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RE: Western Medicine Is The Leading Cause Of Death In America

in #health8 years ago

Absolutely. Comparing "number of deaths" due to negligence or error in western medicine to other causes of deaths is a fallacy. You need to compare it to the amount of good it does and lives it saves.


Exactly. It may cause around 500k deaths per year, but is saves 100x, 1000x, 10,000x lives each year and across history.

Hahahahaha wow are you serious?
So your saying because western medicine saves some lives that it ok that because of negligence that close to a million people die?
Thats like saying "yea that drunk driver killed someone from negligence but cars do way more good for humanity than bad so its ok"
ANYONE including doctors should be held responsible for killing someone ESPECIALLY due to negligence.
I am not going to even spend my time responding if you are just going to get stuck in a cognitive dissonance loop.
You can comment all you want. Of course you can believe whatever you want but I will challenge you to a live video debate any day of the week if you want to try and argue that its ok western medicine kills lose to a million people a year.

False analogy, @quinneaker. The argument in the post is like saying that since some deaths occur from drunk driving, no one should drive.

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