Project Hope contest Result

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello Project Hope community, I hope you are having a great day, and that you all have a great weekend.

Well, this post is to give the results of the second contest that I carry out in the community, I must say that I feel very happy for the participation, which is not only great for the quantity but for the amount of the content.

It is good to see that there is so much diversity of expression possibilities from the same sentence, which strengthens the uniqueness of each of us as individuals.

There were 7 participants, Perhaps the decrease in the number of participants compared to the previous ones has to do with the fact that this contest required a little more research, we know that we are all very busy lately. However, the publications of the participating users are of a great quality, it was very interesting to read the choices of each one and the justifications.

Thank you very much for participating....




Well, now let's go to the moment you've been waiting for, the results. This is always a bit complex when there are so many participants with such good works, but it has to be done.

To avoid being subjective in the selection we contemplate some parameters such as following the rules of the contest, citing sources, among other things that we mention in the contest post as such.

Also in this opportunity the different justifications of why they chose one or another of these businessmen, was captivating. The winners of this fourth contest are the following:

And the winners in this contest are:

First Place: @nachomolina Project Hope competition #4 - For all content creators | @nachomolina

Second Place: @skysnap Project Hope competition #4 For all content creators - An intensive with Warren Buffett

Third Place: @hardaeborla Project Hope competition #4 - For all content creators ; Business Training with Elon Musk

I would like to ask the winners of this week, that the next publication they make in the Project Hope community (or any other) do not place the beneficiary, so that they receive the prize, in full.

They can leave as a comment on this post the link to the post in which they want to receive the prize vote.

Thank you very much to all those who gave themselves the time and the possibility to create from a sentence.
Sincerely there are very good entries.
See you in the next contest.

I authorize the use of this banner to everyone who wants to do it.


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Thanks a lot @josevas217 for selecting me as a winner. Congratulations to all the other winners as well. This is really motivating for me to participate in future contest and also continue to contribute here at Project Hope.

Keep the contests coming!

I'd love to get the prize vote for my following entry:

Thank you.

Thank you for your participation.
Perfect, you will receive your prize soon.

I think I had missed this contest. I'm upping my engagement game here in the PH community.

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