Chess problem 21 / Schachaufgabe 21steemCreated with Sketch.

in #chess8 years ago (edited)


This time I created a position for you which may seem to be rather complicated? Who has the advantage, black or white? I will tell you: it's your task to win as black! Easy, isn't it? In case that's not, my advice is to think laterally ... :-)

Have fun now and be creative! :)


Diesmal habe ich mir eine Stellung für euch ausgedacht, die vielleicht auf den ersten Blick ziemlich kompliziert aussieht? Wer ist im Vorteil, Schwarz oder Weiß? Ich sage es euch: Es ist eure Aufgabe, mit Schwarz zu gewinnen! Ziemlich einfach, oder? Falls nicht, so ist mein kleiner Tipp: Ein wenig unkonventionell zu denken, kann sicher nicht schaden ... :-)

Viel Spaß, und seid kreativ! :)

FEN: 4k2r/8/2nPP1P1/5K2/B4P1N/1p6/4b1r1/R1R5 b k - 0 1

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:


Well I've looked for the solution for almost an hour before reading the comments, then I saw '0-0' I was like 'wtf black can castle??'

Then I guess it's a really easy problem, mate in two moves ;)

Btw @jaki01, we should play on lichess sometimes.

... then I saw '0-0' I was like 'wtf black can castle??'

Sure, why not? :-) Remember I suggested you to think "laterally". :-)

Please name the two moves which lead to the checkmate, so that everybody else can see the correct solution, too (remember, here are chess fans of very different playing strengths and chess experience ...)!

Bd3 Kf6 0-0#

That's it - congrats to be the "laterally-thinker" and winner of this round. :-)

Very creative chess problems (you should publish a book containing all these riddles)! This time even a kings move (castling) checkmated!

  1. Rochade: Kg8…Rf8!, Ke4
  2. g2 f2,

Ok, you suggest 1. ... 0-0+ (castling king's side) 2. Ke4 Rf2. White will answer 3. Bxc6. How did you plan to continue?

I'm sorry @jaki01, I was knocked out for one day of migraine.
@heimindanger did it very well. Of course first move the bishop and then 0-0. I did it wrong…

I really hope you feel better again now!?

Yes, thank you. I'ts always just for one day and then i feel okay. I've made it by my own. Too less sleep, too much Steemit.

oh boys @jaki01 @afrog - you are killing it - ich versteh überhaupt nix :-)

Nun, jedes Feld hat (denk' ans Schiffeversenken) eine eigene Koordinate. Das Feld unten links ist z. B. "h8". Durch benennen der Namen von Start- und Zielfeld können Züge aufgeschrieben werden. Wenn keine Verwechslung möglich ist, kann man es auch dabei belassen, nur das Symbol der ziehenden Figur und das Zielfeld zu nennen. Sonderzüge sind die kurze und lange Rochade, welche als 0-0 bzw. 0-0-0 dargestellt werden.
Bei Interesse findest du hier mehr: Schachnotation.

Lieben Dank @jaki01 - meine Frau spiel auch gerne, ich beherrsche nur die Basiszüge :-)

great post @jaki01

Thanks to be the first one commenting! ;-)
Do you also play chess?

E2- d3

Ok, you suggest 1. ... Bd3+ . White will answer 2. Kf6. How did you plan to continue?

nice, we are not suppose to right the answer write?

If nobody can solve the problem, I will give you the answer. But lets still wait a little bit ... :)

I didn't want to spoil the fun :P

The bishop is the most forcing move and the rest of the board looks like "you better make it happen now!" after the bishop there seems to be no forcing move left besides the rook but that puts the king in a spot where you cant get at it. For a moment that was much longer than I like to admit I wondered how to get the king to the other side of the rook.

Good post, keep the troll chess blog format, I likez it.

As you can see above, @heimindanger already posted the solution.

At the moment Black has the advantage. It's king is less vulnerable to attacks... then again White could easily ambush black's king. Therefore I would say White has the advantage.

Nice to see you commenting as well! :)
Yes, at the first glance it may seem that white has the advantage, but ... I wrote that it is black to move and win. So you have to find a way to win as black here.

Black needs to constantly put White's king in check, until black has a better position on the board. Then he or she can plan out his or her moves and put White at a disadvantage.

Haha, what matters here are only hard facts (concrete moves) not general descriptions. ;-)
What would you play, which moves?

I would pay White 1 Steem to quit :d or I would just quit the game and research how to become a better Chess player.

... of course you can become a better chess player, but be patient, it takes time to improve.
By the way, a good chess player also takes enough time to think thoroughly about every move ... so just take your time as well and think deeply. :)
Don't worry: in the rare case that nobody else can solve the problem, I will show you the solution later.

What's a good site to play? I might play a few games or so tonight and Steemit :)

Do you play Chess online?

You asked about good chess sites to play. You have for example:

Thanks! I'll check them out

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