On virtuality and romances

in Project HOPE3 years ago



The new times have brought among many things radical changes in the human relations of individuals and groups as a whole that are being absorbed by the magic of distance communication that the Internet boom has brought to the forefront.

The virtual is paramount and is the genesis of business, publications, travel, love, meetings and a vast universe of possibilities that have found in the parallel space of web servers and technology a new world to explore.

Letters no longer reach us through the hard-working letter carrier but via e-mail to our mailboxes, which rest on the hard disks of multinational companies that have been specializing in this, newspapers and publications do not need expensive printing presses and onerous amounts of money to see the light, but only a small place in megabytes, social gatherings have become a forum for friends and personal conversations go hand in hand with the Chat Room, where you have the freedom to address any topic without censorship, becoming in passing group therapy for many people.

Over the years, societies have been assimilating and creating new rules of the game that include the Internet and virtuality within the existential package of the individual, making the acceptance of this invisible world, which years ago filled pages in articles or science fiction novels, a daily occurrence.

All these changes have also led to a wide range of sentimental opportunities that have taken shape in the shelter of anonymity and have sometimes been consummated and have given ultra modern images to the old art of flirting, flirting and falling in love.

Talking about percentages, benefits or evils is perhaps taking away the essence of a less subtle or glamorous way to reach the art of seduction through the screen of a monitor shaking hands on a keyboard and generalizing is often coldly see the sensations that flow in the skin of the users.

Virtuality has become a process in which elements have been added, often hidden or secret, which could in normal conditions create conditions of alert or danger for those who possess them, and has brought about changes in the daily philosophy of romance, substituting some bases and adding others, sometimes more extensive.

Virtual love has replaced platonic love, although in many cases it ceases to be platonic to move to a more physical plane and become consummated in encounters, ephemeral or lasting relationships, but they also bring their high content of romance, attraction, mystery, sensuality and fear to which a new element is added, idealization.

It is said that infidelity now travels on the wings of a chip given the ease in getting echo through any room of the network and such a statement could contain a simple statement at first glance as the media massify values and vices alike, the deviations or the knowledge but they have a purely human background with an ingredient that is far from the reach of the technology since at the time of judging some act or to make critiques of an action, the passive executor of the same ones turns out to be the means with which it is done since existing this one or not always the objective that is looked for is achieved.

Virtual romances have new characteristics that in most cases leave aside the physical attraction produced by the chemistry of the bodies to change it for a more ambiguous one such as the ability to engage in symmetrical situations in the middle of the moment that cybernauts live, it is compressed into manageable optics for both, points of encounter between philosophies or complementation of ideas or solutions to a usual projection of the experiences they experience.

We could speak of transculturation when the cyber lovers have an acceptable degree of culture or when they share professional affinities that allow them to get closer or understand each other much better.

These relationships have a common component that differentiates them from traditional ones, the freedom that cannot be restricted because the medium is an intangible cosmos where one walks around without the pressure of being discovered or falling into common existential paranoias.

This perhaps spearheads the proliferation of cyber couples with extensive dissimilarities including age, location, religion or profession.

We are still in our infancy in these matters, but the door is open for the conquest of cyberspace, which promises many surprises.


Greetings friend @joseph1956 I find very interesting what you mention regarding virtuality, stating that:

"The virtual is primordial and is the genesis of business, publishing, travel, love, encounters and a vast universe of possibilities that have found in the parallel space of web servers and technology a new world to explore."

We are in the age of technology and undoubtedly the small details such as letters have gone out of fashion and now only a video call or a good message is enough to achieve a certain closeness with our loved ones. Sa

Like all things, too much virtuality is harmful.

Greetings friend @joseph1956, this topic that you share with us is very important because today many love relationships occur through the internet, but at this point we must be very careful because just as long lasting romances with physical encounters have arisen, there have also arisen kidnappings and all kinds of abuse towards women mostly, because through the internet they live committing these types of crimes.

Excellent article my friend.

Hello @joseph1956!
Certainly the internet has allowed many people to meet and share in another way, perhaps those who feel more afraid or do not dare to do it in person, or because of the distance, however, should not be left aside how important it is to share physically especially with the person with whom you want to be the rest of life. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

The internet has made passing, sharing and receiving information easier and faster.

Con el apoyo de la familia.

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