
We fired him for doing such a bad job! He left without pension, but avoided jail. Some of his deputies did not....

The new Sheriff is of Spanish decent, and is VERY Conservative. I do not know him myself, but he won by a landslide! He really cleaned house, and got everyone's training current! He has earned everyone's trust, and will be Sheriff for a long time!


oh well that's great sir smithlabs, we need someone like that down here!
well we need someone like that everywhere.

Fire and replace! Works well, but we waited until someone was killed first, SMH. The sheriff is the only duly elected law officer, and they have wide powers!


oh ok sir smithlabs well what does SMH stand for?
I nominate smithlabs for sheriff!

I am not Texan enough to be elected down your way,

SMH = Shake My Head. A true sign of disgust!


ok then I nominate smithlabs for congressman! lol.

They do NOT want Me in DC; I would remind them who they work for; and that they are NOT rulers of their districts! They need to hear this often; I call mine as a reminder, to tell him what I want him to do in DC!


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