Can Venezuelans resolve their situation without the intervention of other countries?

in #venezuela5 years ago

Greetings again dear friends, the title of this article is a subject of international debate because many countries want to get their hands on the internal affairs of Venezuela and others ask "that no one interfere" in the affairs of a country because according to them are the Venezuelans who must resolve their situation. Today I would like to put forward my critical point of view on this issue since I believe that many of those who issue opinions do not handle all the variables of the equation.


I don't know much about international law, but I suppose that each sovereign country should have the capacity to resolve its affairs without the interference of another country, in that sense referring to Venezuela I believe that the powers framed in the constitution (executive, legislative, judicial, electoral and those that may exist) are destined to maintain internal order. In this way it is convenient that each power is independent so that there is a fair application of the law. When that is the case we can say that a country is sovereign and has the mechanisms to resolve its internal affairs, but it is regrettable to say that this is not what history has shown to occur in Venezuela where all powers are below the executive branch.

To give an example, in the last election of deputies in the country, the opposition obtained a total of 113 deputies, an amount that gave it more power even than the president himself according to the constitution, but immediately the electoral power (CNE) came out to announce that it annulled 3 deputies (which stripped them of the power obtained) because apparently there was fraud, These annulled deputies were never replaced by any other, which makes me think that the CNE acted conveniently to the Executive Power, then the deputies in course for that moment (of officialist majority), elected before the date established by the constitution the judicial power TSJ so that it would act against the incoming National Assembly, which it did not take long to do (we found another power that should be independent acting at the convenience of the Executive Power). And this is how the TSJ "annuls" the legislative power that was the only obstacle in the way of the executive power, then a "parallel legislative power" is named in the Constituent Assembly, in this way all the powers remain at the service of the Executive and the mechanisms that the country has to resolve its internal affairs without the intervention of international organisms are invalidated.

After the executive has control of all the powers, it can do whatever it wants, as was the case in the elections following the National Assembly in which the candidates and major parties were annulled so that the executive did not encounter obstacles in the way, in this way the Venezuelans lost the right to choose through the vote since the options that would be offered in the menu were determined by the CNE (Power that should be autonomous but that did everything to the convenience of the executive power).

Now. The executive power besides controlling all the powers has the armed forces, I would like someone to explain to me how the millions of civilians can solve their internal affairs when there is no mechanism that allows them? I want to clarify that I am not in favor of a military intervention in Venezuela, I never have been and I never will be. Nor do I support crimes committed by the U.S. in other countries, however I believe that Venezuelans deserve to get out of the misery in which they have anchored us and I believe that international pressure (without military intervention) is the way. The solution is not to remove one and put the other but to press for free elections, with international observers because otherwise they will not be free. And for the people to decide what they want, that is the healthy path. The question is whether those who have the power are willing to take that risk or prefer to use that power to stay there.


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