Route 44 Adventures


NB: This post was actually published minutes before Steem went down earlier this week. I edited the original posts and am re-posting this because I wanted people to A) be able to see it and B) to be able to engage with it. I was met with suspicion and skepticism yesterday - hence this post. I was later made aware of a rather insulting and hurtful conversation that transpired about me and my content, in a public discord chat room yesterday, among a select group of people - people that until recently, I respected, admired and really liked. I have to say, that reading the things that were said about me and my content have literally brought me to tears. It genuinely took the wind out of my sails for this place. I have done nothing but pour my heart and soul into this platform from day one. If I am not supporting or promoting Steem and the people here in one way, I am doing it in another - on every single social media platform I am a part of! 99% of my time goes to the support of others and my own content comes last. I have not bought my way to the small stash I hold, I have worked for every single bit of it - day after day - EVERY DAY since June 2017. I am honestly gutted by such thoughtless "mouths" - most of whom have absolutely no knowledge of me or my journey and efforts here on Steem. I have always been one of the completely die-hard supporters here and to have read what I did, I honestly feel like just walking away. Hopefully, this feeling won't stick around for too long - I am pretty practiced at bouncing back. As for my post, well here it is... and I have declined the rewards on it because FNCK all of YOU (you know who you are), your doubts and the things you had to say about me in that conversation. I know who I am, what I stand for and where my moral compass points and it is now abundantly clear to me those people don't.


Had the most amazing day today! Sometimes, the impromptu plans turn out to be the best! When I woke up this morning, despite the gloomy looking weather, I knew I wanted us to do something with the day - plus, I was excited too... for "posh pup" (Herbie) to have his long distance adventure with us as a family :)

So, up we got and off we headed... we did not really know where we were going, other than the general direction which was "inland" because the weather is normally warmer there, so we headed in the general direction of Stellenbosch. Two thirds of the way there, Herbie decided that the comfy ride was a little overwhelming and he had to share his breakfast from earlier all over grannies lap hahahaha!!!! (funny, not funny...) so we had to made a quick stop to clean up lol. Then we headed to Warwick Wine Estate, which was gorgeous, but far better suited to a nice hot Summers day - which today was not! So on we went in the direction of the Route 44 Market.



Enroute to the market there were a few tracks that were playing on the radio, so I added them to my playlist. You all know I am all about the "soundtrack to life" so I simply had to share them with you! One is pretty old, the other is local and the last is at the request of my little man Jude :)

The old...

The local...

The little mans favourite...

This was the first time we have been to this market, despite the fact that we have driven past it a thousand times to go to the market just up the road. The first thing that blew me away was the SIZE!!!!! It was HUUUUGE - almost endless! What was amazing was that there was NO shortage of place to sit. Most markets are SO congested and you literally have to wait in line or fight for a bloody table haha! There was none of that, which was fantastic!

Jude (naturally gravitated to the tables that interested him lol - but as soon as he had his hands on some "gloop" and a burger, he was as happy a a pig in shizz nizz! :)




Posh pup was a little more nervy for the first little while and considering that this was his first BIG ADVENTURE - it was completely understandable! I think as "pup parent noobs" lol, we were equally as stressed.... it was particularly sandy, so all the treats I had packed for him were completely covered in sand the second we gave them to him... so we ended up fetching an old towel from the car for him to lie on... hehehehe... yes, these are "posh pup" adventures ;) and we still had a good giggle, because the towel we gave him just happens to be a "HUGO BOSS" towel HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!



Once we were all settled - I went on my usual "snappy happy" trip! I absolutely LOVE walking about and capturing the hive of activity around me at places like this! And I have to say, as far as markets go - I was blown away by the amount of variety available! I didn't even photograph a quarter of what there was!













That little walkabout left me feeling more confused than anything because I had no idea WHAT I wanted to eat! lol... So, back to the table I went and decided to sit and listen to the band for a bit before opting in on any of the deliciousness!

The band was fantastic! - A two man, but they played such great classics which really kept an awesome vibe rolling the whole afternoon.



At the end of it all, I surprised EVERYONE at the table with my food choice @zord189 - yes, I actually ordered a PIZZA!!!!!! hahahahahahhaa!!! Anyone who knows me well, knows that I HATE pizza! I consider it "cardboard food". I am a woman who cooks from scratch in her kitchen every single day! Nothing I make is bought (except on really lay days) - but if there is a sauce, I make it from the ground up etc. so pizza to me is well.... um.... ya! But anyhoooooo I ordered the most AMAZEBALLS pizza! - Basil pesto, tomato, roast chicken and feta! YUMMMMM - and yes, it was DIVINE!!!



As for posh pup, well he had not widdled or anything else the ENTIRE time we were there, so I took him for a walk, hoping that he would find enough peace to relieve himself - sadly not, but I did bump into an old family friend on the way which was pretty cool! - He was supposed to send me the selfie we took, but as those moments go... I am still waiting haha!

Nonetheless we went on a little more exploring before all the packing up started...






This market is SO massive that I only managed to explore and photograph the food section lol - but there is about five times as much to see, including all the crafts, adventure world for the kids and a home "design" niche. It really is AMAZING! We will definitely be visiting route 44 again soon, but for today... posh pup was pretty knackered... hehehehehe so homeward bound it was...





Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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Enjoyed the post fantastic moments captured

Wow, thanks for reposting your adventure and those fantastic pics @jaynie ! Love the Dog, lol!! upped 💯 and resteemed.❤🐶😂👍

Thank you sweetie :) It was a super day out. As for Herbie, yes... he is too cute for words!

I decided to upvote this comment instead of the post in hopes that you will at least get some SP dust from my vote. I am truly sad to hear that folks were saying bad things about you. You do more to promote steem than many of the big SP holders who just support their buds and use steem for their own personal gain.

The value that I, as a Yank (a US person), see in this post is the personal glimpse into another part of the world that I may never get a chance to see in person. And what I saw through this is that we are not very different as people no matter where we live. Our desires are similar. Our quandaries are similar. Our basic needs are similar. This reality is reaffirming because so much of what we hear on the media is that ‘they are different than us’ and that simply isn’t true.
Great post!

I do not have an issue with you reposting this. With all the chaos from the "Not a Fork Forkup" earlier this week, I missed the original. I just loved the images that you put in. It looked like an amazing place to go and be part of. Especially with all that great looking food. The pupper was adorable and just made me smile. So adorable. Then, of course, there was your boy. It was a wonderful day.

I am so sorry you have run across the situation you did. People can be so two-faced sometimes; so awful. Please know that you are not viewed the way these people were saying (not sure exactly what was said, but pretty sure from your comments it was not nice). I have found you to be generous, kind, and uber caring. Not to mention forgiving and patient. Just adore you and enjoy your posts. Hang in there sweetness, you have more people who adore you than you realize.

Thank you hon. I appreciate the positive input on the post and the "other stuff". Apologies for the brief reply, but I am just not "feeling it" right now.

No worries, you do not have to feel it every day. Just wanted you to know that you are loved by so many more who actually do care about you.

I love your posts & your energy on the Steem blockchain as well as social media. Keep on shining & don't allow others to "dull your sparkle". You have great content & it inspires me as well. You have never ending support from me with pixie dust.

And this adventure you took looked so fun! The food looks amazing & the fact that there was actual seating blew my mind. That is hard to find lol. I am so glad you all had such a great time and thank you for sharing it with us! 🥰

Sending much love & pixie dust!! 🌺

I love that market. Only been twice, but it's worth visiting over and over... :D

This wasn’t the post that was deleted, and there is no reason to decline rewards... it’s a great post (just like the recipe post was) and it’s why people were trying to curate it.

Keep doing your thing, you are doing good things here and contributing with content people love as well, just maybe chill a bit when it comes to being “wronged”... no bad intentions were had.. just some people trying to curate you.

If someone doesn’t like your posts.. who cares.. you be you. That conversation was about voting your post though and the fact that this is where it has gone is insane.

I hope you post the meatloaf recipe again, I meant it when I said I thought it should have been trending and wanted to help get it there.

Honestly Justine, I doubt I will share it. Reading things said about you has an unfortunate way of getting into the negative side of a persons head and heart. That post has such a negative stigma attached to it now - for me anyway.

As for the decline of reward - I would have done the same for both if I ever got to re-posting the meatloaf. Which, as I say is highly unlikely.

But, things move on and I can always reinvent meatloaf.

I am honestly gutted that all of you think this has been about votes etc. I was humiliated by the fact that people I respected chose to demean and question my content in an open chat room. Perhaps I am old school, but this is the sort of thing that gets done in private, not at the eyes of all. I have worked incredibly hard for this blockchain and as we all know, negative news sticks like shit to a shoe! I really felt that all of you could have handled that in a much more professional and discreet manner - especially considering that several of you know how much heart I have ploughed into this place.

Anyway.... moving along.

I understand and I’m sorry. I didn’t at the time think anyone said anything negative about the post but reading back it seems a few gave opinions.. I was focused on the photography/lighting being very high quality and to be honest I was excited to see it.

When someone is asking me about an authors authenticity, I take that pretty seriously and due to my background that includes more technical aspects.. comparing past things etc.. your post was badass dude and I remember the first thing I said was “she’s legit”.. then when I opened it I was floored and just wanted to ensure I was not giving incorrect information.

I know you and know what you do, so to me of course you’re legit.. but I’d i didn’t take a moment to compare or run a search then I’m not doing my job.. I’m sorry I lost sight of the human author behind the post and just was focused on the specifics of it.

The end result was the majority thought it was great, it was your work, and we wanted to vote it.

Yes the editing out (which again was completely understandable) was just odd timing and if it wouldn’t have been you then I would have bet it was abuse.. it’s just a text book technique we see used all the time.. again I apologize for forgetting the human author behind it.

You do lots here, I’m a fan.. and yes I hope you can move forward from this and the last thing I intended was to hurt you.

Too many comments all over the place, so excuse the edit. I appreciate your apology and the fact that you acknowledged the very thing that cut me like a knife.

Moving along swiftly...

Yes, sorry to bounce this around on multiple posts. All is good, let’s move forward and sending positive vibes your way girl ❤️

This is a great post and fun adventure with of you with your Mom, Jude and Herbie.

I don’t know what was said but since I’ve been at PHC, I see how much time and dedication you give to the website and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

Negativity can hurt and it takes awhile to shake it.

Sending good vibes, my dear. 💕 🌸

Love "Posh Pup!"

This was the lost comment I made to your post that got lost: What a lovely day for the whole family! BTW, I’m surprised you don’t make pizza at home. I’m not nearly as much of a chef as you, but I have a great recipe for cauliflower crust, and topping choices are endless!