2020 - Year in Review

in #j4 years ago (edited)

Kobe murder. Impeachment Trial. Picard & The Expanse in January of 2020. Trump Corona Virus. Garden prep. Computer work. Suits. Clone Wars. Walking Dead. Outlander. Farmer Joe in February.

In January, Picard premiered. I watched through The Expanse. Kobe died or was murdered. Impeachment trial. Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself. I helped tear down a fence. I worked on a gravel project. Eyes in the sky. Hand brace. Corona Virus. USMCA may have problems. Gun Rights Rally. New air conditioner. Coin Tree. Twitter Banned. Live Journal Banned.

In February, Trump Corona Virus Trap Deception. It's a trap to bring down Trump. Super Bowl. Oscars. Nascar. Trump visited India. State of the union speech. Corona Virus spreads around the world. Garden prep. Farmer Joe plowing fields. Working on computers. Our garden prep. No snow this month. I've been writing about the Corona Virus in February of 2020. I wrote articles talking about Kobe may have been murdered. Been watching Outlander. Watched season nine of Suits, the grand finale of the series. Picard. Walking Dead. Clone Wars. My 35th birthday.

Wood Shed

Storage unit. Dick Virus March. Gardening. Wood shed building April. Lockdown Kills More Than Corona. Bill Till. Forest Sprinkler. Wood Shed BBQ May.


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2020 - Year in Review

Oatmeal Yearly - 2020 - Year in Review 2 3

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2020 - Year in Review

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

2020-01 - January of 2020

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‘The Expanse’ Boss Explains How Season 4 Will Be Better Now That It’s on Amazon - Indie Wire

What is the Corona Virus?

Impeachment started in January of 2020. I watched through all the current episodes of The Expanse this month. Was Kobe Bryant Murdered? I tweeted that I didn't like Star Wars and some SJWs reported my Twitter account to get me banned, I noticed this on the 20th. The Damani Felder made this drug commercial where he was selling a red pill. On Wednesday, the first day of January of 2020, I was taking apart a fence. Toaster Microphones Thursday. We tore down that fence. We were still sorting through old coins since December 2019. I feel like I'm in money school. Addictions Become The New Normal. Iran Talk Friday. Sparky & Dog Videos. air conditioner Saturday. Golden Globes didn't kill itself. | Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself | Crucifying Christians in Israel. Jeffrey Epstein on Twitter. Roosters & Hens Friday. Don't Talk to Cops Saturday. Trump Cereal Buying & Smashing. Jesus Broke Windows Monday. Cryptocurrency Blockchain Desire Tuesday. I disagree with Trump on copyright & Snow Soros Sheriffs Wednesday. Space Zombies in The Expanse and MCA is like TPP and NAFTA Thursday? Free speech, too much free time, and Nose Guns on Friday the 18th. Gravel project. Only women can have periods says Savannah Says. Alex Jones Hot Wife. Darth Trump is Dying on Sunday. Gun Rights = Natural Rights on MLK. 100K at Gun Rally. Rock work day. Impeachment Trial day 1 Tuesday. MAGA MLK & Facebook. Big Eyes & All Girls Stream. Guarding Hearts & Picard 101 on Thursday. Good Bad & Bad Good? Eat Bats. Kobe died on Sunday, the 26th. Banned On Live Journal on Monday. Was cleaning rocks. My Savior Bill Gates Tuesday. Eyes in sky moved. Bible. Rick & Morty Wednesday. Sick on Thursday. Picard is Space Matlock. I helped mom watch Picard on Friday, the last day of this month.

Trump Corona Virus Trap

2020-02 - February of 2020

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Outlander will return to Starz in February

Super Bowl

I wrote about when I saw Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie which came out in 2002 on Saturday, the first of February of 2020. Super Bowl Sunday. Can we Cure HIV? Free Square Bullies Monday. State of The Union 2020 Tuesday. Sore Tore Loser Pelosi Wednesday. Choose a fast computer. Make sure you get a good one. Web Browser Alternatives Thursday. Studying viruses. Studying Internet Traffic, the map of the world wide web. January of 2018 Friday. How Viruses Enter Cells Saturday.


Timeline Circle Question. Gardening. Pastors of Pastors. FGHS Review. Oscars Sunday, the 9th. Batman Over Iron Man Monday. My 35th Birthday Tuesday. Mundane Victoryology lol Wednesday. Grape Garden Prep Thursday. Happy Valentines Friday. Porn Hub Destroy Women Saturday.

My Coin Tree

Trump Nascar

I didn't watch the NBA All-Stars game. We put together our new rotary tiller machine on Sunday, the 16th. Bloomberg as Mary Poppins. Happy Presidents Day. Manure Unloading For Seven Hours Monday. Tried to start a fire but failed. Too cold. Attacking The Gun Girl Tuesday. Topology Coffee Donut Fire Wednesday. Voted Trump Thursday. Plow Mow Cow Friday. Capitalism Socialism Bed Sex Saturday.

Walking Dead Returns

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily Sunday. Kobe Memorial Monday. Pathetically Funny Donald Trump Poodle Till Tuesday. Till the next day too. Trump Addresses Corona Virus Wednesday. Twitter Trump Virus Thursday. Supply Chain Cracking Friday. 1981 Book Predicted 2020 Virus Saturday.

Dick Virus

2020-03 - March of 2020

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Dick Virus Baby. The virus is squeezing our balls. Potluck. Hey AOC Greta, this is our world war four. Covidding Trump to the ground, is the plan of the globalists, as they try to bring the world under centralized government. Pentagon Coverup. Be smart. Don't be scared. Start gardens. Make memes. I've been doing both.


Worked on computers. Redesigned my room. Potluck. Square One Television Sunday, the first day of March 2020. Bought electronics. Pizza. Pray. Rocks. Game room. Pentagon Coverup Monday. Computer work. Virus in Shelton. Tron Overlord Justin Sun Tuesday. Burger King. Air Borne Moments Wednesday. Picard. Spent most of Thursday on Discord discussing the three hour Steem Tron video interview. Rothschild Justin Sun. Covid April Explosion Potential Friday. Daylight losing one hour. Tim Taylor of Home Improvement. Tom Sawyer the farmer. Cleaning. Chinese Invasion Plan Saturday.

Chimera Hiv Corona Virus

9/11 Corona Virus Sunday the 8th. Haiti. Tag outside. Walmart. HIV Magic Not Dead Monday. He got a new car. Engineered Chimera Corona Virus Tuesday. Car wash. Vacuum. Beta Zombie Virus Wednesday. Chloroquine Thursday. Trump declared a national emergency. HIV-Delivery-System Enabled Terminator Zombie Chimera-Virus Friday. Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror Saturday.

Storage Unit

Open Border Prison Planet Sunday the 15th. Storage unit. Brought back a dresser and 2 night stands. Corona Virus is The New Nine Eleven Monday. Proto Molecule COVID Tuesday. Transformer Nano Bot Virus Wednesday. Drones Bossing People Thursday. Joining Hive Friday. Feeling Sick Saturday.

We Are The World

Gotta Get Through This Somehow Sunday the 22nd. Never have I ever. Smart writer on COVID. Capture the flag. We Are The COVID World Monday. Easter or Bust Tuesday. Your Squirrel Nuts Wednesday. Losing Intuition Thursday. Not Pastor Joey Friday. Open Letter to the World. Garlic Trump Saturday. Eating Testicles, Sunday the 29th. Dick Virus Monday. Penis Virus Tuesday.

Lockdown Kills More Than Corona

2020-04 - April of 2020

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Savior Bill Gates

COVID19 Test Gives Ya COVID19 Wednesday, the 1st of April of 2020. My first day of April was a beautiful day. Reunited with an old friend. Watched beautiful people talk about critical things. I made some memes. I was reviewing 2010. I shared videos and vital info to the world. Oatmeal Joey Arnold Thursday. Blades. Facebook groups prep. Dee Plans Friday. Covid Divoc Saturday. Lockdown is killing more people than Corona is. We've been building a wood shed this month. Some people we knew died.

Rise of the Garden

Covid is a Symptom Sunday the 5th. Gardening. Facebook Groups, Pages. Dinosaur Philosophy. Debates. Fauci Surprise Pandemic Monday. All three of us gardening. Picnic table. Mow. Bush rake. Hydra Head Mods Tuesday. Black-hole Facebook. Evil Communist Chinese Wednesday. Joe castrated Michael Jackson. Fence. Gardening. Facebook. 666 next year announced. The Oatmeal Challenge Thursday. Reviewing 2011 Friday. Curse of Immortality Saturday.

Happy Easter

Facebook Oatmeal English Mod Adding Sunday the 12th. Music Store Organizing Monday. Music trailer unloaded. Music day 2. Decoding Guests Tuesday. Freewill Gravity Wednesday. Got House Get New House Thursday. Bricks. Wood shed work. Hose problem. Stay Home UNSAVES Lives Friday. Food pantry. Bricks. Truck. George Monsters Saturday.

American Rallies

Bricks arranged around Book shed. Perfectionist Inside Sunday the 19th. Music Books. Desiring Trinity Monday. Plow the ground. You killed Kenny on South Park. Younger sister. Lockdown Blockade Tuesday. Back to that house. 2nd time there. Camp Grace. SJW Factory Supply. Aliens Saying Humans Not Essential Wednesday. Lockdown Blood Thursday. Covid Clone Wars Friday. Foundation stones for the wood shed. Answers in Genesis videos on world genealogy going back to Adam. Water Alex Jones Saturday. Lymph Painting Sunday. Painting the Wood Shed Monday. Tim Pool Paint Tuesday. Paint Rain Bleach Wednesday. Plato Globalism Thursday.

Wood Shed BBQ

2020-05 - May of 2020

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Planter Painting Friday the first day of May of 2020. Rainy. Odin Jesus Saturday. Gutter cleaning. 2018 Covid Vaccine Sunday. Wood Shed Floor Monday. Steel Table Cut Tuesday. Lockdown Kills More Wednesday. Stain Master Builders Thursday. Wood Stacking 4 Billion Starving Friday. No Talking Elon Musk Future Saturday.

Lockdown Forever

Stockholm BBQ Sunday the 11th of May. Pink Hitler Monday. Jordan Fight Within Us Tuesday. Fish caught. Separating Families Wednesday. Lockdown Forever Contact Me Thursday. Blue Grass Dirt Friday. FREEDOM is ESSENTIAL Saturday.


Last Dance Finale. Tree Burning Ache Sunday the 18th. Bill Till Hat License Monday. Watering Forest Tuesday. Alien Takeover Wednesday. Covid Ate Alex Jones Thursday. Bitcoin Pizza Day Awaken Friday. Art Bart Bill Till Saturday.

Covid is Y2K

Ramona Sunday the 25th. Kevin Hart Investment Monday. Y2K Covid BBQ Tuesday. Stealing Babies Wednesday. Fishy Face Mask Song Thursday. Dear Deer They Slaughtered Friday. George Soros Riots Continue. Space X Launch Saturday. Burning Down America Sunday.

Coin Marketplace

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