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RE: The new religion of Man Made Global Warming now has a Messiah, and disciples!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Countering Global Fooling:

Yo, homies, for y'all that know that Greta is a puppet to some extent, it is important to gravitate towards countering the deception. Keep in mind that there are different ways to do that.


The fastest way to counter a lie is to simply say it is a lie. Now, this type of red pilling can work. But keep in mind that it may not be the most potent forms of waking people up. In some cases, it may be more harmful be too direct. It depends on the person and on the situation. Now, generally speaking, if you are talking to many people at the same time, a direct approach might be better, usually.


But you may want to be more indirect when you are talking to just one person or to less people. But I am not saying you cannot be direct to a person. But I am saying that you should do some probing before throwing too much information at people. It can be an art. Keep in mind that you cannot always win people over.


And you can also use what they already believe to your advantage in some situations. For example, if they believe in climate change, in global warming, in global cooling, etc, here is what you can say:


Climate change is bad.

That is why we need to stop those airplanes.

How many hours have those white lines been up in the sky?

What are they spraying from the jets?

Doesn't con-trails only last a few minutes?

What are chem-trails?

What is geoengineering?

They are messing up the sky.

Trees are dying from the top-down.

We have Californian fires.

We should stop geoengineering.

How do we stop man-made global warming that is caused by geoengineering?

Can we organize protests?

Can we march?

Can we raise awareness?

You Can Agree

Instead of saying that man-made global warming is less than 1% of whatever the sun does to our planet, you can choose to agree and say that geoengineering is causing the crisis that will, as Greta and AOC may say, end the world in about 12 years or by like 2030 or so.


I am just offended by bad science. Keep in mind that these people can not debate, they don't have the ability.

I try to ask science questions to lead them to the scientific cliffs in the pseudo science they think is faultless.

If nothing else, it is fun to watch them bounce at the bottom of each cliff, in turn, LOL!

These children are victims of a sub standard school.


Sorry about the troll down voting your comment!

He brainlessly down votes all posts that offend his man made global warming religion.

He is one of those beyond reach of reason or science. SAD way to go through life for sure!

Maybe we can convince these fools to kill themselves, so they don't have to suffer from man made global warning....


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