A Fresh Start ...Part 3 ...Friends or Rivals?

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one’s self, and one
always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.

Oscar Wilde


I lost Regan in a hiking accident when a gust of wind swept her off a ridge.

Since then I was just going through the motions of living until I met Marin—she was my beginning in a new coloured world filled with autumn colours and the promise of a second spring.

There was only one thing that made me uneasy—how would Regan's best friend, Charly, respond to Marin taking Regan's place beside me?

I got my answer that afternoon.

Charly took to Marin as easily as my pup, Quincy and by the time the family was sitting around the bonfire they seemed well on the way to becoming fast friends—sort of like Charly and Regan.

That thought made my throat tighten and my eyes smart—Mom noticed and called me aside, “Are you all right, Jess?”

“It’s nothing, Mom—just some wood smoke in my eyes. I’m doing fine—really.”

“Charly and Marin seem to be hitting it off,” she observed, “does it bother you?”

I feigned shock. “Bothered by two women being friends? No, not all, Mom—I hope Charly and Mar become close. I think it may even help Charly get over Regan as well.”

“You know Charly’s uncle has been worried about her—says she’s practically erected a shrine to Regan in her room. Poor thing—first her parents die, and then her best friend—it must be hard on her.”

I nodded. “I know it has been hard, Mom—on all of us, but I think it best now that we try to put it behind us—move on with our lives.”

She smiled at me and patted my hand softly, but seeing the two girls laughing by the fire put a wistful look on her face. “Put it behind us…” she whispered, “I hope we can.”

The next day Nate Brinker and a few of the neighbours wanted to go horseback riding. I invited Mar to come along, but was surprised to find she already made plans.

“Charly invited me to come over to her place for coffee. She suggested we could go for a hike and she’d show me the old ruins.”

The ruins were a local mystery—nobody was quite sure what they were or how old they were. It would be an adventure for Mar, but I still felt bad abandoning her on only her second day here.

“Don’t be worried, Jess—go horseback riding with your friends—Charly and I have a lot to catch up.”

My ears perked up. “Catch up—about what?”

“About you, Silly. Charly’s going to share all the local tidbits and gossip, and you can bet I’ll be badgering her for juicy info on you.”

“Maybe, I should stay after all,” I laughed.

“No way, Jose—I wouldn’t pass up this chance for the world.”

She grabbed the lapels of my wool coat and pulled me close to her, pressing her soft lips against mine.

I lost my breath and went tingly. When I regained my composure I hissed in her ear, “If I let you go, will there be more of that later when I get back?”

Her eyes danced. “That all depends on what secrets Charly reveals. I hope there was no history between the two of you.”

“What—me and Charly?" I croaked. "You’ve got to be kidding. She’s the girl next door—not a femme fatale.”

“Who knows what secrets will be divulged,” she smiled seductively, “and whether our Lothario is a shining knight or a shameless rake.”

“Neither,” I quipped, “which is good for your sake.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” she countered, breezing out of the room, leaving me longing for more of those soft warm kisses.

© 2019, John J Geddes. All rights reserved




Are they really female names in Canada?

Hmm...have you run out of Shiraz and you are having to drink tea?

Yep....hate that :)

ha ha, actually I do drink tea and occasionally Shiraz. I used to use a name generator but now I allow my characters to choose their own names - it's a mystical practice but probably closer to dreaming than channeling their spirits. There's so much in this story drawn from reality and believe it or not the most trivial details contribute to the mood and atmosphere.

Wow, good to read and nice storyline.

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