9 Ways I Personally Deal With Anxiety, Challenges & Down Days

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I have always had my demons in the closest. Lately, more so than not. These are the voices that are telling me:

"Jass, you are not good enough."

"Jass, what makes you think you can do what you want to do?"

"Jass, what makes you think you are so special to do what you want to do?"

"Jass, what makes you think you can be any better than her?"

"Jass, you will never make it."

There are days when I dismiss them. And.. there are days when they win.

The Truth

The Truth is, these "demons", these shadow sides are always going to be there. If they are not there for you, great. But for many of us, they exist.

Doubts are a real thing. Anxiety is real.

Fear, is real.

The question is: "How do we deal with it?"

This is the question I have always had whenever I am faced with a challenge, a mental one, more so than anything.

What I Wish To Share

The following are a series of questions and thought processes I personally use to really look at how I am living my life on a daily basis - to see how I am looking at my world, my reality through my own lenses. You may watch my brief 3 minute video to see how my thought processes go, and following that, I am sharing what I actually do on a daily basis to get myself back on track.
If you'd like an actual, even more detailed list of questions which you can personally use and have on hand for yourself, subscribe to my list to download it here.

To begin to change anything, we need to know where we are at status quo, to realize our own limitations, as much as recognizing our strengths.

Video: A Story That Will Change Your Life - Lisa Nicholas (starred in "the Secret")

The Darker Sides Of Jassica

(Video above was filmed last Friday morning after I watched a video which made my day and I thought I share it in this article)

As I set out on my path of doing what is meaningful for me, combating the challenges and obstacles on a daily basis, the more important it has become for me to stay on point, the more important it is for me to really look deeper within me, and to see what is true for me. And the truth? It is not always easy.

Less and less I realize I have the energy to do with things that take up unnecessary space in my Life, the more I need to declutter, the more I need to let go of things, people, situations and circumstances as I come to understand more about myself, my strengths, my worthiness, my truths and what works for me, as well as my very own limitations which are not always very pleasant to see.

The more I move forward, the more I realized I needed to practise what I preach and walk my talk, the more balance I need, and the more compassion and understanding I need to provide myself if I am really serious about going on for the long run.

Managing and Troubleshooting Your Life

Alot of us don't realize or aren't aware that we all have our own thresholds before there is a tipping point and all hell breaks loose. Believe me, I talk about it because I know it- I personally experienced it, and I understand it.

My advantage is, having done alot of self awareness practise (AND still learning), I can immediately become aware that I am spiralling - down. And coming from experience, it isn't immediately easy to put everything into application. Yet, trust me when I say, it can be done.

Nothing is impossible. Take it from a cancer survivor.

9 Ways I Personally Deal With Anxiety, Challenges & Down Days


I cannot stress the importance of this, and would go as far as saying that this is as important as breathing. Self awareness is key to catching yourself before your emotions take you over.

There is a reason why there is a term called 'spiritual practise' as it is indeed, a practise.

What I Normally Do

I normally typically inhale deeply into my stomach, and do the 5 seconds breathing practise.

The 5 Seconds Breathing Exercise

Inhale deeply from within your stomach, count up to 5, hold it for 5, and exhale, counting up to 5.

Repeat this for 3-4 times.

Then gently focus your awareness where your heart is, place 2 fingers around the area where your heart is, and breathe in through your heart- imagining like as though oxygen is going through your heart.

Remember to exhale.

This exercise is adapted from the Heart Math Institute - an exercise scientifically proven to lower stress, boost the immune system, increase productivity and efficiency at work.

The goal of self awareness is to become more in tune with what you are feeling inside of you.

Take some time out to do deep breathing exercise, to meditate, or spend some time just being by yourself, in nature.

Take a short walk in the park, breathe deeply, be mindful of your surroundings, feeling sensations and take them in.

Have A Powerful Intention

Intention to do whatever we want is singlehandedly one of the most crucial thing I know to be able to shift and change lives, or my life in particular, at 180 degree.

It is more powerful than you can ever imagine. That one intention you determinedly, with gritted teeth decide and vow to be, do, have in your head is that one force which could propel and push you forward that few extra steps ahead - and that might be all you need to cross the finish line.

What I normally do

Before I want to achieve or do anything, I usually look at my personal intention behind it, the Ultimate outcome.

There must be a big 'Why' - why I want to do what I do, what is the reason behind the pursuit.

That Intention will be the driving motivating force every single time I feel down in the dumps.

Trust me. It can be incredibly useful.

For example:

While I was in hospital really suffering from the effects of chemotherapy, I decided I will not pursue this conventional method of treatment. I had no other way of knowing if I would survive, but somehow or rather, I just knew that I could.

My "Why" to surviving from leukemia? Because I knew I had a lot more to do, alot more to share, and because the very fact that I knew that I could heal, meant that this was a possibility. And that, became fact.

And as Napoleon Hill said," Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." And so it is.

Am I Going Against What Is True For me?

Time and time again, I realized that when I break down into an anxiety mode, or a panic attack, it is very often due to the fact that I am going against what I am not, and what is in my heart. Going against the very truths of my soul, my values and my principles, my boundaries.

For example, it can be something as simple as being in a dishonoring connection or relationship. The feeling like it's wrong, and yet still going ahead with it.

The discomfort in my heart, that gnawing, growing persistent feeling in my heart which feels like I am pushing against something is often a warning sign that I am not following my truths, and what is right for me. After years of pushing against this, I finally learnt to recognize the signs before I get into trouble. Admittedly, I am still learning. Still, it is better than nothing.

What I normally do

Whenever I feel such a discomfort in my heart, I always ask myself this:

"What is it that my heart really wants and is not getting out of this?.."

"What can I do about it?"

More questions you can ask for yourself here

What Do I Need?

Years of experience with burnout, anxiety attacks, close encounters with depression has led me to a point of realizing that what I need is as important as what everyone else needs.

Actually, I take that back.

I Am more important than anybody else in my life. And so are you. You are more important, than anybody else in your life.

Remember, without you, your life can't function. You are the main driver, the captain of your Life. So You, need to be in tip top shape.

What I Normally Do

The minute I find myself close to the burnout zone, I take time out. I still personally struggle with asking for help, and being open about my issues. However, it gets better with time.

When I start getting tired, or the flus and colds, I try as much as I can to make the effort to give myself time and space, because I know that's the body's signal that it needs it.

I also ask myself this: "What is within me that is creating this issue?" And I sit with whatever answer that comes up, and work on it. Oftentimes, I realize that I have a distorted perception of a certain issue, or I realize I have a mental or emotional issue with something. Being someone who practises alot of inner emotional work, I have alot more understanding with why I am where I am and what I need.

What are my Perceptions of Life? What Are My Belief Systems?

I am a firm believer in facing our mental challenges and having the right mindset and will. Half the battle is won when you get the mindset right. Half the battle is won when you have a grip of the mind. But, lose the mental challenge, and you really lose out.

Big time.

That was one of the reason why I stopped chemotherapy after 3 cycles, because I was losing my mind, my consciousness,..and the will to fight.

What You Believe In Shapes Your Reality.

Having a strong belief system in my ability to heal was one of the shaping factor in my recovery. Having done a muscle testing on the percentage of my belief to recover from acute leukemia then, it was at 70%. Sure, it is not 100%, but I'd say, that's not bad.

What we believe in shapes our perception which in turn shapes how we perceive reality. No one can run away from this. Have one deep instilled belief that relationships are difficult, and one after another, one could have trouble with their love lives. Similar with any other life challenges.

What I normally do

In resolving a challenging situation, I normally look at what I perceive to be possible for me.

As everyone perceives reality through a different pair of lens, I am well aware that what is possible for another, might not be doable for me. But because of the fact that it is possible for someone else, means that it is possibility. It means that if someone else succeeded doing whatever he/she is doing, that means I can too, no matter what I might currently think or say.

It just means we have different set of beliefs, different sets of looking at reality and so we achieve a different result. And my job then is to normally see what else I can do to adopt the set of beliefs and thought process that successful person is adopting to achieve whatever he/she has done.

What Do I feel Is Stopping Me From Achieving "so and so"?

In the quest to achieving or winning at Life, I came across 2 types of fears commonly known by many; the Fear of Success and the Fear of Failure.

Some of us fear success. I do, because sometimes, I already know I can win and I actually fear what comes with it. How odd is that? But that is true. I fear that I will become the odd one out. I fear I will lose my friends, and I fear I might become "one of those". Interesting how I associate success with the "arrogant" rich people? Do you see how that could hinder my success?

Then there is failure. Fearing the unknown, not knowing what will happen once I jump off that cliff, pushing outside my comfort zone.

What I normally do

Here are the questions I personally ask myself:

What is in my way to achieve what I want? Is it a mental or emotional issue, my own thoughts or mindset, or is it my environment, the people I am with, etc?

Why am I hesitating? Is there a reason why I seem to be procrastinating? Is it a hunch that something isn't right for me, or is it just actually a legit fear?

What can I do now to push outside my comfort zone?

What is the worse thing that can happen anyway?

What is My Daily Routine? What Am I Doing On A Daily Basis

As much as I am a firm believer in having the right belief systems, I am also avid on where I am spending my energy on a daily basis.

On the quest to overcoming something or achieving at Life, it is important to see where we are spending our time and energy most on. We might have 24 hours a day, sometimes it feels like it's not enough.

However, a moment within itself is a moment that could either make you, or break you.

So where am I each moment in time? Where are you?

What I normally do

Here are the questions I ask myself:

How am I spending my thoughts - where does it go most of the time? Is it on things that matter, or on things that saps my energy and are a complete waste of time?

Have I spent enough time on things that can support or boost me?

Am I in tune with my own emotional needs? Did I even breathe properly today?

Am I eating well? Am I making enough effort to make sure I do? Have I slacked off in eating properly?

More detailed questions you can use here

What Can I Change to Become Better?

Growth involves change. And change involves self scrutinizing questions, and the courage to take that step into the unknown and do what you have never done before.

Asking all the previous questions involves me being willing to change, to take the first step. We know that we might need change somewhere, however, without the willingness to do so, all falls flat.

That's what Change involves, pushing outside your comfort zone, doing something you have never done before, which is the opposite of Insanity where it is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting similiar results.

What I normally do

I ask myself the following questions:

What do I need to change to improve or become better in (Insert issue)?

Am I really willing to make the change?

Is there something causing me to be resistant to change?

Is there anything I need to change?

Is there anything I can do immediately and practically to facilitate the change I want?

Is there anything I might need to let go of, people/toxic situations/things ?

Is there routine I can to switch right away that might help?

The Gratitude List - THE Magic Wand

Finding things to be grateful for is the one thing I personally have used for years- if its just being thankful for having a pen to write down my affirmations. Sometimes I forget about it, but when I really feel down in the dumps, and upset with Life, this is the one thing I do to stop the spiral. Thousands all over the world use this to manifest and create miracles in their lives. Even though there might not be evidence that gratitude is the one that made it happened, but I firmly believe that the barometer ought to be in the way you feel, how it makes you feel.

Tip: I suggest to take your time to really feel the feeling of gratitude and appreciation.

Merely writing down grateful affirmations and truly feeling the feeling of gratitude, though seem similiar, but has two varying energies. The latter being stronger. The emotional proof of it is how you feel within yourself inside your body. The physical proof is when you are moved towards actions which will continue to make you feel even better.

It is like a spiral. Only it goes up, this time.

What I normally do

Make the effort to spare 5-15 minutes of your time in your day(even when you don't feel like it, remember, it's all about making it a habit), upon waking up and/or before going to bed. Of course, the more times you do this, the better.

Make A List
Have a nice note book, and in it, make a list of 5-10 things you are grateful for.

I Am So Happy And Thankful for...
I learnt from the movie "The Secret" to start with "I am so happy and thankful for....."
This always somehow positiona myself to be in the right frame of mind, and I recommended ending it with you feeling it mind and heart "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You." Really saying it and meaning it. You know it has worked when you feel really feel it.

Really take the time to have a look around and see what you can be grateful. There is always something, even if it is the comfort of your sheets and blanket which snugs you in comfortably at night, your air conditioner, or your coffee mug.

Maybe it's even just your coffee.

Can't find anything else?
What about the fact that you can breathe freely in this moment, the oxygen that flows freely and abundantly? Some people are on oxygen tanks to help them live. You don't need that, and you are blessed.

What else is working in your life?
Look out for them. The Sun is still shining. Do you know without the Sun, and the magical rotation of the earth, the Earth can be overly heated up and we won't have Earth as it is today with it's wonderful flora and fauna, and neither would you be here?

There is a law called the Law of Expansion. Whatever you focus on, expands. Focus on the good, you can only find more of it. And for some of us, it is the only way our lives can begin to change.

For the better.

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What is this blogging "Steemit" thing which Jassica is constantly writing on?


Steemit is an up and coming social media platform no different to Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook, except that it basically allows you to earn as you go along.

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Yep, this is Not A Joke.

And for those of you who know me, I don't share a money making thingy if I am not sure about it, nor do I make any money of it but if you want to hop along this ride of making money doing what you love, why not?



I think I said this before.. you can surely write a good article. Of all of Mav's students whom I followed, you are definitely the best. Definitely should consider to be a curie if you have free time.

thank you so much Chris. That means so much to me you have no idea - really appreciate your kind words. Thanks again. . :)

Haha, I think she's already good before. Can't fake talent like that :)

Congrats on being "curied"!

Wow Mav.. coming from you tho.... totally "humbli-fied" lol. Thank you so much Mav ..! @maverickfoo

We all do face challenges, but never make yourself the enemy. Anxiety comes from when we aren't keeping our mind set and focus in the present. What happened in the past is what we can reflect on and when we look forward we can see possible options.

What helps me to stay focused and grounded is keeping my mindset in the present. What's happening in our lives is what is going on around us at the moment.

wonderfully said, and good point. Staying present in the moment. . Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. !

Reading what you wrote, you definitely gave ur problems many deep thoughts. I build a regime of usual things i do when things turns bad...

I cut my hair
I wash my aquarium (no longer exist)
I talk to my mom or take her out
I take a drive and drive alone the entire night

Then i feel like i can move on for another day. Taking a step a day is more realistic than thinking ahead how to solve the entire crisis...sometimes people speak not coz they need a solution but coz they just need a compassionate heart and a pair of willing ears.

Here is a picture that shows you there is always someone or something that is grateful for small things in life...like an apple


Yes, a step a day. Thank you for pointing that out. This is what I'd like to write on now actually. Thank you so much for being you, for being kind to me, and for reaching out. I think it's beautiful what you did, and I want you to know I really appreciate you. @perennial

Most welcomed...the pits of anxiety and panic is quite a deep one. Like the lyrics of a song...take one step at a time🎶🎶🎶

I appreciate you too.

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@jassicania, stay strong, fight the battle. Wake up, fight the battle and stay strong. It's a cycle of determination every day.

Thank you very much for your sharing. you are very good in writing.


"Success never final and failure never fatal... "
(Ok... the word above is not mine... its written on the poster pasted somewhere at my workplace...)

Somehow it tells me...
Life never goes in the straight line... there are ups and bumps along the way... success is relative, failure is part of the learning process and experience is our best teacher...

I believe in doing what I enjoy and enjoying what i do... if i fail... i will enjoy the failure too... haha...

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