Life is like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)


“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Sometimes I feel like a little like a stuck record with the amount that I refer to the power of positive thinking but the reality is… it is a message that I simply cannot spread enough - It is absolutely a GAME CHANGER! Quite some time back I wrote an article a little while ago which in essence spoke about my feelings towards people that whine about their circumstance, do nothing to change it – yet still want you to continuously accommodate their whinging. Although most readers “got it” and agreed with me wholeheartedly – there were a couple that thought that my approach was too harsh, insensitive and blunt. They simply refused to see the positive angle of the article, no matter what I said in response.

Well, I said it then and I am going to say it again now…

If you want something to be different in your life, then you need to start making an effort to make it different. Nobody is here to hold your hand – and why should they anyway?! Yes we all get support from family and friends which is a very necessary part of our emotional support structure but at the end of the day it is up to you! Besides which, confiding in family and friends for emotional support or advice is not the same thing as someone who constantly waits for “a miraculous occurrence” to change the way things are panning out in their world, all the while, simultaneously doing nothing but repeatedly whining in the ears of others about it.


There are people living with terminal illnesses who manage to find something in their lives to be happy about as well approaching their fate with a positive attitude. There are homeless people living under bridges, wrapped up in cardboard boxes who are grateful for the little that they do have. There are people with all kinds of mental illnesses who battle their demons daily and actively put their focus on the good in their lives. There are parents who are challenged daily with the raising of special needs children, who realise what a blessing they actually are – never mind what amazing teachers they are too. There are people from all walks of life, faced with all kinds of challenging circumstances, and difficulties – yet they seek out the silver lining! - AND SO CAN YOU!!!!

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” ― Alphonse Karr

How you DEAL with, REACT to and HANDLE those situations is ALWAYS a CHOICE! Happiness is a choice! Positivity is a choice! Optimism is a choice! Positive talk is a choice! YOUR choice! So, yes – I stand fast in my approach to this matter and really cannot emphasize it enough – If you change the way you think, you will change your life! It REALLY can be that simple. If it is complicated, then it is because you are making it complicated - With your own thought processing and management.

If I were in a car accident tomorrow and came out of it alive but unable to walk ever again – what sense would it make for me to talk to everyone every single day (again and again and again) about how miserable I am being in a wheel chair. No sense! It would make absolutely NO sense nor would it serve any purpose whatsoever. Please don’t misunderstand me – everybody needs time to heal and to find acceptance… expression and offloading is a part of that process, but the time for that cannot be indefinite. There needs to be an end date put on it so that you can begin to move forward with your life. My point being, if you don’t give it an expiration date, then you will eventually start going backwards.

You end up becoming bitter and twisted and throwing stones at those around you who are living happily… or at the very least “trying to”. That is a completely fruitless way to live and the only one who really loses at the end of the day is you. So, yes – perhaps my approach to the matter is “brutal” and perhaps my words are harsh to some peoples ears… but guess what – it is all the truth and sometimes, those that resist hearing the truth (no matter how brutal) are the ones that need to it the most – whether they care to admit that or not. Sometimes… you need to be cruel to be kind. Not that I would by any stretch refer to my writing approach as “cruel” but yes – it is honest and truthful.

Life is like a "choose your own adventure" book... and no matter the current outcome, you ALWAYS have the power to steer the next adventure!

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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One thing

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” ― Alphonse Karr

What a great quote!

In the last paragraph, I must say you are absolutely right. It is not a way to live and not just with other people but within oneself. It feels so ugly to have that dark spot. One thing to think about when we become nasty with others because of our own miserable positions, we can apologize for something we said, but we can never take it back.

Aint that the truth!!!! Sadly though people seldom think that all the way through!

Sometimes it can be hard to get out of something that we are so used to and are so wrapped up in. A little help to see the light is sometimes much needed.

Fabulous motivational post! You are the Queen of Inspiration. In fact, that is something I think about often, how some of the very first posts I saw when I joined the blockchain back in 2017 were inspirational posts authored by you! And you are still inspiring others and nailing it! Love the heels, too! 😁

hehehe thank - that is my fav pair of heels :D and what a lovely compliment, thank you @thekittygirl - although, admittedly - some days I think it is because I am trying to convince myself more than others hahaha!!!

Dear @jaynie,

Great post!

Besides which, confiding in family and friends for emotional support or advice is not the same thing as someone who constantly waits for “a miraculous occurrence” to change the way things are panning out in their world, all the while, simultaneously doing nothing but repeatedly whining in the ears of others about it.

I think that people should know the difference between verbalization of concerns and whining. Verbalization (it just happened to me, I need to get out of my chest, what should I do.......) and whining ( it happened to me 10 years ago and, that person did this and this and this and this and I am so hurt until now!)

My point being, if you don’t give it an expiration date, then you will eventually start going backwards.

My point being, if you don’t give it an expiration date, then you will eventually start going backwards.

My point being, if you don’t give it an expiration date, then you will eventually start going backwards.

yeah. perhaps people needed like some kind of a DEADLINE to move through their experience but maybe, they simply do not want to move on because, they cannot find a way or, they consciously chose to or, they still have issues to resolve.

You end up becoming bitter and twisted and throwing stones at those around you who are living happily… or at the very least “trying to”.

I think some people should get a reality check: everyone hurts, everyone struggles, everyone fails, everyone tries but the difference is that, some gets back on their feet and continue fighting or, forge another path for themselves.

I was not really able to read the other post but, thank you. this is such an englightening post.

Thank you for such great insight and feedback hon and I completely agree with what you have said! Each to their own and in their own time too!

You tell it like it is, sista! And you aren't just paying lip service, I know you've done it for yourself.

This is a positive philosophy of life, I don't think it's easy to follow it. It cannot only be positive, optimist ... it must also be pessimism, as a balance. If it weren't pessimism then what would be optimism? I am a pessimist who loves optimism. I really appreciate your blog, I like how you write, thank you!

Everything in life is about balance! And what a lovely thing to say re. my blog - thank you!!

With pleasure! I am not a good reader because of the superficial English I know ... but I can feel the energy and positivism, the love of life that is transmitted by your blogs.



Posted using Partiko Android

Misery loves company I guess
I am with you right through... though I think it is okay to give it the energy it needs to get it out of your system, then flush it down the toilet and move on 💗

oh yes I absolutely agree with that, in fact I am sure I said that hehe... you absolutely DO need time to process, heal and accept... but the important thing is moving on from there so that you don't stat to go backwards :)

Life is chooseong your own path and keep going untill you find the destination...but sometime I feel why to reach destination when the journey is so beautiful filled with majestic soul....

Posted using Partiko Android

I could not agree more! Every day is an adventure :)

I'm resteeming this! Absolutely true. But whiners are going to whine.

haha so true @blockurator! And thank you very much for the resteem - always greatly appreciated xxx

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