased, I hope this happens for you as well the pain is unbearable I know

BUt the bird looks so cute

Sprout is cute. My pain seems to be easing :)

Sprout is a cool name for it and I am glad the pain is easing ;)

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Nothing much worse than a tooth ache... Hang in there ... Cute bird...

Thank you Sprout is a cutie. :)

So sorry about the pain you feel, O can only imagine. Nichole is cute though.

Thank you :)

Gosh little sprout is so cute!

She is a little gem :)

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