Harmony: Improving Scalability in BlockChain TechnologysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

There should be no doubt that today's financial world is changing. Since the arrival of the blockchain have emerged year after year proposals to improve what was first raised by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Edited image from the following source

Unfortunately today, especially in developing countries, even though it is widely used through various platforms, the significance of the *block chain and decentralization is unknown..

I will try first of all to easily explain what each of those terms is, so that even those who have no knowledge about this technology can understand the advances that are being made HARMONY.

So let's start with a brief explanation.

The blockchain, is a new technology, with less than 10 years of existence, created by a person (or several) under the psudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. One of its main characteristics is that it is very resistant to cyberattacks. You may wonder:

How is that possible?

Thanks to decentralization... You still don't understand, I suppose.

I'll explain it with an example:

When you go to a traditional bank, your money is in a vault, and all the information of all the account movements are verified in a computer, which in turn reflects what is stored in a main computer, a central. Being only one main computer where all the information is stored, it is much easier for a hacker to have access to it, and may even steal information or even move capital. That's the problem of centralization in this case.

With the emergence of the blockchain, in which its main approach is the decentralization of information. Hacking risks are reduced almost to zero. How is that possible?, easy to explain, the information is processed not only in one computer or processor, but is recorded in multiple worldwide, making this very difficult for one person to commit cyber attacks.


This same property of being processed information by different computers makes these transactions slower than when they are done in a traditional way. As it must be verified by several people, in different computers, and only when it is verified is that it is noted in the chain of blocks and executes the transaction, giving this greater margin of security but at the same time makes the process slower. This is one of the main problems that is currently presenting the BlockChain.

The detail of the ESCALABILITY.

Which is represented by the processing speed of the transactions that occur within a specific blockchain.

Because of the number of transactions per second, we must find a way to make this process faster, without increasing costs or decreasing security.

This is one of the main points on which the Harmony team is working hard to overcome and provide the best to billions of people...

Having these concepts clearer, a clearer idea, it's much easier to understand the work that the Harmony team is doing.

If there is one thing to highlight, it is that this team is as diverse as in nationality as in studies, managing to mesh perfectly because they have a great goal in common.


"Very few teams have combined experience in academic research, global engineering and long-term business creation. And while that's who we are, it's our realistic vision of a better world that drives us."Source

All are personalities of great trajectory even have worked in some world-class companies such as Google Maps, Apple Siri and AWS Infrastructure...

Within this work team are high-level executives who have worked with technological giants, academics and Wall Street all in order to join efforts to bring a variety of product production to market. The Harmony team engages the entrepreneurial mindset with modern engineering minds.

Offering all its experience as much labor as of life for the development of the decentralization and to favor to all the world population with a Blockchain of high scalability.

Once these points are clear:

Blockchain, decentralization and scalability.

And bearing in mind that there is a multidisciplinary team behind this project that aims to solve one of the main problems facing the blockchain due to increased use by both private enterprise, government and individuals, let's talk about what is Harmony.

What's Harmony?

It is basically a Blockchain technology, (open infrastructure), created for the massive use of decentralization, which provides through the implementation of an improved Fragmentation Technology1 a solution to the great problem of scalability that most block chains present and if they still do not, they will do so as their use increases.

Previously it was explained that the information handled in the Blockes chain is verified in multiple computers worldwide, being this a great advantage in security but adds more time in the processing of the data, the solution is a fragmentation of the transaction data, making them smaller (fragmenting), bringing speed in the processing of the data since they are easier to process..

Main difference between Harmony and other chains of public blocks

The following comparison chart clearly shows the differences between Harmony and other Blockchain, demonstrating with accurate data that it far outperforms the competition.



Being a chain of decentralized public blocks, all kinds of decentralized markets and applications can be supported in it, and its speed in transactions will be totally useful.

Also another field that is in great demand today is the games, perfectly can be used Harmony for that purpose, or also to improve and sustain the infrastructure of any company.

One area that continues to grow at a dizzying rate is that of Autficial Intelligence, which is defined as:

">The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for the use of information), reasoning (using the rules to arrive at approximate or definitive conclusions) and self-correction. The particular applications of IA include expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision."

For all these tasks to be possible, the speed with which these preset commands are transmitted must be executed in a matter of milliseconds, which is why Harmony is ideal for this technology, in which speed is required in processing all data so that different tasks are executed at the same time.

As you can see, the possibilities of using this Blockchain fragmented, open, decentralized and that raises the problem of scalability and economic sustainability, is already underway, is real, as a product of a team that is giving everything because the future of this technology is even more promising.

So far this short, accurate and I hope easy to understand information on these developments, which will undoubtedly be sounding more and more worldwide. I will leave you a series of links in which you can find more information:

Introducing harmonys effective

Check Harmony's Website

Information summarized in your Harmony OnePager
For more technical details here Whitepaper
Check his Blog

You can join their Telegram group currently has almost 14000 members.

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LinkedIn or Instagram

This publication is within the framework of the writing contest published on the blog @originalwork and coordinated through canteredcontent, which is competing for 7000 steem.

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