Speaking of peace - Which smoke is more harmful? - Reflection

in #jahm5 years ago (edited)

"They call me a fool for smoking marijuana, yet they call the creator of the atomic bomb intelligent."

With regard to Bob's forceful phrase, very simple yet profound, I have made a reflection on the matter, I hope I can be as explicit as I am respectful in the subject I want to address.

Edited imageSource 1Source 2Source 3

I begin with the following, the consumption of Marijuana or Cannabis (as it is also known) can be frowned upon in some countries, and even punished by law, but in others it is very common. The belief, for example, is a normal tradition in Jamaica is heavily influenced by the many images on the Internet of the greatest exponent of Reggae, who always assumed (from his religion Rastafari) the consumption of such a herb as a way to rise and be in contact with God, that has surely had an impact on the world collective who think that in this country is normal, legal and usual to do so.

But, I must point out that after more than 30 years of discussion in the Jamaican parliament, hardly any law has been passed that allows it. I also want to highlight that a committee of the United Nations has done a study in which they indicate that 8.6% of the Jamaican population has tried cannabis at some point, say that it is a high level of the population, because I want to highlight that this figure is not different from Spain for example, and in a particular way I can say, although I have no specific data but if a daily experience that allows me to say that, in Bogota-Colombia, country where I currently reside, it is very normal to see in the park and squares anyone smoking it.

In 1976 Bob Marley said: it's time we let people get good weed and smoke. The government is a joke. All they want is for you to smoke cigarettes and cigars. He told High Times in an interview. Source

I think that within so many things of real relevance many governments spend years making a decision that could benefit an entire society, but when it comes to budget cuts for social works they do it quickly.

Years or months of discussion by a group of people to see whether or not they approved the use of cannabis, but only a few days were necessary for the United States government to make the decision in August 1945 to use a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki.

They emphasize the importance of creating a weapon of mass destruction such as the Nuclear bomb, boast of it with all the damage it has caused and that at any time it could cause it again, but criticize the damage that could be generated by consuming grass.

It is not that it justifies or not the consumption of the same one, that is a decision of each one, and besides in the case of the Rastafari philosophy it is within its habitual practices, but what if I will never justify it is that world powers continue being created in weapons of mass destruction, that yes that never I will approve it.

Let's talk about peace, from respect, and Respect for one ends where respect for the other begins1

I am not the one to say that it is right or wrong, much less considering that as time goes by, the faster the changes take place and what was normal a month ago is no longer so, but what I am very sure of is that anything that attempts against humanity the majority will disapprove, including me.

For now I say goodbye, I just wanted to leave these lines for posterity on that platform, and why not? to establish an interesting discussion (respectful) with whoever likes to pass by here.

1Bob Marley's Phases.

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the United Nations has done a study in which they indicate that 8.6% of the Jamaican population has tried cannabis at some point

Only 8.6% of Jamaicans have tried Cannabis? I don't believe that. In Canada, it is double that in the past 3 months alone https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/13-610-x/cannabis-eng.htm Lifetime is probably around 25% or more and we have a lot of immigrants from countries where Marijuana is still considered the devil's grass.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Nor do I blindly believe in these data, from my own experience I know that there is a tendency for people to hide information, the collection of data is subject to many nuances and always ends up giving an unreal value. But it's the formal or official ** to call them by some means.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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Very interesting argument. It took a few days to decide to drop the nuclear bomb and marijuana took decades and it is still not legal everywhere. I live in Japan where they dropped the bombs and the talks about marijauan was that it was legal and used for worship until the Americans came, same story all over the world.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

@josevas217, This world is Twisted One and we never know what is good and what is not. Most importantly Freedom Of Choice is just a myth, not just one aspect everything is controlled. Stay blessed.

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