Gofundme - Free Crowdfunding for Noble Causes

in #life5 years ago (edited)
Life is always contradictory and ironic, she surprises us, makes us happy and sad. Many times by chance we can meet someone who will change us forever, other times we strive day by day to find that person and we never succeed.

Walking through life can be compared to walking through a maze. You never know what you will find around the corner, sometimes too, we must go back and rectify the path.

Among these gait and life events I had the opportunity to learn about the existence of a platform whose concept I found very interesting.

Gofundme is a free platform for Crowdfunding, which integrates the power of the Internet and social networks to cross borders so that people can raise funds to meet or support truly noble causes, whether personal or beneficial.

"We have built our reputation thanks to our commitment to serve and protect our community of campaign organizers and donors, and we continue to gain that trust every day. The GoFundMe community has more than 50 million people who have raised more than five billion dollars. "

Developing a crowdfunding campaign in Goundme will allow raising funds to cover economic needs related to:

  • Health: With a campaign you will get immediate help to pay medical bills.
  • In memorian: With a campaign you will get immediate help to pay the costs of a funeral.
  • Emergency: Get help to deal with disasters.
  • NGO: The quick and easy way to raise money for the NGOs that matter to you.
  • Education: Get help paying educational expenses.
  • Others.


We can immediately get an idea of ​​the potential of this platform. But we should also imagine that this can be done to cover up fraudulent campaigns.

As for the security of the campaigns, I could not find information on how Gofundme evaluates the truth of the cases. This platform only guarantees the management of the funds raised, guaranteeing the crowdfunding organizer that they will receive the funds and they will remain in a protected place until the moment they decide to request a withdrawal of funds by electronic bank transfer.

Another limiting factor that I could find is that the platform is not configured to accept donations in cryptocurrencies. This seemed incredible to me, I couldn't believe it!

As I told you at the beginning of this post, it was for a case of the ironies of life that I learned about the existence of this platform.

It turns out that a beloved uncle of mine, my mother's brother currently has an active fundraising campaign to cover the costs of his chemotherapy treatment to fight stomach cancer that was recently diagnosed.

He´s Dr. Amador Avila.

Knows Amador Avila´s Case

My uncle is a Gynecologist and Obstetrician with extensive experience, lives in Venezuela. He has been awarded several times for his contributions to science and the improvement of obstetric processes in my country.

Venezuela has the worst economy in the world. The quality of life of Venezuelans is so deteriorated that the state is not able to guarantee the right to health.

It is inconceivable that a medical doctor with a high level of preparation, who has given his whole life to save others, today cannot cover medical expenses to save his own life.

This is a sample of the things that happen in my country.

ph venezuela cintillo.jpg


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Dear @juanmolina

Life is always contradictory and ironic, she surprises us

She? :) IS life a 'female'? ;)

Interesting read. As always.

Walking through life can be compared to walking through a maze.

Interesting comparison. I kind of see it different way. Perhaps because I live in part of the world that is more predictable and I think of life as a journey in well known direction. However during that journey I'm being hit from left and right by things less predictable and obstacles are being thrown in front of me.

Personally I wouldn't like to think of life as of a maze. Having clear direction and vision for the future is something I found necessary (perhaps I simply don't like labyrinths :)

Anyway back to main topic - I've never heard about Gofundme and personally I don't know if I believe in success of this kind of platform. Anything that has word 'noble causes' sounds like ... noone will be interested.

Charities are being done to serve mostly marketing or political purposes. Supporting those in need just for the sake of supporting them ... ehm, it hardly ever works. There is just way more people in need, than those willing to share their own resources.

upvote on the way :) Enjoy upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

She? :) IS life a 'female'? ;)

:) In Spanish "Life" is considered female, so "she" is used when we translate it. I think that in other languages it is a neutral or indeterminate gender word, so it can be a bit weird what we do.

Perhaps there is a reminiscence of old beliefs, those that spoke of the Goddess of Life


Dear Piotr, thanks for comment.

She? :) IS life a 'female'? ;)

Oh yeah.
Do you not know how powerful the "Females" are?

Anyway back to main topic - I've never heard about Gofundme and personally I don't know if I believe in success of this kind of platform. Anything that has word 'noble causes' sounds like ... noone will be interested.

Like you, I also thought that this platform was simply "appearances", perhaps with a dark background.
But as you realize, I learned about Gofundme in the case of my Uncle's illness. Then reading a little I could realize that thousands of successful campaigns have been carried out.

Your friend, Juan.

Thank you very much Sir.

Hello my dear @juanmolina.

First, I want to express my feeling of frustration when I hear of cases like your uncle's, which in turn is the case of many people in this country, unfortunately today many rights in Venezuela are not guaranteed, including the right to health. Blessings to your uncle!

On the other hand, it is gratifying to know about platforms like these to which we can go in situations of need and be able to find support in the midst of advesity, thanks for the information I know will be useful for many.


At the beginning, it incites me to remember two things, on the one hand that life is ironic reminded me of Luis Enrique's song :) Así es la vida
And that you do not know what life holds and will always give you surprises, because it brought me to remember that phrase of Forres Gump ...

I am also surprised to know that Gofundme does not work with cryptocurrencies.

I am sorry for your uncle's case, I have seen several cases that leave me unable to believe that people who give so much are in such problems. Some of the cases were old professors who either had to leave to seek treatments or died because the health system and the availability of medicines and treatments in Venezuela cannot work.

A few weeks ago a friend finally took his mother, she was refused to leave, but after a blackout my colleague's father fell for a heart attack, when they managed to take him to the hospital there was no light, the plant did not work, there was almost nothing to deal with, the staff put everything of themselves to try to save him with manual resuscitation, but he died ... the friend was out for a few years and was already established, he had tried to convince his parents to they went with him, but they couldn't even think about starting over. After the misfortune, he took his mother without giving him time to refuse, now they are together and takes her to therapy, a senior club to socialize, dance and try to take the pain of grief in the best way may.

I'm going to spread the word about your uncle's campaign, I hope that is of some help :)

Dear teacher @pedrobrito2004.

What a shocking testimony!
Thanks for sharing, you are very kind.

Well, it helps in what you can.

Although unfortunately I can not do much more than spread the word and share this post on different networks.

That's enough, thanks friend.

Hello my dear @juanmolina.

First, I want to express my feeling of frustration when I hear of cases like your uncle's, which in turn is the case of many people in this country, unfortunately today many rights in Venezuela are not guaranteed, including the right to health. Blessings to your uncle!

On the other hand, it is gratifying to know about platforms like these to which we can go in situations of need and be able to find support in the midst of advesity, thanks for the information I know will be useful for many.

Greetings my brother. Thanks for your good wishes.

When I was writing this post, I thought a lot about you. I remember that you told me that a relative of yours suffered from a similar illness. Maybe this platform works for you.

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