A Blasphemous Sickness (to thrive is to curse the state)

in #anarchy6 years ago


I’m so sick of living on this stupid planet, with all these stupid people, too afraid to even take responsibility for wiping their own ass.

So what do they do? They advocate for a gang called government to do their violence for them, stifling the rest of us, stifling innovation, and fucking up peace around the globe.

Those of us who have seen the sunny day don’t remain hopeless, however. If your own gun is pointed at yourself, there’s no way for you to win in the end, after all.

And the gun you point at others, even if indirectly, by advocating that we be ruled by your gang and its immoral laws, is always pointed right back at yourself.

Because it’s true what they say: What goes around comes around. And if you promote violence perpetrated by a group of “elite,” “special” humans called “police” and “politicians,” it’s inevitable that one day someone will promote the use of their violence against you.

Finally, even for those in power, their own bullshit will end up right back at their own front door. Because they have failed to honor the natural law that each individual human being is a self-owner. And in doing so, have forfeited their own rights as the highest authority in their own lives. They have gone so far as to deny objective reality and biology itself.

In believing that “their class” of people has greater rights than others, they assent to the idea that sometimes it is legitimate for others to violate them, in the name of their very own myth, because sometimes some individuals have “greater rights” than others.

In view of the objective, economic reality that individuals on this planet all have different and unlimited wants and needs, it is preposterous to think that peace could be brought about by a system that affords each human being not equal rights with his fellows, but rights according to arbitrary systems based on magical thinking and superstition. Namely, that people are “bad” and need to be governed, but those people which do the governing need nobody to govern them. You see? There will always be an unwatched entity, “at the top,” in this childish “system.”

Indeed, to call such lunacy “childish” is an insult to the intelligence of all the brilliant youngsters currently living around the globe.

We have seen the bright day coming. We have seen your demise. I have seen the TV weather forecast, with a map of the world containing no geographical boundaries maintained by geo-political monopolies on violence. All I saw was green, and blue, and sunshine. And when I zoomed in to this globe in my mind’s eye I saw people laughing, communities living in respectful interdependence, children playing, and private property respected. Untold magnitudes of innovation, flourishing and proliferating exponentially to the interest and end of furthering the health, happiness, and freedom of humankind. Of the individual.

This is what we “normal people“ do every day. We work hard, trade value for value, and try to meet our own needs, because we know that in doing so we can secondarily meet the needs of those in our families and communities. We create for the sake of creation. We live for the sake of life. We play as an act of worship to that which is.

You’ve determined that we are vermin who must constantly be watched, but the real score is clear for all to see: we are the peacemakers, producers, and if sometimes fallible, relentless seekers of logic, health, and help for ourselves and others.

You are the parasitic peddlers of shams, murder disguised as justice, and untold perverse and horrific acts, plots, schemes, and devices.

I have no time for you. There is no such thing as “perfect.” But there is such a thing as justice, logic, and peace. All I propose is that the objective realities of this existence be acknowledged, and that we live in harmony with them to the best of our abilities, in the interest of minimizing violent conflict. Your answer to this problem has been to promote a system foundationally dependent upon the very same violent conflict.

You are the imbecilic lot unfit for existence, yet there is still time for you. Time for you to stop sucking blood and to start producing value, and recognizing the immutable, objective, metaphysical, concrete, and biological reality that my body is mine, and my life is mine. I will be damned if I leave it for you. And I will be equally damned if I demand that others live their lives for me.

Enough. If peace is what you desire, there is a logical way to attain it, and it is not through the reprehensible tangle of useless superstitions you have built. Beyond useless, you have become rotten. Grapes turn to wine with age. You fester as a wound which never heals. Some of us do not wish to partake of your blackened
child-raping, village bombing, tech-suppressing, health destroying, money stealing, statist neurosis, but to live. And to thrive.

To thrive.

This is the ultimate blasphemy to you, isn’t it?



BRAVO, Graham!

I'm so inspired by your bravity to speak loud everything you think of!
there are so few of such people in reality, and there are even less of them in steemit..

the 1st sentence is exactly to the point! just from my mouth;)
I often say so making facepalm again and again when I see some unstoppable stupidity, and if people hear it they are always shocked, and they say how proud and selfish I am, and how much I disrespect other people.
But if I think a little different than all the rest, does it mean I am selfish?
People don't like people who are not like all the rest.
I feel this pressure all my life;)

There's very little hope that this world will ever know peace.

I disagree. I think it is impossible for violence to maintain itself indefinitely.

The people who haven't suffered directly will never understand.
As long as there's power, there'll be violence.
And power is dynamic, thus the violence will only change sides. I know I don't sound good but believe me, I've tried to think differently, but this is only conclusion I come to.

There will always be violent individuals. However, they are but a small minority. The problem is opening up non-natural law based seats of power in violence-based government. An individual-self-ownership-based, universalizable property norm is the only way to minimize the potential for violent conflict.

The superstitious, religious belief that a violent state (government) is necessary for peace is the cancer plaguing the world.

Most individuals are good. The religion called "statism" is not.

There are always flaws in every government rules or laws. Some like being restricted because they respect the laws and some people hate because of an inconvenience for them.
The major thing is this world needs peace which is only possible if everyone on the planet thinks in a same way. Everyone should have positive and kind thinking as a human being. That's how peace can be established.

All I saw was green, and blue, and sunshine [(again)].

  • alluding to Jim Lee (climateviewer.com, climateviewer.org, weathermodificationhistory.com)

When I am sick of (statist) people, I sometimes remind me of what Tolkien let Gandalf say to Frodo in the Lord of the Rings (I am paraphrasing):
[In the prospect of a terrible, nearly hopeless future.]
'It is not on us to judge the times into which we were born, but to make the best of what we have.'

if you wish (not by Jim but apparently in support of his work)

Awesomely well put, my friend. So glad you dropped by today and reminded me of your presence on this platform.

At the risk of sounding self promoting, have you seen my recent "Elegy for Liberty?" I mention it simply because I think you might find it of interest. It is beyond the payout period, but I would value any comments you might have.



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