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RE: Wild Bill Hickok: His Early Years

in #history6 years ago

howdy back sir Glen! wow I've missed talking to you, how you doing and how is your wife?
regarding the research, it's so true that it's highly rewarding on it's own and I usually wish I could include everything I learn but then the posts would be way too long and it would take a ridiculous amount of time to put them together! lol.
are you back for Friday's cooking post?


I probably won't have a cooking post. I cooked last Saturday, but it was steak, and I didn't do anything different to them than normal. Tomorrow I need to come up with something. Have no idea what. As it is, I haven't really done a whole lot food related, unless I actually say something about a fortune cookie fortune. Does that count?

themanwithnoname mentioned you were inquiring after me. :) I'm not quite into full mode yet, but I could make a run for the Top 10 still if the mood strikes. It was weird but yesterday I had this nagging feeling for a good part of it that I needed to be doing something. There were some things, but those were taking care of fairly early. Not sure what I was thinking, but I don't need to be thinking I'm forgetting something when I'm not. :)

Surely, though, with everyone else you've got to comment with you couldn't have missed me that much. :)

My wife is doing well. She's been cleared to return to work the first of October, and right now, she's down with her sisters in Mexico. She might not want to come back. :)

haha! about your wife, so she is having a great time? Maybe she'll want to retire there!that would be different but then look at Lynn, it sounds wonderful.

What about job hunting, have you been forced to do any of that? Mrs. J put in for
the local jail to be a Corrections Officer! It sounds so weird but she thinks she wants to get into the criminal justice system and that's the best way to do it. So we'll see but it would be some decent money coming in but it's tough work, 12 hour shifts dealing with not nice people.

yes I miss talking to you everyday! dang.. I have some conversations with people but not the indepth ones that we have. besides we have quite a bit in common like our wives thinking we should probably go get a job! and what to do until we retire and where and quite a few things.

yes I say the fortune cookie counts! lol.

Usually when my wife goes to visit she ends up not wanting to come back. Over our nearly 30 year marriage, this is like the tenth or so time she's gone. I've been there twice.

She hasn't talked ever about retiring there. The Mexico City metropolitan area isn't much like a resort town. I've talked about Cancun. She's not really been interested.

re: corrections officer


I know very little about your wife, but what you have mentioned about her and stress associated with real estate does not equate to jail or the criminal justice system. :) So, there must be more to it.

Way more.

No job yet, but the pressure is still there. It probably will be there until STEEM goes up. I may have until the beginning of next year, though. Not sure but she was relenting a little.

haha! well in real estate we were responsible for people's livihoods in many cases and the work never ended, we couldn't get away from it, this kind of job you can.

But you are so astute! see I miss talking to you because you're such a good analyst and thinker. she is actually trying to get into the criminal justice system because we want to set up a home to help women who get out of prison, like a half way house.

But we need connections in the court system and we don't have any so that's her scheme to get in there. In fact it's the only way that we found that it could be "infiltrated" lol. it's just a starting point but would open up alot of opportunities and enable many connections to the court system.

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