Focus both when things go right and when things go wrong

in Project HOPE8 months ago

Hello friends of Project Hope, I hope your week is going very well, and that this coming weekend will be one of rest and rethinking to improve what you have done.

For a long time that I am in the field of crypto finance, I have been willing to go dabbling in other financial areas through trading, and looking for investments that allow me to go having steady income, at least those are the plans, and although sometimes things do not go well, the same idea of investing is still in my mind, that is, I remain focused.

This is what I want to talk about in this post, the need to be with a clear goal and not lose sight of it, because otherwise we could lose the course and delay the achievement of what we want.


"Focus as much when things go right as when they go wrong." Rudyard Kipling.

I like this phrase, I heard it recently and it has made me think that it is a reality that we should not leave aside. Entrepreneurship is something very complex, that is why I think that most people tend to look for a job because it gives security, and even when they take a step further and undertake some things, they do not abandon the "security " of the job, and that is good, because with peace of mind we can think much better and make better decisions.

When we are in a good situation it is very easy to stay on track and believing in what we are doing, in our projects, however, when things start to go wrong it is easy to lose perspective of what is happening, and thus lose yourself. This is when we must take courage, review our mission and vision and stay focused.


All of us at some point in our lives will have complicated positions, it is normal to face difficult situations, the difference is in how we manage our emotions in those moments, in that we must be constantly attentive to the changes that arise, which most likely will make us have to make adjustments, but with a clear goal, at least that is what I always have in mind.

I just wanted to share these thoughts with you, hoping that you can always keep this in mind, that if you want something you should always keep it in your mind, work every day for it, and of course, know that there will come difficult moments but that these should not divert us from our goals, they may delay us, but we can always recover.

Thank you very much for reading this far, greetings.


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