Sunrise an Original Short Story

in #fiction7 years ago


Troy and Cassandra were dreamers and lighthearted individuals. Their few goals in life were to have fun, chase their dreams, and to be happy together. The had been newly wedded striking immediately out to seek adventure and the rush of travel. Within a year they had topped the highest peaks in the world and saw 25 countries. Their Motto, "Chase the Sunrise!"

Cassandra got pregnant and yet they still traveled abroad. She carried to term and they had a little boy, they named him Kent. Kent traveled and grew to love the world for what it was and what it is. His parents taught him from borrowed texts and did real world experiments. Kent even though home schooled was far advanced for his age. He had thought that the system did that on purpose to keep people dumb and easily distracted.

Troy eventually gave in to take a job as a merchant mariner. He had to pay for the trips and food for his family. He was gone a lot in Kent's adolescence the things a father should teach a son were non-existent. His mother tried her best to show him how to be a proper man. How to keep a good woman and treat her like a queen. His father came home from the sea a rattled and abrasive gent. Quick to temper and lash out. Kent thought I wonder if the sea is really that dangerous and if it does make a man jaded. Th ere was a great fight between his parents. His father stormed out back to the docks and sea.

Shortly after casting off on his voyage Troy's vessel was overtaken by a violent storm. Troy did his best to save as many of the crew before it capsized and sank, bringing the Captain and Troy with it. It took months for the letters and annuity payments to arrive. Cassandra devastated by the news of her loves death turned to drunkenness to absolve the guilt in her heart for letting Troy go that day.

Kent had watch his mother fade away with her sadness and despair. Somehow he had hardened his heart to loss after his father so when his mother succumbed to alcoholism he wasn't as shaken as most would have been at the loss of his mother. He remained adamant that he would not end up like them cold and calloused from the raw nature of the world. He vowed he would raise his children without booze and anger as teaching or healing tools.

By the time Kelli was born Kent owned his own business, had a wonderful wife, and now a beautiful daughter. Kent would share the good stories about her grandparents. He taught her how to be a solid human being and how to treat others. He taught her from some of the some texts he learned from.

He would tell her that she could find them early in the morning. The warm kiss of sunshine was them loving her from afar. The colors were the true beauty of this world. It wouldn't stop day after day, year after year, she told stories to her children about the good times of her ancestors and the joy and warmth of the sunrise, the beginning of a new day with its own lessons to teach. Even if he had left her he would reside within the sunrise waiting to kiss her cheek again.


Very nice..
enjoy the upvote and you can do the same...

That's a lovely story, but what is controversial about it? Why would someone mute you for this?

beautiful sun
good picture
don't forget to up vote my friend

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