Robert Kiyosaki - How Our Monetary System Enslave Us & Why You Shouldn't Pay Taxes (FULL INTERVIEW)

in #money7 years ago

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In this video, John Sneisen and I sit down with author and icon Robert Kiyosaki at The Red Pill Expo in Montana to talk about the monetary system, the markets, the tax code, Donald Trump, a cashless society, investing, gold and silver and the public school system.


Robert Kiyosaki is the man behind the book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' which is the number one personal finance book of all time. He's written two books with President Donald Trump and has supported people like Ron Paul in the past.
His appearance at G. Edward Griffin's 'The Red Pill Expo' was in honor of Mr. Griffin who he says he respects greatly. "If Griffin asks, I come!"

Kiyosaki made the point that one should not work for money but for assets and that if you don't like taxes, find a way not to pay them, get rich, own assets, buy good debt.

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Kiyosaki also went into the deep state effect on the Trump administration and how his friend Donald Trump can't actually change the realities of the coming fiat dollar crash. He also went into the fact that the public school system indoctrinates kids to know very little, pay taxes and invest long term in the stock market.

When it comes to the future, Kiyosaki says the good thing is people will live longer and the bad news is, they will be living in a cardboard box as job automation takes over.

See the FULL video interview here:

Stay tuned for from WAM at The Red Pill Expo in Bozeman, Montana! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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The problem with Robert Kiyosaki, is that he is a statist. He say he like the government, as it is on his side. In other words he is utilizing the government to extort people. That is against the non-aggression principle and proves that Robert Kiyosaki is a evil statist and that he should be treated as such.

He is not an anarchist and therefore evil and I am surprised that @joshsigurdson even wanted to interview him, what is the purpose of this interview, if Josh is an anarchist?

Because it's about actually listening to people and getting their point of view. He's anti-tax, anti-government, he's just benefiting personally from statism because he's free of most of the state's coercion other than arbitrary laws.
I don't ONLY interview anarchists. How on Earth do we get out of an echo chamber if we only talk with anarchists?
It's about spreading that message. So I talk pragmatically against war, bringing in the left. I talk pragmatically against taxes, so I bring in the right. Then I lead them to voluntaryism.
You may have your own tactics, but it's allowed me to bring thousands to the message of voluntaryism, so obviously it works.

I don't think Robert Kiyosaki is anti-government and against tax. He is just against him paying tax, but like the fiat money system (He have 300 million in fiat money debt or what did he way??) and the state, since these structures maintains his wealth and his business.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Robert Kiyosaki in the past, but he is kind-of like an reminiscence of the past (before crypto, before 2008). He teaches people how to play the old fashion capitalism game, but as he points out he knows nothing about crypto currencies and he is not an anarchist.

I personally think that the state will try to fight crypto as soon as it gets more popular, so every person will have to take a stand on which side they are on!

Also he is friend of Trump, who is clearly a statist behind all evils states do.

I understand that you like to interview Robert Kiyosaki since he made that best seller book and is famous, but still I thought that you where more like Jeff, trying to avoid statists in the pursued of getting away from statism and towards anarchism.

I don't have the final answer on how to make the world anarchistic, other then I think that crypto currencies will do that over time.

Anyway it was a great interview, its not that, I am just writing out of the purpose of transforming the world towards anarchism.

At 12:30 to 12:40 in your video, Robert says: "I am not against government, governments make me rich, I love my government."

So tell me how is he not utilizing government to extort people?

Also he have borrowed 300 million USD in fiat money banking system, that we all know is controlled and ran by the satanic elite that makes wars and much more evil, so how does that make him a person to glorify and interview???

If Robert Kiyosaki said "I am not against government, governments make me rich, I love my government.", well that makes it clear he is an agent of the state, he performs various functions, such as disinformation, false financial expertise, etc.

He is the slave of the fiat monetary system.

May all humans adopt the do no harm principle! Followed ya. Glad to have found you on here. Onward and upward!

Thank you, always nice to meet other anarchists. Followed back.

Indeed! When our powers combine(in a totally decentralized way, haha)!

Well I really think that blockchain technologies can make humanity 100% anarchistic, I am trying to write an article/post on that topic these days, may be ready in 0-2 days.

Looking forward to hearing more about your thoughts on the matter. I feel that blockchain and it's model can inspire abundance for all. It's a beautiful example of a new paradigm where collaboration is normal. Cheers!

Blockchain has the potential to make real anarcho capitalism where everyone gets paid fairly for their service and no one have special privileges thought corrupt fiat money banking.

Indeed, fractional reserve banking is one of the most corrupt and enslaving systems I know of. It seems blockchains can be the way to break free from debt slavery. It can start changing the way we think about solving problems in so many realms. A platform where all humans are accepted and appreciated for what they bring to the community!

Capitalism is not about paying people fairly. You treat blockchains like they are jesus.


I've been reading about over the past few years how the US dollar is losing it's value and the country is in a lot of debt. And when you see major companies closing and people losing their jobs it's a scary thought.

Exactly, many factors contribute to that. A very important one is when the US trades with other nations and they deliver their goods they are paid with United States Treasury bonds and now that we've lost our star for not paying off our debt and amassing the disgusting amount of debt, these countries are saying we don't want to be paid in bonds anymore we want, cash or other tangible liquid assets. This is probably one of the problems besides being rival super powers with China and Russia that they are making back door deals trading with each other and reaching around the US dollar.

It is because we are at the end of a currency cycle. This is 100% planned. it is called a "currency conversion" or reset. NAFTA was a framework not a finished product. We will be the North American Union. Had Hillary been elected it would have been all the Americas as an economic zone. The people of Europe weren't asked, We weren't asked. Asia won't be asked when they coalesce in about 10 years. (TPP was part of this. Trade agreements today are to equalize economies they have absolutely nothing to do with a "free market". The only reason I know is I talk to someone with IMF. You do keep hearing there will be no one to bails out. 2 trillion in IMF SDRs were set aside. Money the US government has already printed. Now watch them turn around and call it an IMF loan and the tax payers are on the hook. Ridiculous. They don't change the look of our currencies it is the underlying value and structure of the currencies. Central banking cycles were never meant to last forever. You won't find it anywhere on the internet but Britain had theirs in 1979. The only proof I could find was in a Margaret Thatcher speech. I explain further here.

Exactly it's a system it's rigged by a group of people who make sure them and their friends make money so essentially the "rich get richer and the poor get poorer" if poorer was a word haha

There is only one super power right now.

So you don't believe Russia and China aren't super powers?

They are not super powers.

Really explain how so

Yes, great interview with wild man Kiyosaki.


I'm ambivalent about not paying taxes. Firstly, we need to understand the function of the government. The role of the government is to step in when there's market failure, for example, externality of burning fossil fuels, etc. The job of the government is to regulate the areas where private organization and individuals are financially or logistically unable to mitigate the problems posed to society.

However, the government in most society have grown too large, too comfortable, and too lazy. This creates a lot of waste! We are essentially paying incompetent people with our hard-earned money.

If only we could pay taxes on the projects we deem as necessary to the greater good. Otherwise, we should all not pay taxes and use our own money to drive changes to society.

This piece just made my day...i started reading rich dad poor dad series since i was 16...and it was the still the best money management book i have ever read....i agreed totally on this information...could we say Government is a scam??

Great post mate.... You just got a new follower!

I had Kiyosaki sign my 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' when I saw him at a real estate event in New York a few years back.

"One should not work for money but for assets" kaBOOM! Thanks for sharing!

Yes for intangible assets like crypto :)

I didn't get that, what does he mean by that?

Basically, instead of just making a bit of money and spend it. You should try to invest in things that are able to make you money, with your money. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to create a sustainable fishing industry and we all eat indefinitely.

Great quote! Essentially make your money work for you. Make it work for you in your sleep and either know your business or find and hire someone that does. For example if you're going to invest in real estate, it might be a better choice to find an agent who owns investment properties because its their business, they know what to look out for good and bad, they know the processes and hoops one will need to get through in order invest their money efficiently and legally.

This is the crux of it all. Online there are three ways to create assets: words, audio, or video. You can create ebooks, courses from words and video and audio, podcasts, etc. These are all assets. If you already have money you can simply BUY assets but if starting from zero you'll have to create assets. Online has the BEST return for your assets. Or sell shirts (graphic design assets!).

Great interview, always enjoy listening to Robert

Another home run!


Dollar Vigilante, Mr. Kiyosaki
who's next Mike Maloney or Chris Martenson?

Keep it coming!!

Thank you! :)

Lots of big names on the way! :P Sitting on another 9 interviews and got some HUGE interviews planned in the next short while! ;)

The man himself!
He's obviously older and without the pacience he used to have. It's like he has no filter anymore. He just says whatever he wants and for that reason he might not sound as nice and pleasant as before but the wisdom and experience is there.
He made his part getting rich and sharing how he did it. It's not a recipe everyone is able to follow but most of the advice is easily understandable and could help many people to avoid common mistakes like accepting the endless rat race.

Agreed! I was taking notes in my head the entire conversation. Really interesting guy and a total loud mouth which is something I kind of respect. haha

Thank you so much @joshsigurdson for the video very informative.

Happy to do it! :) Thank you for watching!

Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes.
But now we have the Bitcoin :)

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