
비과세액 ...장난이네요 거참~

주식 투자자만큼 대우해줬으면 하네요 😭

정책이라는게 전문가가 만들어야 하는데 아무것도 모르는 비 전문가가 만들다 보니 늘 문제가 있는거 같아요. 미국이나 한국이나 비슷한 경우가 아닌가 싶습니다.

이러다가 해외에 시장 뺏길 것 같아요.

Reasonable tax rates will benefit all, I believe. I think what we need is for all governments to try to work with the people to find something fair to all, so that we can all benefit as best as possible in the future!

(A bit more engagement for you. :) Just showing that there is a person behind this bot, that does care about the content it promotes and engaging with those it chooses to promote.)

What I think they should do is just classify it as a "Digital Currency Asset" across the board, "DCA" for an easy, short moniker, and tax it a bit less than regular currencies or assets, because of the extreme level of volatility that comes along with crypto. It should also be understood from both the governments involved, and the investors/users, that once these become more established laws and methods, the value will begin to become less volatile over time as new investors will feel comfortable to finally get in, knowing there are solid tax laws surrounding the cryptosphere. That being said, they can append those tax rates on the "DCA"s at a later point in time, letting the community know in advance that once stabilization begins to occur on a mass scale, that they will be increasing the tax rates at whatever rate.

This, I think, can be a model applied to any and every nation, so that they can make things as simple in format as possible, across the board. It benefits the investors to have a tax break while the volatility is ensuing, while also benefitting the government more in the long-run, when stabilization begins to occur because people can feel comfortable and secure with the legalities involved in these types of investments. :)

Hope that made sense and hope some can agree! :P

Oh DCA is a good idea! Yeah, BTC could be a currency or asset!

Exactly! It can be both! They could even create some type of new label for it if they wish to keep it truly separate, something like "Technological Currency" or "Decentralized Currency" so many ways for them to label it, but I think the important part is that they are sure to be fair with the people on it, otherwise they will see a lot of people just doing rogue and illegal things and not reporting at all and such. They have to consider how easily it can manage to be hidden and not reported too and take into account that too high of taxes and penalties will drive many more people to that dark path.

Great conversation and good to hear some fresh perspectives on things. :) As I've said before, you're on the curation list now, so you can count on some bonus votes on your content. :) I've enjoyed our engagement together! Looking forward to more in the future!

Oh, one last thing, I think this is a great opportunity for governments to take something new and focus on it benefitting the middle/lower classes of the different countries. So many things are focuses on the already wealthy people, so this could be a chance to show that they DO care about the "little" people as well, those who are not insanely wealthy and have anything they could want. It would sure settle a lot of our doubts and fears in life to know that there is an actual serious level of care being put to our lives. :P

가상 자산으로 가상 이름을 바꾸어 암호 화폐에 세금을 부과하려고하면 정부가 얼마나 기름 진지, 왜 우리가 실제로 분산 시스템이 필요한지 알 수 있습니다. 탈 중앙화 시스템에 세금을 부과하려고한다면, 이로 인해 거래 수수료와이자에 대한 인플레이션이 높아질 것입니다. @whitetsallion은 내 생각 😁😁을 릴레이합니다.

Thank you for leaving the message. You can tell me in English 😂

🤣🤣 well this is me trying to interact with my foreign friends, I have been using the Google translator app for a while to make translation for my Korean and Chinese posts. I even made a Korean post on my blog you can check it if you want to. I believe this community shouldn't be limited to only Korean speaking nationals. What you think?

I also think STEEM community is not limited for only Koreans. It shouldn't be that! Thank you for your communication using Google translator 😊

I am glad,and look forward to your next post 😁😁.

Haha! Yes, I was curious if I would be understood well enough in English or not, so I tried to use a translating service, but as I read back what it translated to... I realized that a service simply cannot replace human intuition and dialect. :P Glad you speak English, because unfortunately I am not cultured enough to speak any Asian languages. Although, I am enticed to! I have only learned what is direct necessity to me in my everyday life, but I think maybe now it is time that changed. :) I don't want to be misunderstood by my international peers! Communication is key to any type of relationship, acquaintance or partner, stranger or friend. :D

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