To give or to receive?

in Project HOPE3 years ago



In the constant search for a balance in what we do, we always find the weak side of the actions that provoke that disciplined way of wanting to give a common logic to everything or to get the fundamental piece that fits in the most complicated puzzle of all, the own or strange understanding.
We work more than we enjoy, we sacrifice inversely to what pleases us, we love in a disproportionate proportion to our satisfactions and even socially we are relegated to a plane equidistant from our attitudes.
Perhaps everything is the product of an unconscious transgression of the factors that provide these conditionings, the reflection of attitudes that devalue simple laws giving them unexpected results in most cases.
We assume with much nonchalance the role represented by the phrase "Receiving is the effect of giving" and we become a vehicle for the latter, partially closing the former, we fall into the most puerile psychological trap of all, adopting a behavior that we do not seek balance because it clashes with our purposes or may provide us with an unsatisfactory result at other times and we join the other axiom "Give without expecting a reward".
But the object of both poles is circumstantial, the basis of sharing is reflected in the availability we have to give and receive, in the indispensable balance that we deny by being protagonists of one of the two extremes. By nature, distrust places us as emissaries of giving and blocks the effect of receiving since it is associated with the interest of something, with manipulation, subliminal purchase of conscience, perversion or simply with the path towards the loss of ground in the field of our independence.
From childhood we are taught not to receive for fear of the consequences, we are taught the dark side of the act and we are conditioned to create a spirit that rejects the intentionality of those who are capable of giving, since the result of receiving is associated with retribution and not with the effect of having given.
This is undoubtedly a stumbling block in our subsequent actions, a common cause in our struggle to gain space at any level, a problem faced by 80% of couples in the search for conjugal harmony, a reason for many frustrations due to the loss of elasticity in the term.
As human beings we will always be dissatisfied with the give-receive relationship that gives us the total result of our actions, since we have an innate and valued capacity to give and a learned capacity not to receive.
We cannot place circumstances to either of the two, we must unload from our back the backpack of martyrdom and make an objective retrospective about the results that could bring those actions based on objectivity and removing that social or moral obstacle that has been entrenched since our childhood in order to have a proper balance of the reactions that arise from the effective availability of being subject to either of the two sides, the examples in sight are all around us.
The greater the efficiency, the better the jobs, the greater the effort, the more satisfactory the results, the greater the availability of studies, the better the marks, etc. but all are given with the effect that you must put in those results because if you refuse to better jobs, you close yourself to the satisfactions, If you do not accept better grades or you do not place yourself in the non-receptive availability of the result, then the effect of giving will have been lost and you will have fallen into the trap of frustration and you will join those who daily write such subliminal epithets as "Love is paid with pain", "Receiving is the secret weapon of interest", "Love is a bad business", "Mistrust is the basis of happiness", etc.

Hello @joseph1956!
We must always be willing to give, but we must do it from the heart and without conditions and the universe will take care of returning to you multiple blessings and we must be prepared to receive them. We all have a lot to give and the satisfaction that you feel is very nice and in itself you receive the good energies of the action you do. Thank you for sharing, greetings!

The give-recieve relationship most times justify the level at which some humans operate and it is more bless to give than to receive

Givers never lack... Yes! But will will happen if Givers have no one to receive?
There must be a balance in the activity of giving and that of receiving. Every giver should bear it and prepare his mind that the time to receive is coming.
Thanks for sharing with us

Greetings @ joseph1956. When we give or lend something that we know will not return we should do it without expecting anything in return, just for the desire to deliver a gift that will fill with joy that loved one or friend in trouble. There are people who are happier giving than receiving.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

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