in #dtube6 years ago

To enable myself to travel I have to grab whatever work that's available.It varies from location to location. It can be very unglamorous work like cleaning or painting. I choose to earn money this way as it gives me freedom. Should I be defined by what work I do?

▶️ DTube

Greetings, Jacquis

Not for me. Status can define just as much money or influence as a person possesses.

For me, we are what we do. Unfortunately, it's no use just thinking about doing something, we have to do it. For example, a person can think full-time about charity, but he is very timid and fails to do so out of shyness. In case, she is not being charitable, she is being a shy person. There is a difference between her thinking and what she does. It is necessary that we try to get as close as possible to our thinking and action !!!!

I agree..theres definitely a big difference between those who 'do' and those who just talk and 'dont do '. I think also there's a fear attached to action at times..many people have the fear of failure. I think its better to try and fail..and then you just have to keep trying until you succeed.

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A very good question. I suppose that within society there's far too much emphasis on our occupation than what would ideally portray to others what a person is all about. Imagine a point system where one's score would be revealed when being asked a similar "probing" question. The various criteria would be for instance how happy is that person, or how kind that person is to others, or how creative is that person, etc.
Thing is, even then, while an individual with the lowest altruism score would appear unappealing as a person, society at large follows some of the most self centred personalities (we all know who they are... :-))

A person who works 3 jobs in order to adapt to circumstances should score high on resourcefulness and low on laziness, yet society would prefer the selfish celebrity any day of the week. In a way it's because society is still, despite all the technological and social advancements, quite tribal and worships the king of the jungle haha :-) Society is also vastly imperfect and unjust at times. For example we've somehow decided that dogs are the most adorable animals who deserve to live and be loved while we breed and cage pigs to a life of immense suffering and pain simply to fill up a sandwich, despite them being superior over dogs both intellectually as well as emotionally (some studies have suggested that a pig has the mental and emotional range on par with a 3-year-old human...)

Yet with all the imperfection of society, people are great!!! I'm sometimes in awe of some of the people I meet - some demonstrate selflessness helping out and caring for a loved one, some show creative brilliance, some build thriving businesses and Crypto portfolios out of thin air thanks to rare personal abilities, some are just fun to be with or talk to. So, having briefly explored these various angles in preparation to answer your question, I think that we as individuals are often programmed by society to ask certain questions and analyse the response we get in a certain manner. How old are you? Oh.. What do you? Oh, nice. Who do you live with? Oh, you're divorced...

While society does, broadly speaking, correlate with people's opinion, it's often imperfect and sometimes even completely distorted.
It really is up to us, free thinking individuals, to continuously evaluate our behaviour, opinions and life decisions, and make sure we align our ideals, morals, intellect and beliefs with how we behave and live our lives.

So interesting..yes I agree as humans we often have very diverse and contradictory opinions. Often your value is based on what you earn or what you own However some of the most interesting people I have met have very little in terms of possessions but have a wealth of knowledge and experience. The most caring occupations in our society ie nurses, carers are on a low income whereas as a society we reward more corporate positions with higher salaries.
I like to take people at face value..and try not to judge. We all have our own individual choices and those should be celebrated.
Thank you for your support and comments.

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