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RE: Ulog 36: Goals and Rebellion

in #ulog6 years ago

haha! "a confused donkey" lol. I know what you mean about working hard to not start on a project or goal but I don't know why, let me know when you figure out why we humans do that!

but good for you in not caving to the pet portraits gig! that takes guts.
I didn't know you were that far along with the book, congratulations on that too, you got this made! you're great. tremendous success is coming.


We do it because we're confused donkeys ;)
Thank you - I'm not sure if not caving is guts or stupidity, but it felt good to stick with my plans for a change. I'm not sure about having it made, nor tremendous success - but I'll happily take working consistently towards a plan that means something to me. I guess that counts as tremendous success in itself.

Big love to you,
E x

howdy again on this fine Sunday eveningart! are already so on track with the book and everything, you're unstoppable!

That's high praise coming from you! Unstoppable should be your middle name ;)

who me? lol. no I'm very beatable, look how close smithlabs got to me and ecoin beat me a few weeks ago. you are though, unstoppable, not beatable! lol.

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