Memorable last year as an Engineering Student : As sweet as Honey, as pure as Gold.

What a fruitful College Life!


It's always been fun to participate in school events. I am always active and excited in joining campus events, not only for participation but also I want to compete with the best because in competing, I learn.

In my high school years, I am one of the representatives in our school's Damath, Sci-dama, and for Interschool's Math Quiz Bowl team. Freshmen upto my senior years. I won some and lost some, but the most important thing is I learn from it. I used that as an experience for the future.

In my college years, I even more participated. Always eager and happy to participate. Those were one of the best things that happened to me aside from the tedious Engineering Course LOL. I participated three straight Junior Math Quiz Bowl competition. I won one championship, one first runner-up, and the other as a participant. I also joined Boggle, Volleyball, Intramurals Math Quiz Bowl and Czar of Engineers into which I won some, and again lost some. I learned a lot from participating in those events. The learning and experience were the most important achievements I got aside from the medals and prizes I received.

An amazing last year!

Since I am a 5th year Electronics Engineering student, my last year was a bang. I participated three events : Boggle(Word Factory), Math Quiz Bowl, and Volleyball. This was challenging since we have thesis to finish, projects to make, and exams to meet. Apart from that is my Steemit career, I consider Steemit as a job. I always allocate time to blog, interact with users, and do my job as a PH Curator and an advocate of Steemit. Going back, me and @leryam12 won Boggle as champions. It was an overwhelming victory because the score was really convincing. We also have completed the grandslam. We completed the 3 championship streak. Its an honor to win and represent the College of Engineering, its deeply overwhelming.


We also got another title for Math Quiz Bowl competition. This time, I have @mikekenlytungal as teammate and Junry (not a Steemit user yet but soon). The win was also convincing. We missed only two questions per round, each round has ten questions. We also got the grandslam title for that event. Not really a question because that's the main brand of Engineering. When we speak about Math, Engineering always excel in that field. I did have our medals and prize (P1,000.00) here @mikekenlytungal, will give that tomorrow buddy!

I have enjoyed my entire year as a student with lots of challenges, despair, pain, and struggle. It made me a better me today. I maybe one of the poorest people before, but now I am rich with knowledge. A treasure that can never be stolen. I believe I am educated enough to understand the basics of this world, and for the world to be changed it must start within myself. I am so proud of me, the me before, during, and the future me. I am always happy for what I do, regrets are always present but I need to move on from it. I made a lot of mistakes and I'm glad I learned from it.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time and effort. Much love!

Your friend Jassenn,



@jassennessaj please IMMEDIATELY change your password on Steem because you sent your private key in a memo that anyone can now use to access your account! I am going to show this in a post tomorrow to help assist with a feature request and am commenting here to give you time to do it before anyone hopefully notices.

Changing your password at will stop anyone from being able to use your private keys to sign into your account. Make sure on your new password to keep it backed up with something such as LastPass or another password manager or an offline backup because the original password will not work after changing it!

In the future make sure to never sent a memo that includes a private key in it! Hopefully Steemit will make a feature that blocks private keys in memos in a future update!

Hi @jerrybanfield

Thank you so much! To be honest, I really don't know where I sent that memo. Where have you seen it? But, thanks for letting me know. I successfully changed my password immediately. I appreciate it!! Thank you so much Jerry!

Hooohh! Thanks a lot! Thank you! If you have time, I want to insert this topic as a comment. Just let me know if you're in. Much love!

i think jerry has been hacked.

Oh Jassenn, you too are as pure as honey and sweet as gold. Congratulations on all your wins and successes this year. I love you little brother. Now go and take care of your key immediately like Jerry said in his comment (How the hell did he notice that anyway? Who takes the time to read people's wallets? LOL)

Such a good news post. I love seeing good news from you since our friendship began. So proud of you man. GOOD JOB! Keep it up.

Best to you and your family.

So lovely brother! You always made me inspire even the darkest part. Thanks for that buddy! I appreciate your help and the love.

Yeah, I really wondered where I sent the memo. I checked on my wallet but I couldn't find my password as a memo. But after seeing Jerry's comment, I immediately changed my password and saved it offline.

Thank you! I appreciate it bro!

Love you!

All's well, that ends well! <3

A great talent is always ready to be rewarded or encouraged

great talent and achievements @jassennessaj :) deserving and everything you have done is worthit :) keep it up and may god bless you always

extracurriculars are always cool, best of luck... my son just started college, awesome times (-:

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