SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago


Another beautiful day to participate in the steemit engagement challenge for week 04 and season 08.

This contest is a very interesting one and I can't afford to skip as it happens to talk about our life after death.

Please join me as we begin this contest

Do you believe in life after death?

The issue of life after death has been a controversial issue in the world.

Many believe that there is life after death while others believe that once a person dies, that's the end of the person's life.

However, no one has ever died and come back to life and for this reason, there is no valid reason as to the believe of life after death.

Personally, I don't believe in life after death but I believe that a dead human can come back to life.

I am a Christian and there are examples of people that died and we're resurrected back to life again, a good example is that of Lazarus, the brother to Mary and Martha.

And I don't believe in life after death in the sense that I don't believe that immediately a person dies, he changes form and keep on living.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Personally, I feel that death is a natural thing.

Examining this section scientifically, the characteristics of a living thing is known and "MR-NIGER-D".

The above is an acronym for the characteristics of a living thing, where M is movement, R is respiration, N is nutrition, I is irritability, G is growth, E is excretion, R is reproduction and finally D is death.

As seen above, Death is included as one of the characteristics of a living thing.

Death is the opposite of birth, and since birth is natural, then death is also natural.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Living life itself is a risk, travelling on the road is a risk as there have been report of loss of lives due to road accidents.

Personally, I have not been in any situation that put me at risk of death.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

The truth is, no one wishes to die but death is inevitable and even the bad ones don't want to be remembered for doing bad.

Personally, I don't want to be remembered as an evil person, even though I have made some mistakes in life, I wouldn't want to be judged based on my mistakes.

I want to be remembered as a person of good legacy, a man that brought Joy and hope to the lives of those around him.

I want to be remembered as a man that lightens up the mood of others, a man that helps comfort others when they are down.


I have answered all questions relating to this contest.

It is true that no one wishes to die but unfortunately death is inevitable, it is a part of human life, it is a phase that all human must pass through

And I am happy to have participated in this contest, I eagerly anticipate the next contest from this great community.


Saludos amigo.

La vida después de la muerte inicia con la eternidad, pero aquí en la tierra sabemos que a través de las sagradas podemos elegir donde pasar la eternidad.


Kematian dapat didefinisikan sebagai kondisi di mana semua fungsi organ tubuh seseorang berhenti secara permanen

 2 years ago 

Saludos @jueco.

Como bien dices nadie ha podido confirmar que exista vida despues de la muerte, esta es una idea basada mas en el deseo o fe de las personas, lo cual es respetable. Cada quien puede tener una opinión respecto a este tema, lo cierto es que tenemos esta vida y debemos aprovecharla porque no sabemos hasta cuando lo podremos hacer.

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 2 years ago 

This post was selected for Curación Manual (Manual Curation)

@tipu curate

The bible said in Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Your judgement will determine where you will spend the eternity.
So if you are a Christian and doesn't believe in life after death, anyway it's your decision.
We choose to believe whatever we want to.

I wish you well in your entry.

Yes, we choose to believe whatever we want 😊

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