What Rocks My World On A Day Like Today.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends. I'd love to share a bit of my life lately, and send some vibes of gratitude to you.

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I noticed that I went over 600 followers, that's amazing. Big thanks for every single one of you. Alt coins are getting butchered with the BTC correction, but hey, sun is still coming up tomorrow, and I bet that you, same as me, got about three zillion reasons to be grateful for.
Think health, think breath, think water, think the roof over you head and food in your tummy. Think about your family and friends. I don't know about you, but if I have enough to get by and continue doing what I love the most- painting art that makes people remember the beauty inside of them- then I still consider myself a damn lucky & rich man. And even if I lost that temporarily, I'd still have plenty to smile for.

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Found nettles in Vancouver! After I smothered my nose in dandelion blossoms thoroughly:) Nettles are not that common here, and they have many healing qualities (same goes for dandelion root that I dig out:)

Speaking of friends. I had an interesting interaction with one recently. She shoot me a message about price of one of my paintings, looking to acquire. I gave her a pretty crazy good offer, but our communication went the wrong way when I suggested a rather fast payment (within 2 days). What played out after was a lovely lesson for both of us - of always picking up the phone and talking with real voice (if in person can't be done immediately, which is almost always), rather than messaging.

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Everyone who shoes up at my exhibition has my deep gratitude. Life's busy and I don't take anyone's time for granted.

You know, I don't believe in bad people. I just believe in misunderstandings. I mean- yes of course, there's tons of mischievous ill-wishing assholes running on this Earth, but that's part of the misunderstanding- we do not understand that they are hurt people and we fail to see the innocence in the very core of every human being, including the crooks. And they don't understand that they are just hurting themselves more, and that all energy always eventually comes back to its source.

sharing an illegal beer with my buddy in Lausanne, Switzerland.

6 years later, this man is still my great buddy. And it's great to see that we both made our wildest dream happen!

Ego loves anything that will give it space for drama. Because it lives through drama. It thrives on reading between the lines (cause it can make up things easily), emotions, on blame, on guilt, on righteousness and opinions of all sorts that will reinforce the biggest of the illusions of them all- the illusion of self. You know, ego is not a bad thing, it's a survival software. Except that most people confuse it with who they think they are. When the servant becomes the master, things turn sour.

Friends light my fire...

....or do yoga with me on Cannon beach:)

....or get thoroughly f.up and inappropriate - that lamp was our mic, and we sing loud!:)))

Long story short, where there is will, there is always a way. And the will must always be to drop the desire to be right, and just be kind instead. After all- how much is a friendship worth in your books? One line that you took personally? Well was that even a friendship in the first place? We are humans, we all make mistakes, and we all fall in the countless traps of our ego. It takes a bigger man to admit it, than it takes to justify, however righteous, the act. I screw up all the time. But I'm not scared of saying “I'm sorry” or “I was wrong” anymore.

Hey, we're all part time hurt little babies and full time sleeping angels, just remember to relax, take a breath, and we'll be doing great!

Friends exhibit my art in their businesses. Blessed!

Friends travel across the planet with you or take long bus rides to meet you!

...or take very inappropriate pictures of me in a bus in Cambodia. Seriously common, don't do this:)

Funny ending to this was that when we finally got to talk on the phone and realized that there's no problem between us whatsoever, someone called me 2 hours later from my friend's phone, telling me that he found her purse with phone in it, and just dialled the last number to see if I could pick it up for her. Being kind pays off. Us dropping our egos gave her all her belongings back and a lovely chance for me to do a good thing and drive 25km in traffic to pick it up:)

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And lots of lovely friends of mine buy my art. That's some heavy duty icing on a bad ass cake! ;-)

Admitting our wrongs in not weakness, it's our strength.

It's part of growing up as a human being.

Much Love to all of my beautiful friends! Thank you for being!

Thank you for reading, upvoting and following me,

follow @jankasparec

Float Yourself!

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I love a lot of your work and it's hard to pick a favorite! But I must say this last picture with the hand meeting in the sky is really really nice. I enjoy both your sharing of the artwork and also your stories, it gives the paintings even more life

Thanks so much @dandesign86 . I really appreciate you appreciating my work! Yes that hand was a nice one. Already hanging on someone's wall :) Much Love bro!

You are enjoying art.
Beautiful paintings and beautiful pictures you got here.

Thanks and please do stay in touch.

The artwork is really beautiful!

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89


Seems like you have a lot of fun! Good job,man!

Fun is always around the corner @hebro. Thanks for reading bro!

Ha..ha.. Who did cover you when sleep? :)

Good going! Keep up the good work :)

Awesome handstand and art!

Ha ha thanks bro @flexifriday :) You must be flexible, love you nice my man!

I really love this post. Friends really are life :0)
Ur story is moving and ur art is so amazing.
Upvoted. Thx for sharing.
Ur friends seem really cool ;0)

Wow your arts are just magical. I will like to buy one from you. When you come to India, I will like to meet you and have a great conversation with you. Recently I uploaded my india tour blog, please have a visit and explore my beautiful country India.

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