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RE: The Emperor And His Birds

in #fiction6 years ago

well sir, I think you've done enough commenting for this week so I think you should just stop that altogether tomorrow, no need to overwork yourself besides you need to work on those posts so you don't feel bad Sunday.

I only got one each day out this week. that's pretty lame.


I might try for a couple posts tomorrow. At this point, I don't know what they would be, since I pretty much posted what I was going to write. I do have to cook tomorrow, which will take some time, and I may have to run into town for some ingredients. I'm going to attempt to cook Pad Thai on the grill. Except for maybe the noodles. I'll have to figure that part out.

I could say that there's yardwork calling your name, but I doubt it would get you to stop commenting tomorrow, so I guess we'll just keep doing it until Asher pulls the results. :)

rats! I really think you should consider your wife and take her to the coast tomorrow, she deserves it!

I would love to, but she works tomorrow. Maybe we'll get a chance to go next week. She's got the whole week off. :)

However, I'm going to try to duck and stay out of her way for most of the week. I don't think she can just sit down for any great length of time without falling asleep, even if she's watching a show she likes. She just needs to be in constant motor mode, and she likes to take me with her, regardless of what I'm trying to accomplish independently of her.

But you are right, she does deserve a break, and a potential trip to the coast. We'll see, but not tomorrow. :)

but it needs to be tomorrow man! lol. she falls asleep whenever she sits down for a little while so she has to keep moving ? does she fall asleep when you're doing the driving?

I can't say it's every time she sits down. That's not really true. But it does happen frequently, and during any part of the day, so it doesn't have to be when she's tired at night after long work hours. She's just that kind of person that if she's not in motion, she's at rest. Literally.

Yes, she does fall asleep on longer trips, of over an hour or more. So do my sons. I guess my driving has a soothing effect on people. :) drive so smoothly it puts everyone to sleep. hey that's a good skill to have, you could be a chauffer!

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