The Vonu Blog for 06-05-2018

in #vonu6 years ago (edited)


Shopping for Normies

The normies are condition to overreact to things that trigger them. A dog in a locked car on a hot day is meant to trigger them. I already have had the police called on me, even though Sammie was not in destress, parked in the shade at 7 pm. So, I am going to buy the top of the line a Maxxair vent with remote control costing around $240. Also I will be getting a indoor/outdoor thermostat for them to view through the window. I will place a note in the window with instructions and hopefully they will follow them AND hopefully that will be enough to keep panicky serfs from calling the state to “save” my dog.

Engine Vibration

Still a mystery, my 5.9 liter Dodge engine still wobbles at idle. Today I pulled off the valve covers and is ready for inspection by my mechanic. We will see if I have sticky valves tomorrow.



Good news! I think the two 6v golf cart batteries are good and is now running on trickle charge for the last check on the batteries before I go with a full install tomorrow.


A usual morning consists of about an hour or a half hour of stretching before I can get our of bed. Today I had to painfully get out of bed quickly to use the bathroom across the street. I think that lead me to pinch a nerve in my shoulder blades while helping a friend remove a window in a Mustang. It has kind of ruined my day. All my plans are now sidetracked until I feel better.

I Want to Hear From You

If you have experiences from the road or have stories you would like to share email [email protected]

Also visit the I am not affiliated to this site but it is THE BEST resource to Vonu and they are dedicated to this strategy of freedom.


That looked like a points and distributor system on the van. I know a little bit about those. If the mechanic doesn't find anything let us know.

The valve guides have a little play. Going to have them rebuilt tomorrow. I wish I could afford a port and polish but it is way too expensive. Maybe I can afford headers.

How much do you know about engines?

Enough to get one to limp to a mechanic shop if it fails. I have worked on carbs, can install plugs and wires, belts, brakes, brake lines and so on. Mostly I'm best with mobile electronics.

One trick i used to check plug wires, distributor cap and plugs for spark jumps, was to inspect in the dark while the engine was running.

I didn't get a good view on where the vacuum line to the vacuum advance plugged in, but it appeared a little lengthy.

Where those plug wires prefabbed, or the DIY cut to size? it's a tough time getting the DIY type to crimp correctly.

The van has great spark. The vacuum lines are all connected. There are no vacuum leaks. The valves are definitely not sitting right also have doubts about the lower half of the motor. It is a bad idle vibration. The harmonic balancer looks good too so its time to upgrade.

If the compression test was good and its holding oil pressure, that's at least a good sign for the bottom end.

It looked like one of the plugs was carbon-ed up a lot. Even on modern vehicles, I will hook up a timing light and make sure each plug is firing correctly.

Those coil ignitions typically had a resistor on the coil, and often the resistor is missing leading to a coil thats running hotter than designed. If thats the case, the coil lifecycle is reduced to maybe two years max.
Also it is important to check the points to make sure the condenser is wired in. Points don't last long without a condensor.

If you see or hear play in the push rods, the lifters may be having issues. Old engine goo running through lifters is a headache. Does the oil run clear? It's odd that the valves aren't sitting right but it holds compression.

The van doesn't have points. It is an electronic ignition. I will put the head back together a d see if a new coil will help but that was a new coil.

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