MobileBridge Momentum is a platform for marketing campaigns and advertising.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


Today, advertising in most people doesn't associate with something really useful and relevant, but rather the opposite -causes resentment. Banners popping up from all angles have a very limited set of programmable parameters, so they don't hit exactly the target audience, but only interfere with users.
This situation hinders the marketing market development and separates potential consumers from it. MobileBridge Momentum blockchain platform takes on the solution of this problem, offering a completely new infrastructure for interaction between users and advertisers.

MobileBridge Momentum: Peculiarities Of Work.

The main task is to form a completely new advertising tool for more effective interaction with the target audience. If the classic advertising campaigns use mainly general statistics, MobileBridge Momentum is based on information in the format of "here and now".


This will work as follows: the user provides the platform with personal data (geoposition, behavioral attributes, user experience, preferences, etc.), on the basis of which the system selects the most relevant and interesting proposals.
For example, if you are located near any restaurant at lunchtime, then you will receive advertising about discounts or current promotions.

Thus, MobileBridge Momentum will benefit two parties – advertisers will be able to attract really interested consumers, and users - receive relevant and interesting advertising.

How MobileBridge Will Encourage Us To Use The Platform?

  • Users will receive tokens for providing access to personal information.
  • Users will get a reward for inviting friends and attracting them to the company.
  • Advertisers will be able to create their own loyalty programs on the platform, assigning a certain value to each user action.


Also, advertisers will also receive grateful customers and increase loyalty to the company.

Four Reasons To Say " Yes" To MobileBridge.

  • All messages and notifications about promotions, discounts and sales will come only to interested people at the moment when they need it.
  • The users data remain transparent, but at the same time they are fully protected from falsification and unauthorized access.
  • Companies will be able to create their own tokens on the platform, which will be used as bonuses.
  • The service will be available on mobile devices, making it more convenient and easy to use.

Moreover, the advantages of the MobileBridge Momentum include the fact that the team already has some foundation in the marketing space implementation . Their development called MobileBridge has been functioning for several years and was able to attract such giants as Pirelli, Praxis, Burger King, etc.

What Can We Expect From MobileBridge?

Given that the MobileBridge team already has a ready-made product, and accordingly a certain base of interested users, the new platform looks very promising. In addition, interest in it is complemented by mutual benefit for both consumers and companies.

MobileBridge Momentum token has already started, so you still have the opportunity to invest in MMTM tokens. But before, please, read the information on the links below.

Wanna Know More?

Official website


Mobilebridge momentum platform takes on the solution for this problem by offering a completely new infrastructure for interaction between users and advertisers.

Perhaps in the future we will throw out all our discount and loyalty cards. Everything will be in one app on our phone. That sounds exiting!

for me too!

I really like that MobileBridge is using the token creating abilities of the blockchain for something more than ICO creation. The uniqueness of branded tokens will be very beneficial to loyalty programs.

If I was having trouble deciding which place to each lunch and one of them gave me a coupon I'd probably head that direction.

In Telegram they told me that the branded tokens are also ERC20 so they will all be able to be traded for other tokens on decentralized exchanges.

I'm also into ICOs and crypto and make info sheets for some teams. Check me out if you have a chance.

hey @mcdform ! thank you for your attention. i checked your blog and i like your content! MobileBridge is able to make a big changes. If someone fed me free dinner for filling out a simple questionnaire - I really don't mind.And the restaurant won't definitely go bankrupt, but only win!

i know about this platform. really attractive.

Cool solution on blockchain ! I'm so sick of getting dozens of useless offers that I'm not interested in.

Hey Jinny, great post per usual. Have followed, would love a follow back. Please check out my articles I'm sure you'd love the quality!
Also are you able to get in touch with me via my telegram @SalmanMiah, I would like to discuss a potential partnership for us in which we would both make extra tokens very easily. Thanks!!

thank you for your feedback @salmanmiah , i checked your blog, keep in touch ;-) my telegram @jinny1985

It is a very interesting platform because it promotes advertising in a safe way and it estimates users to attract more users and incentivizes them with tokens is something really encouraging and I think that many companies would be happy to join this platform because it is seen as something safe

hello! yes, this is great we will be able to earn our token so easy and simple, the idea is excellent. We will get those offers that look interesting for us and the spam emails will disappear soon.

I love this proposal because it is very convincing, thanks for the information, I will give a more precise look at everything again

great! i'm sure you find more interesting ;-) keep in touch.

Hey! @jinny1985 amazing and interesting post. I hope to read you again soon, greetings!

thank you for reading!

It's cool that tokens can be sold for fiat, not just used for purchases. This looks honestly!

yes,if I want to get fiat, I'll sell tokens on the exchange. no problem.

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